You’ve come along way, Cornbread! Cornbread has really evolved since first coming on the scene. Just as it sounds, it’s made from dried ground corn or cornmeal. As a staple crop of the South, corn has been used historically in a wide variety of foods. Before folks knew what a leavening agent was,corn was used in griddle cornbread and griddle Johnnycakes. And cooked ground corn, with a leavening agent or without,has always been a filling side dish. The same can be said for flour-based foods like dumplings or pasta. Flour has always been plentiful and versatile. It’s one ingredient that almost everyone has on the counter or in their refrigerator regardless of how much time they spend cooking. For these reasons, and because they can also be very filling, biscuits rank right up there with cornbread as a southern favorite. While everyone has a little something they do differently with their biscuits,here’s a hint to help you judge how yours turned out: if your family uses the gravy you made to go with the meat and potatoes for dipping your biscuits,you did a good job!