**TEXT: W. D. Ross, OCT, Oxford, 1964

1‘Understanding’ here, and throughout the Analytics, translates ἐπιστήμη.

2‘Proposition’ here and hereafter translates πρότασις.

3‘Deduction’ here and hereafter translates συλλoγισμός.

4See Topics 102a27–30.

5See Posterior Analytics I 4–12.

6See Chapters 1317.

7See Chapter 46.

8Ross excises the passage in brackets.

9Aristotle’s promise is not kept in any text we possess.

10Ross excises the passage in brackets.

11Ross excises the bracketed sentence (see 39a1).

12See Posterior Analytics I 19–22.

13Ross excises the passage in brackets.

14See Prior Analytics II 14.

15i.e. the Topics.

16Omitting τήν before πoδιαίαν and reading oὖσαν for oὔσας.

17This promise is not kept in Aristotle’s extant works.

18See 57a40–b17.

19Ross excises the bracketed phrases.

20Ross excises this paragraph.

21See Topics VIII 1.

22See Sophistical Refutations 167b21–36.

23See Plato, Meno 81B-86B.

24In the manuscripts, this sentence appears after ‘not together’, line 8: it was transposed by Pacius.

25Tredennick suggests this excision: Ross changes ‘whatever is bileless’ to ‘C’.

26Reading πρoσειληφέναι, τὴν AΓ.

27Excised by Ross.

28Some of these matters are considered in Rhetoric II 25.

29This sentence is transposed to the start of the chapter by Ross.