Can we eat our way to a greener lifestyle? Can we eat our way to better health and a better weight?

The answer is a resounding yes. If we make better choices, and if we consume a more appropriate amount of food and “food energy” from the planet.

Welcome to Part III of your program. Here in week 4, you will take the next important step of greening your plate. And you’ll learn why lean plates are also green when it comes to beans and nuts, dairy products, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. While each chapter delves into great detail, here are the highlights, along with the specific action steps you can take now to start shedding pounds from your life.


  1. LOVE THOSE LA LUSCIOUS LEGUMES. Eat more plant- based proteins, such as beans, legumes, and tofu, for the ultimate lean and green overlap.
  2. SEEK GREENER PASTURES. Switch to sustainable dairy products, in more sustainable portion sizes. Reduce your intake of high-calorie, high-fat, high-carbon dairy products to lighten your loads even further.
  3. EAT LIKE A LOCAVORE. Local and seasonal produce isn’t a silver bullet for a global warming diet, but it does help cool your diet in many respects, and it has tons of nutrition and health benefits to boot. Eat “like a local” more often by loading up on local produce that’s in season.