Lily could barely concentrate as she went upstairs to breakfast. The other fairies were talking in high-pitched, excited voices and flitting about the breakfast table. They were chattering so loudly that they didn’t notice how quiet Lily was.
The single topic of conversation was what this year’s fancy-dress theme would be.
“I bet it will be Famous Fairies from History,” said Fawn. “If it is, I’ll go as Tinker Bell!”
Lily knew she should say something about her famous sister, but she was too lost in thought to say a word.
“I hope it’s Magic Animals,” said a fairy named Arabella. She was a mainland fairy and seemed much kinder than the Townley sisters. “I would be a magical unicorn.”
The other fairies chimed in.
“And I’d be a dragon!”
“And I’d be a phoenix with rainbow wings!”
“It’s no use guessing,” said Claudine. “We won’t know what the theme is until Queen Titania’s letter arrives.”
Lily’s mind was still on Avery. “The unfairness of it all!” she said out loud.
The fairies were silent.
“Lily Bell?” said Amanda. “Are you saying our queen is unfair?”
“Your queen?” said Lily. She was embarrassed that she had not been following the conversation.
“Queen Titania sends us a letter announcing the costume theme on the morning of the party,” said Amanda, as if Lily were a simpleton. “Then we observe a code of fairy silence until all the costumes are made.”
“That’s the way it has always been done,” said Claudine. “And the way we’ll do it this year – even with you island fairies here. There’s nothing unfair about it.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean—”
There was a sharp knock at the front door.
“Queen Titania’s page!”
A young fairy in a smart gold outfit arrived on the doorstep of Amanda and Claudine’s house. She presented Amanda with a scroll.
All the fairies gathered around the letter with great excitement.
“Remember! Silence from now on,” said Amanda. She unrolled the scroll and hung it up on the wall behind her.
Lily just hoped that the costume theme would be something perfect for her. But whatever it is, she thought, I’ll do my best for Sheepskerry.
When she looked at the scroll, her face fell. It was in very fancy handwriting. It must have been written by Queen Titania herself!
None of the fairies made a sound. Lily looked up at the wall of words and did what Faith told her to do. She took a deep breath and focused her eyes on the swirling words, one at a time. But still the letters pushed together and the words floated around the page. She could only make out a word here and there.
Where was Clara, who read to her every night? Or Rosie, who would have whispered every word written on the scroll? Where was Silver, who’d say the code of silence was silly and everyone should help one another?
Lily’s wings were shaking and she was sure her face was as pale as birch bark. What if she did not know what kind of costume she was to wear to the party?
The fairies began to float away, one by one, all with great grins on their faces. Soon only Claudine was left. Lily took a break from trying to read the scroll. She looked over at Claudine for a moment.
“Whatever’s the matter, Lily Bell?” Claudine whispered.
Lily shook her head. She did not want to break the code of silence!
“Queen Titania won’t mind if we talk a little now,” said Claudine. “The competition doesn’t start officially until the Magical Treasure Chest arrives.”
“Truly?” asked Lily.
“Truly,” said Claudine. “Honest.”
“It’s just that—”
“You have trouble reading, don’t you, Lily?” said Claudine.
It was the first time it felt hard to reply to that question. “Yes,” she said. “I do.”
If Lily had not been looking down at her sweet little red boots, she might have seen a very small smile cross Claudine’s face. “Not to worry,” Claudine told Lily. “Here. Let me read it to you.”
Claudine turned to face the scroll on the wall. This is what she told Lily it said:
“Titania, Queen of the Mainland, does hereby announce and decree that each fairy attending the
shall create her own costume
(in silence with no help from others),
using seven items from
and elements from nature.
Each fairy
shall dress in the manner of a
W I T C H.”
Claudine paused. “Got that, Lily?” she asked.
“Got it,” said Lily. “Thank you, Claudine! Thank you so much. I’ll make the best witch costume ever.”
Claudine smiled. “You do that, Lily Bell,” she said. “And may the best fairy win.”