
Chapter 24


I SAT BY THE FIRE, lounging on an antique chair and enjoying the warmth of the flickering flames. The castle was so chilly, and it felt good to warm myself to the bones. 

Footsteps echoed from behind, and a familiar voice said, “I thought I heard someone in here. Hello, Taylor.”

“Hello, Ethan.”

“Jesse is looking for you,” he said.

“He was hanging out with some childhood friends, so I decided to give him some time.”

“It is clear you are not the jealous type.”

“Why would you say that?” I asked.

“Because three of his friends are beautiful girls.”

“Oh. Well, I trust Jesse completely, and I’m not possessive or clingy or shallow like that. I trust your son one hundred percent.”

“You do know many secrets about him, and you have been through a lot together. I imagine that would forge a strong bond.”

“Jesse has put his life on the line to save me countless times. I don’t think I need to worry about any other girls.”

“As pretty and confident as you are, you still are human. He will always have to protect you if you remain in your current form. It is good that you trust him.”

“I do. I know he won’t do anything to hurt me.”

Ethan took a seat down in the opposite chair. “I am not so sure this is healthy for you though.”

“What?” I asked, confused.

“You have left all of your life behind to devote your life to him.”

“It wasn’t my choice to leave everyone I loved, and I never intended to steal Jesse away from his life either. Things just spiraled out of control.”

His gaze narrowed. “Do you have any idea of the danger you have put my son in?”

I swallowed hard.

“Loraine never would have allowed it. Though I have my qualms about her, she does love our children dearly and will obviously go to great lengths to protect him.”

“She didn’t allow it. We ran away together,” I admitted. I knew Ethan was right. I had put Jesse in danger. Because of me, he would likely be on the run for the rest of my life, and he didn’t deserve such a fate. His only crime had been falling in love with me, and he was already paying dearly for it. 

“His life will remain in danger. He will always have to stay one step ahead of a death sentence, as long as he insists on being with you,” Ethan said bluntly.

I looked away, consumed by guilt. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Your life is falling apart, Taylor. You can’t even go back to your home in Big Bear Lake.”

“I’m well aware,” I said. “If I go home, I’ll be murdered. That’s a lot of incentive to stay away.”

“Jesse is a young, vibrant, good-looking man, and he could have a bright future, but he gave it all up for what? A human girl. My health is failing every minute, but my son’s body is in prime condition. He has his strength, his vitality, and he wastes it by making foolish choices that will ultimately spell his doom. I would do anything to trade places with him, and I would make far better choices than he has.”

“You mean you would not love someone like me?” I asked.

He pondered the question for a moment. “I suppose I do owe you something. If you hadn’t been chased, he never would have come here, and I wouldn’t have reunited with him before my death. I do not hate you, Taylor. I am just upset that Jesse’s life is at risk because of you. If anything happens to my boy before I...” he said, his voice trembling.

My voice wavered as I said, “I feel the same. Jesse means everything to me.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Suddenly, the fire felt unbearably hot. “I-I need some air.” I got up and left, grabbed my coat, slipped on my boots and gloves, and ran outside.



BY THE TIME JESSE FOUND me, I was a hot mess. I explained everything, and he held me close.  “Your father says he doesn’t hate me, but I know he does,” I said. “He resents me for stealing you away from your perfect life, for forcing you to have to be on the run.” I stared into his eyes. “I-I’m so sorry I took everything away from you. I know you miss your family. I’m just sick about it.”

“Taylor...” he said, hugging me tightly.

I cried into his shoulder. “When I saw you turn into a vampire, I thought that if I stayed with you, my life would be in danger, but you were never the danger. All along, it was me! I thought my dad would be saying things like that to you, not the other way around.”

He wiped my tears with his thumbs. “Between the two of us, I think I’m definitely the monster in this relationship.”

I playfully slugged him. “You’re not. You’re just a sweet guy with a big troublemaker. I mean, it’s not just you. Fred is also here because of me, and now he’s going on trial. Do you know how heavily that weighs on me? And Grant’s in jail too.”

“I brought us here,” he said. “If anyone is to blame, it’s me.”

“No, I’m nothing but trouble. I’m trying to be strong and work through it, but as your dad says, I’m only human. I feel like I’m on some crazy rollercoaster ride through sinking sand. I’m trying to get everyone out, but we all just keep sinking deeper. You need to leave me, to get as far away from me as possible. I’m poison to you, Jesse—as poisonous as those weapons that made your father sick. I’m no good for you, nothing but a death sentence. Now I see why all the other guys left me.”

He looked deeply into my eyes. “Taylor, I’m not like them. I’ll fight for you. We’re starting a new life together, and I’ll always be by your side. I promise you I won’t let you drown.”

