- Meats. See also specific meats
- benefits of eating less, 1
- red, 1, 2, 3
- Mediterranean diet, 1
- Menus, seasonal, 1
- fall, 1
- spring, 1
- summer, 1
- winter, 1
- Milk
- lean and green prescription for, 1
- organic, 1, 2, 3, 4
- weight-loss claims about, 1
- Mini meals, weight loss and, 1
- Mint
- Minty Spinach Pea Soup, 1
- Roasted Carrots with Mint, 1
- Stuffed Tomatoes with Quinoa, Raisins, and Mint, 1
- Monounsaturated fats, 1
- Multivitamin, 1
- Muscle mass, produce protecting, 1, 2