**TEXT: D. J. Allan, OCT, Oxford, 1936
1See Physics I 7–9.
2αἰθήρ from ἀεὶ θεῖν.
3I.e. Physics VI 7.
4Retaining the MSS reading ἧς πέρας.
5At Physics VIII 8.
6I.e. Physics III 4–8.
7Physics VIII 10.
8‘Duration’, αