Series Editor: Mark Selden

This series charts the frontiers of Asia in global perspective. Central to its concerns are Asian interactions—political, economic, social, cultural, and historical—that are transnational and global, that cross and redefine borders and networks, including those of nation, region, ethnicity, gender, technology, and demography. It looks to multiple methodologies to chart the dynamics of a region that has been the home to major civilizations and is central to global processes of war, peace, and development in the new millennium.

Titles in the Series

China’s Unequal Treaties: Narrating National History, by Dong Wang

The Culture of Fengshui in Korea: An Exploration of East Asian Geomancy, by Hong-Key Yoon

Precious Steppe: Mongolian Nomadic Pastoralists in Pursuit of the Market, by Ole Bruun

Managing God’s Higher Learning: U.S.-China Cultural Encounter and Canton Christian College (Lingnan University), 1888–1952, by Dong Wang

Queer Voices from Japan: First Person Narratives from Japan’s Sexual Minorities, edited by Mark McLelland, Katsuhiko Suganuma, and James Welker

Yōko Tawada: Voices from Everywhere, edited by Douglas Slaymaker

Modernity and Re-enchantment: Religion in Post-revolutionary Vietnam, edited by Philip Taylor

Water: The Looming Crisis in India, by Binayak Ray

Windows on the Chinese World: Reflections by Five Historians, by Clara Wing-chung Ho

Tommy’s Sunset, by Hisako Tsurushima

Lake of Heaven: An Original Translation of the Japanese Novel by Ishimure

Michiko, by Bruce Allen

Imperial Subjects as Global Citizens: Nationalism, Internationalism, and Education in Japan, by Mark Lincicome

Japan in the World: Shidehara Kijūrō, Pacifism, and the Abolition of War, Volumes I and II, by Klaus Schlichtmann

Filling the Hole in the Nuclear Future: Art and Popular Culture Respond to the Bomb, edited by Robert Jacobs

Radicalism, Revolution, and Reform in Modern China: Essays in Honor of Maurice Meisner, edited by Catherine Lynch, Robert B. Marks, and Paul G. Pickowicz

The “Other” Karen in Myanmar: Ethnic Minorities and the Struggle without Arms, by Ardeth Thawnghmung