Second Night
Your affirmation for today: I carry the fire of profound creativity within me. I have access to the creative power of Spirit whenever I need it!
Your symbol for today: fire
Begin your day: If at all possible, begin this day by watching the sun rise. Using primordial language, as explained in Section 1, make a wish. Keep this wish to yourself; tell no one. Read the affirmation for the day. Today’s segment concentrates on fire, associating this energy with that of creativity. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, smile, and allow Spirit to fully enter your body. Then repeat the word fire softly, conjuring your vision of sacred fire in your mind. Open your eyes, and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Remember to smile as you finish! Throughout the day, repeat the affirmation as many times as you like. Begin and end with a smile. Write down in a small notebook (or your HedgeWitch journal) anything unusual about this day and events, people, or places that carry a strong fire association for you. In this way, you will be prepared to perform the second night Rite of Fire.
To do today: Choose one small, creative project that you have always wanted to try but just never seemed to get around to doing. Use the primordial language of the universe to state what you want to do. Today, look for opportunities that might help you begin this little project. Find a small red box. Decorate it if you like, or leave it as is. This will become your HedgeWitch project box.
Today I will release…all old photographs and memorabilia that remind me of negative events, people, and bad behavior. I will, if I can, burn all these items and repeat aloud my intention to remove these memories from my life. If I can’t burn them, I will ... (you choose how you will dispose of them off your property).
Weekly planner: If you are spending a week on this rite, look through Sections 4 and 5 of this book and choose one or more projects, techniques, or formulas that you feel relates to fire magick, passion, or inspiration, and make those items. One suggestion might be learning to make HedgeWitch candles (see Section 5).
Herbs for today: dried (whole or powdered) cinnamon, hot peppers, galangal, cloves
Supplies for tonight: above-listed herbs, one red candle, one red piece of felt (or a red envelope), red string, a lock of your hair, incense and holder, your red HedgeWitch project box, your HedgeWitch journal, pen, small piece of paper
Rite of Fire
Light incense. Pass over working area. Place the representation of your magick key (see page 48) near your other supplies for this night. Smile. Close your eyes, and envision yourself surrounded by white light. Take thirteen slow, even breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. When you feel relaxed, open your eyes, smile, and repeat today’s affirmation three times. Smile again.
Pick up the red candle and hold it with both hands. Smile. Close your eyes. Imagine the candle is filled with radiating light. Say: “Peace with the gods, peace with nature, peace within.” Smile. Open your eyes.
On the red candle, inscribe the word fire with a pin, nail, or clay-inscribing tool. Place the candle in the appropriate holder. Mix the cinnamon, hot peppers (just a tad), galangal, and cloves together. Sprinkle the herbs around the base of the candle. Put your magick key beside the candle and herbs. Light the candle, and hold your hands toward the candle and herbs. Intone the following charm:
Herbal magick, speak to me
Of fire! Passion! Creativity!
Of Spirit’s gift of steady flow
And herbs of flame that make things go.
Thank you!
Meditate for a few minutes on the meaning of fire in the life of a spiritual person. Smile, and repeat today’s affirmation as much as necessary, followed by the word fire. To conclude, chant the word fire several times, smile, and then open your eyes. Draw your personal fire sigil in your journal and on a small piece of paper. On the back of the small paper, write the project that you wish to begin. Place the paper on top of the felt square. Sprinkle the paper with some of the herbs from around the candle. Add a lock of your hair. Fold the felt toward you and then roll it toward you. Tie it with the red string. Place the rolled felt in your red HedgeWitch project box. Close the box. Tap the lid three times, and say:
Easy! Easy! Easy! It always works. Always a blessing.
This rite is ended. Thank you!
Remember to smile!
Place the box where you can see it but where no one else will disturb it. Allow the candle to burn completely. Offer remaining herbs outside to Spirit, saying: “Thank you!” Dispose of cold candle end and incense. Remember to record any feelings or experiences about fire energy in your journal. Don’t forget to write about any dreams you may have this night!
When you have successfully finished your project, burn the red felt packet, remembering to thank the source of all things, and sprinkle the ashes to the wind. Cleanse the inside of the project box by sprinkling a bit of fresh HedgeWitch formula cleansing water (like you made for the first night’s rite) in the box. Allow the box to completely dry before closing. Your project box will then be ready to use again anytime you desire!
Before you drift off to sleep, close this evening by saying:
Peace with the gods
Peace with nature
Peace within.
It always works.
Always a blessing.
Remember to smile!