
Chapter 18


I PULLED INTO JESSE’S driveway in front of his beautiful, contemporary-style home with brick and glass windows, nestled among the towering trees. It was one of the biggest homes in Big Bear Lake, so I was sure his mother was quite wealthy.  

After greeting me with a peck on the cheek, which almost sent me reeling to the floor in a whoosh of heat, Jesse gave me the grand tour. This house had everything from a gym, to a recreation room, to the most amazing home theater room with a mounted television that was the largest I’d ever seen in my life. There was a luxury swimming pool with a beautiful patio and terrace. Every single thing was perfectly arranged, the décor and immaculate design elements gave the house character. The whole place was sleek and stylish to the core.

“Did your mom hire an interior designer for this?” I asked. “It’s amazing.”

“No. She did it on her own.”

“Wow,” I complimented. “She has fantastic taste.”

He smiled as he led me to the room with the giant TV. My mouth dropped as I darted my eyes down in every direction, taking it all in. I tried to pretend like the gorgeous estate didn’t faze me, but that was impossible.  

Jesse went behind the bar.

“What can I get you to drink?” he offered.

“A Sprite would be great—or anything lemon-lime.”

He pointed to the corner of the room. “I’ve got Sierra Mist, if that’s okay.”

“Sure. Thanks.”

“Why don’t you start looking through the DVDs? We have a lot to pick from.”

I smiled. “You’re letting me pick the movie?” 


“Hmm. What if I pick some gushy chick flick?”

“As long as I’m watching it with you, I don’t care,” he said with a grin, placing ice into a glass.

I grinned and shook my head, once again amazed by how different he was from Sean, who always used to fight with me over movies.

“Thanks for that, Jesse,” I said.  

We snuggled on the couch and watched a Julia Roberts classic, Pretty Woman, then wandered out to the terrace to sit and talk. I waited there while Jesse got us some lemonade. As I was staring off into the dark but beautiful forest, he set our glasses down on the deck railing.

“I’m having such a good time,” I said.

“Me too.”

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, lifted the hair off my neck, and softly kissed one of the most sensitive spots on my body. Goosebumps erupted, and I gasped deeply. He lightly stroked and caressed my neck with his fingertips, then slid down along the spaghetti strap of my tank-top and kissed my shoulder, as if he knew it was a great turn-on for me, a sexy move that worked every time.

“Jesse,” I said, shivering with pleasure, “what are you doing?”

He moved up and down my neck, tickling me with open-mouthed kisses.

“What do you think?” he asked.

Each word caused his hot breath to blow across my skin, literally driving me crazy.

“ feels so good.”

“Good,” he whispered in my ear as his fingers glided down my bare arm. “I want you to feel good, Taylor—always.”

Shivers shot down my spine as he returned to the sweet spot on my neck. When he kissed me there again, I thought I might actually collapse because my legs turned to rubber.

All I have to do is turn around and claim his mouth in a mind-blowing kiss, I thought. It’d be that easy, that simple.

My heart pounded even harder as Jesse gave me slow, wet kisses all over my neck, then nibbled my ear with even lighter ones. When I felt his steaming breath as he blew on my ear, I could hardly contain myself.  

I spun around and turned to face him. He was wearing a sexy, naughty smile, staring hungrily at my lips. I’d never felt so desirable. I softly traced his lips, circling his mouth gently, a mouth that I knew I could spend an eternity kissing without ever tiring of it.

“I’m home!” a woman’s voice announced, jolting me from my fantastic thoughts.

I stepped away from Jesse and quickly straightened my shirt.

The woman cleared her throat, looking at us suspiciously.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything,” she said.

She was beautiful, her slim figure was dressed in a stylish blue pantsuit and her silky black hair twisted into an elaborate bun. In addition to having the same ebony hair, she also had the same nearly translucent light blue eyes as her son.  

“No,” I responded, “not at all.”

“I’m Shelia,” she said holding out her hand, “Jesse’s mom.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” I said taking her hand. “I’m Taylor.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you too,” she said with a smile as she shook my hand. “Jesse has told me all about you, so I’ve been looking forward to making your acquaintance.”

“Well, here she is,” Jesse said.

Shelia sat down on the porch with us, and we all chitchatted for about an hour before I had to get back home. I was sure I’d made a good impression. She seemed to like me and was just as warm and friendly as Jesse, not at all the oddball Jeanie had made me think she was. I had hoped to meet his brother and sister also, but they weren’t home. In any case, things were going well for me and Jesse, and meeting his mom made me feel even closer to him.

* * *


ON FRIDAY NIGHT, MY parents left me home alone while they went to an out-of-state book signing for the weekend. I felt a little safer this time because my dad had installed a security system. When nighttime came, though, I did start to get the creeps. I obsessively stared out the window watching for ski-masked or furry would-be intruders.  

