Welcome to Part IV of your program. Here in week 5, your goal is to bring the portion sizes of some of your most bloated food items back into a better balance for vitality, health, weight, and carbon footprint.

Part IV also tackles one of the biggest elephants in the room, industrial food. We’re eating less “food” today and more “food products.” We rise and shine with “food” that seems more appropriate for someone on the NASA space station rather than a child heading off to school—highly processed, shrink-wrapped in enough packaging to survive the next Katrina, specifically engineered to overwhelm the senses with salty, sweet, or one of a zillion flavors, and containing a smattering of nutrients tossed in to fool us into thinking it’s “healthy.” It’s confusing, it’s overwhelming, and too much of it is unhealthy for your body and for the planet.

It’s time to redefine the idea of a “value meal” with one that doesn’t cost more, or take any more time to make. While each chapter delves into great detail, here is the “Cliffs Notes” version, as well as the specific action steps you can take now.


  1. REDISCOVER ANCIENT GRAINS. Packed with nutrition, health benefits, and slimming power, ancient grains are making a comeback to a supermarket near you. It’s time to start eating more of these delicious grains, in the right amounts to feel full and satisfied while also taking a bite out of your carbon.
  2. CUT THE CRAP. Cut back on highly refined, highly processed, and packaged food products. You’ll slow your carbon burn and possibly blood sugar swings (which can cause cravings).
  3. FOCUS ON LEAN, CLEAN FATS. Purge the super-high-carbon trans fats from your pantry, and focus on fats that move you to better health and weight instead.