“But we both have bull’s-eyes on our backs,” I said.

“Then we’ll go deep into hiding. No matter what, we’ll stay alive...and together.”

“No matter what we do or where we go, we’ll always be a target.”

He cupped my face. “Then we’ll just have to make sure we’re always moving targets.”

I laughed.

“There’s that beautiful giggle I love. We can’t erase the mark, but we’ll do whatever we can to cover it up and stay out of the way of our enemies.”

“You must really love me if you’re willing to put up with all this drama.”

He gazed into my soul, peering at me so intensively. “True love is worth fighting for.”

I smiled as my eyes welled with tears. “I’d have to agree.”

He pushed a strand of hair from my eyes. “I love you unconditionally and will support you with all my heart.”

“Even though my bloodline has gotten us in so much trouble?”

“Your bloodline makes you who you are, and you’re beautiful. I love you just the way you are. Besides, I haven’t the right to judge anyone’s bloodline, considering my very odd family tree.”

“I know. I just bring so much tension, so much chaos to the table. I’m scared I’m gonna lose you.”

“Hey, I’m not going anywhere,” he said softly. “I’ll always be in your corner, and I’ll support you no matter what. I’ll always have your back.”

His words were sweeter than honey. We just looked into each other’s eyes in that intense moment. Jesse was willing to put up with it all for me, all that craziness, and I admired him for being so strong. He wasn’t some pretty boy off on a summer-lovin’ adventure; he was so much more than that, and I was just getting to know him, unraveling his beautiful layers one by one, like opening one present after another.

“Our relationship is a little more complicated than most,” he said, “and we are dealing with a lot of extraordinary circumstances, but I’m not gonna let that stop me. You’re worth it, Taylor.”

“I’ve never been prouder to call you my boyfriend,” I said. “I’m more in love with you now than I was yesterday. I love you more every day, Jesse.”

He cupped my cheeks. “And you still take my breath away.”

Jesse was there for me even when my world seemed to be crumbling around me. His dad had tried to convince me that we were on a collision course, but I didn’t believe that.

Jesse hugged me once again and stroked my back.

“Why does it hurt so bad?” I asked. “One minute, my life was completely normal. I was the master of my own destiny. Then, all of the sudden, my life spiraled out of control. Talk about drowning. That is exactly how I feel during these rough times.”

He stroked my face. “The hard times don’t matter. I’m here with you.”

“Thank you, baby.”

I had been through so much, lost so many people, but I’d learned never to take anything for granted. With Jesse, I wanted to make every precious minute, every touch, and every kiss count. I hugged him tight. There was no doubt that life was hard for us, but Jesse was my light in the darkness. I could breathe easier when I was around him. I might have been destined to die, but I knew I wasn’t fighting the battle by myself. Sometimes the obstacles seemed impossible, but because of Jesse, I had hope that anything was possible. 

“I just wish I wasn’t stuck in this bloodline,” I complained. 

He squeezed me tight. “We have both been hurt by our heritage. Even still, we have to learn to deal with the scars for what they are. We can’t let our past haunt us. We have to keep moving forward. That’s the only way to conquer the past.” He kissed me deeply, then gazed down at me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I’m going to talk to my father.”

“No, don’t. It will only make things worse. I really can’t blame the guy. He’s just worried for his son. Good fathers are like that. I just took it hard because I’m stressed out. I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Still having those weird dreams?”

“Yes. I remember kissing you,” I said.

“You dreamt about me?”

“All the time,” I said sweetly, “but I can’t get any sleep.”

He smiled, as if flattered, and I couldn’t bear to tell him the sinister side of my nightly visions. 



BACK INSIDE, I WENT to my room to grab a sweater. There, I found a large bouquet of beautiful, red roses on my dresser, along with a card and a box of delectable chocolates. “So thoughtful,” I said, smiling at the thought of Jesse. The roses smelled lovely and were so fragrant, and the card was sweet and heartfelt.

I actually cried. I had told him that he should leave me, yet he had left a special gift for me instead. I knew then, if I didn’t know already, that our love was something to be treasured and cherished. Those flowers symbolized hope, love, and passion, proved how special I was to him. I would cherish that sweet gesture forever.

When Jesse walked in, I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. “Thank you,” I said. “I love you so much.”

His mouth covered mine in a fantastic kiss.

“Also, thanks for working so hard to keep us safe and alive,” I said. “I know I don’t say it enough, but I appreciate everything you’re doing. You’re the greatest boyfriend. Thank you for just...loving me so much.”

“Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life.”

I smiled. He was lying about that, of course, because I couldn’t even stand myself sometimes. I could be difficult and moody, and I was always stressed out. I had dumped heaps of havoc into his life, but he loved me nonetheless, and I believed that with every fiber of my being.