Feeling lonely and a bit frightened, I texted Jesse, “I can’t stop thinking of you.”

“If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I’d be walking through my beautiful garden forever,” read the text I received in reply.

I gushed. Aw, I thought. He’s just the sweetest.

I texted back, “I love it when you text me sweet nothings, so here’s one for you. If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand.”

He replied, “Love it! If snowflakes were kisses, I’d send you a blizzard.”

A little while later I was sitting on the couch watching television, with Max curled up next to me, when I heard knocking coming from upstairs.

Oh my gosh! Not again!

My body froze with terror, but I was ready to bolt out of the house again if I had to. At least this time I was fully dressed. When the knocking finally subsided, I exhaled a long-held breath.

I got shakily to my feet. “Max, let’s go upstairs and check it out, boy,” I said to my faithful companion.

I refused to go unarmed, so I grabbed a butcher knife and let my dog lead the way. Again, I had to wonder if I was losing my mind, considering it wasn’t the first time I’d been creeping around my house, brandishing a sharp kitchen utensil. Still, I needed to confront my fears. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, I took a started boldly up the stairs, the wood creaking with every step I took.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I heard the knocking sound again. It was coming from my room. My heart thundered as I clutched the knife in a white-knuckled grasp. I walked to my room, reaching around to flick on the light switch, and then taking a look around. When I spotted the tree branches that were banging against the window, I could finally breathe again. The staccato rhythm of my heart settled down.  

My cell phone rang, making me jump. I reached into my pocket, grabbed it, and quickly answered, “Yeah?”

“Taylor? What’s wrong?” Jesse asked.

“I’m freaking out again. The branches were hitting the window...and I...”

“You shouldn’t be alone.”

“Right. Are you busy?”  

“I’m going night-fishing with my brother and sister on the boat. Wanna come?”

“I’d love to!” 

“Okay. I’ll be there soon.”

* * *


JESSE CAME RIGHT OVER and picked me up. I couldn’t wait to meet Sam and Kierra. I hoped they would accept me as easily as their mother had. The ride didn’t take long and we were there in no time.

We pulled in and parked at the edge of the lake. As we walked toward the dock, a thin girl with long, black hair and light blue eyes greeted me with a smile.

“I’m Kierra,” she said introducing herself, “Jesse’s big sister.”

She was gorgeous in a red wrap dress, which just reached the top of her knees, the color accentuated her pale complexion.

“Taylor,” I said, shaking her hand. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

“Likewise. I’ve heard many good things about you,” she said glancing over her shoulder. “Sam, she’s here!”

“Coming!” a voice called from the boat.

The guy who emerged was attractive, with the same ebony hair and light blue eyes as his mom and siblings.

“I thought you wanted to look good for your date?” he asked Jesse.

“I look fine.”

“Hmm. Looks to me like you stopped at the zoo and stole the gorilla’s face,” Sam teased.

“Ha-ha,” Jesse said, shooting me a look and adding, “See what I have to put up with?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at their brotherly banter.

“Thank God I inherited the intelligent genes,” Kierra said.

“Right,” Sam said, spinning to face her. “Since you joined the family tree, I’ve been dying to cut it down.”

“Whatever,” she said.

Jesse shook his head. “You’re just trying to embarrass me, Sam.” 

“And is it working?” 

“Yes, so cut the crap. You promised to be on your best behavior.”

Sam playfully slugged Jesse’s arm right on his tattoo. “Just kidding, lil’ bro.”

“This is Taylor,” Jesse said introducing me to Sam.

He grinned. “She is just as hot as you described her.” 

Jesse playfully slugged him back, and Sam nudged him in the ribs.

“Nice to meet you, Taylor,” Sam said. “In case you haven’t guessed, I’m Sam, the coolest of our little trifecta.”

I smiled, then looked from Sam to Kierra. “It’s nice to meet you both.”  

He winked. “The pleasure’s all mine.” 

“You all have the same pretty blue eyes,” I told them.

“It’s a curse,” answered Sam.

I laughed. “A nice one then,” I said smiling. “I’ve never seen blue eyes that light.”

“It’s not a nice curse at all, but I do enjoy getting the ladies’ attention with my weird peepers. Can you fish?”

A cool breeze ruffled my long hair. “Yep. Just wait and see. I’m gonna bring in the big one.”

“Hmm. Well, that’s going to be hard with me on your boat. I’m a regular Captain Ahab.”

“Yeah...with cereal for brains like Captain Crunch,” Jesse teased.

“Just ignore Sam, Taylor,” Kierra said. “He didn’t get enough oxygen during birth.”

“Never a dull moment with my family,” Jesse whispered in my ear. “If he starts repeating everything she says like some cockamamie parrot, we’re outta here.”

“We’ll jump ship if we have to,” I whispered back smiling.

