Chapter 17
Machine Age Wargames Rules
This game features the unit types of Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery. The first three occupy a frontage of 4–6 inches, whereas ordnance is deployed over a width of 2–3 inches. Any size or scale of figure may be used; wargamers should decide for themselves how many figures constitute a given unit.
Each complete turn comprises two player turns. Each wargamer follows the sequence listed below in his or her player turn:
Movement Allowances. Units may move up to the distances listed below during their turn:
Unit Type | Movement Distance |
Infantry, Heavy Infantry and Artillery | 6” |
Cavalry | 12” |
Turning. Units turn by pivoting on their central point. They may do so at the start and/or the end of their move.
Terrain. Units are affected by terrain as follows:
Moving and Shooting. Units may not shoot if they have moved during the same turn.
Interpenetration. Units may not pass through each other.
The procedure for shooting is as follows:
Adjudge Field of Fire. Units may only shoot at a single target within 45º of their frontal facing, except for:
Measure Range. Infantry, Heavy Infantry and Cavalry have a range of 12”; Artillery has a range of 48”.
Assess Casualties. Units roll a die when shooting. Infantry and Artillery use the unmodified score; the roll for Heavy Infantry is increased by 2; and the result for Cavalry is reduced by 2. The final score gives the number of hits the target acquires, which is modified by the following:
Units are eliminated upon the acquisition of 15 hits.
The procedure for these is as follows:
Determine Status. Both players roll a die, with the winner deciding whether to attack or defend.
Defender Entrenches. All defending units in the open are entrenched. These units are treated as being under cover.
Attacker Fires Barrage. The attacker targets 1–3 units before the start of the game (roll a die and halve the result, rounding up any fractions). Roll a die for each unit targeted; the victim immediately acquires the indicated number of hits.