We walked down the long dock, and Jesse helped me aboard. Kierra started the boat, and we sped off to what the trio assured me was the perfect fishing spot. Jesse handed me a fishing pole, then started sorting through the colorful lures in the tackle box. I listened carefully as Sam gave me some fishing tips. The boat stopped and wavered slightly in the water.

“We’re here,” Kierra called to us.

Jesse hooked my lure up for me, and I wasted no time in raising the rod tip. In one swooping motion, I threw out my line.  

“I love to fish at night,” Jesse said as he stood next to me. “It’s nice to get away and just hang out.”

I lifted my head and looked up at the black velvet sky, speckled with twinkling stars. “Yeah, it’s so beautiful out here on Big Bear Lake.”

We all chatted for a while. I could tell they were a close-knit family, like my own, and I loved being around them. In spite of Fred’s speculation that they were witches, I felt completely comfortable in their presence.

Suddenly, my pole jerked, and I gave it a quick tug. “I got a bite!” I said. The fishing line screamed out of the aluminum casting reel as a giant fish stole the hook, line, and almost me. Luckily, I caught my balance. I hauled back on my fishing pole, bending it in such a sharp arc that it nearly snapped. I stole a glance at Jesse, shooting him a triumphant smile. “I told you I’d bring in a big one.”

“And you delivered!” he said. “I never doubted you for a minute.”

“Are you sure you didn’t snag a submarine?” Sam asked jumping off the chrome rail of the boat.

“Feels like it. As I reeled in the line, the crank handle spun and clicked like crazy. The tug-of-war went on for a while, and my muscles began to ache from the strain. “I swear this thing’s fighting harder than Mike Tyson!”  

Powerful deck lights mounted high above me illuminated the surface of the water. Big Bear Lake pitched and churned like a pan of boiling water. The fish broke the surface in a clatter of spray, thrashing its head as it danced on its tail.

When I caught sight of its black-striped body, my eyes widened. “Look at that!”

Sam whistled and cheered. “Bravo!”

“Wow!” Kierra said clapping. “It’s a largemouth bass.”  

“She’s a real beauty,” Jesse said. “I knew coming out here at night would pay off.”

He helped me haul the exhausted, two-foot fish up over the rail of the sailboat.

With a thud, the metallic-scaled bass hit the deck. The fish had a big mouth, and its upper jaw extended past its eyes. The fish’s body was dark green, with greenish-yellow sides and a dark stripe running down its side. Its fins shimmered in the silver moonlight. Applause erupted as everyone hopped and twisted to avoid the thrashing monster.

“The only thing bigger than that fish is the smile on your face,” Kierra said, cheering me on, “oh, and Sam’s ego.”

I laughed. Night-fishing under a sky full of shining stars would be on my list of favorite things from that night on. Catching a giant fish was just an added bonus.

The fish wriggled its fins and smacked its body against the deck, and I jumped back as its forked tail slapped across my legs. I wiped the water off my face with my tank-top. “How much do you think it weighs?”   

“At least twenty pounds,” Sam answered running his fingers over the slimy fish.

I brushed off my cutoff shorts and straightened my tank-top, then pulled out my camera and handed it to Kierra. “Can you get a picture of me and Jesse with the fish?”

“No way!” she answered with a laugh. “This is your moment in the limelight. Don’t let Jesse steal your thunder.”

I smiled. Even though I wanted a picture of Jesse and me together, I couldn’t argue with her logic. “All right. Just me then.” I held the fish and felt my lips stretch into a wide grin. I couldn’t wait. I planned to send the pic to everybody across the entire planet by morning. My biggest regret was that Jesse wouldn’t be in it, which would have been a nice touch for the ex.

“Okay. On the count of three. One...two...three!” With that, Kierra snapped the photo.

The bright flash blinded me, and white spots danced in my vision. I sighed and straightened up, then glanced at the LCD screen. “It’s perfect! Thanks.”

“ we keep it for dinner or let it go?” Sam asked.

“We should throw it back,” I said. “I just wanted a picture with it.”

Sam threw the bass back and it hit the water with a loud splash. I was happy to see it swim off. Jesse, Sam, and Kierra caught lots of fish too, but we didn’t keep any of them, and none of them were as big as my first catch of the night.

“Let’s try a different spot, sis,” Sam suggested.

Kierra started up the boat, and we sped across the lake.

Jesse put an arm around me as the wind blew my hair around over and over again. I looked at him, and he smiled the most delicious movie star smile I’d ever seen. The moonlight made his winter-blue eyes sparkle even more than usual, rivaling the stars above us.

“This is a great spot,” Kierra said with a smile as she stopped the boat. “I’ve had lots of luck here.”

This time, Jesse and I didn’t fish. We just gazed into each other’s eyes and talked while Kierra and Sam tried, without success to outdo my catch.

When I looked off into the woods, a flash of white caught my attention. I peered closer and saw another flash of white. Something moved in the bushes, and I smiled as I saw the outline of an animal. It took a few more steps out of the greenery and started to sip water from the edge of the lake. As my eyes focused, I realized it was a buck, white as snow and stunningly majestic.

“What are you looking at?” Jesse asked.

“Don’t you see it?”

“See what?”

“That deer over there, a white buck sipping water.”

“No,” he said squinting toward the shore.

“Huh?” I asked. “I’m looking right at it.”

“Taylor, I have excellent eyesight, better than most, and I don’t see anything.”

“Look! It lifted its head.”

“Kierra!” Jesse called. “C’mere!”

“What’s up?” she asked rushing to my side.

“Taylor says there’s a white buck on the shore,” Jesse told her. “I don’t see anything, do you?”

“I don’t see it,” she answered looking intently.  

“Me neither,” Sam said, approaching from my right.

Kierra shot Sam and Jesse a look, as if they thought I was some kind of nutcase, making me suddenly wish I’d kept my mouth shut. I had no idea why I was being plagued by hallucinations, but in that moment, I also had to wonder if I’d really heard a wolf in our house the night my parents had gone out and I’d ended up at McDonald’s in my bathrobe.

Maybe all this fresh mountain air is making me chronically lightheaded, I thought.

“You know what that means,” Kierra whispered to her brothers. “She’s been chosen as a petal which means she comes from the bloodline of a...”

“Just keep your mouth shut,” Sam said.

“But she has every right to know,” Kierra argued.

“Do you want your head on the chopping block?” 

“Jesse, she needs to know,” Kierra said. “She’s been marked.”

“This weird voice told me I was a marked petal when I was chasing Max in the woods at this creepy place we found,” I said cutting in.

“It’s starting,” Kierra said. “And you know what this means!”

“What’s going on?” I asked, crossing my arms and looking at them, not at all happy about them talking about me like I wasn’t there.

“There’s a legend that those who have been marked as a petal will have guardians to keep them safe,” Jesse answered still gazing toward the water’s edge.

“A petal?” I asked, “And why would I need a guardian?”

“Because you’ve been chosen. And there are people who will try to kill you because of that.”

“Is that why somebody was in my house that night? They were trying to kill me?”

“Possibly. Besides protection, the guardians hand out blessings too,” Sam added. “You caught a twenty-pound bass back there on your first cast. We don’t usually catch anything bigger than ten-pounders.”  

“What’s a petal?” I asked. “Please you’ve got to tell me everything.”

“Six petals form the flower for the ceremony,” Kierra explained. “It’s an ancient tradition, practiced every 100 years. I’m not sure on all the details, but I can dig more into it. I wish I could tell you more, but that’s all I know.”

“Pssh. That sounds like something off of The X Files or one of those Sy-Fy shows,” I said skeptically. “It’s just a myth, like the bogeyman, Bigfoot, and aliens being kept alive with strawberry ice cream, but what’s this so-called ceremony about?”

Jesse handed my fishing pole back to me and rolled his eyes at his brother and sister.

“Don’t let my siblings scare you. Let’s leave myths in the books and concentrate on fishing.”

“I didn’t mean to freak you out,” Kierra said. “I just got carried away, that’s all.”

“You had me worried there for a minute. It was only a buck,” I replied. “Maybe my imagination just got carried away again.”

We continued talking and fishing, but the mood had morphed into something depressing and somber, almost as dark as the night itself. Something was wrong, and I wondered what they were hiding. It was either that or they just felt sorry for me, the lunatic who had seen an invisible buck.  

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me: What if a curse really was placed on me when I opened the tin box? Am I really marked now? My breath hitched in my throat. What have I done? Have I really unleashed some horrible curse? But the woman said she’d protect me, and even Jesse said the myth speaks of protection. I frowned. But protection from what? I had no idea. The one thing I did know was that my mind couldn’t take much more of the freaky happenings. I wanted so badly to confide in Jesse, but I didn’t want him to think I was totally crazy. I was sure he had his doubts about me after the McDonald’s bathrobe escapade, and now I was seeing Bambi the friendly ghost. I feared that if I told him about the strange whisperings in the wind, it would be just enough to send him over the edge. I didn’t want him to kick me to the curb.

I didn’t get home until around seven a.m., and Jesse searched the house and said it was clear. After telling him goodbye, I turned on the new security system my dad had gotten and cranked up the air conditioning. I pulled the drapes and made the room as dark as I could, then jumped into bed. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I spent the rest of the weekend looking for that white buck, my potential protector, but I didn’t see anything. I even tried to Google myths, but I saw nothing about mortal sacrifices, petals, and white bucks. I didn’t know what to make of it.

Fortunately, I wasn’t encumbered with any more voices or visions, and everything went smoothly while I waited for my parent’s return on Sunday afternoon.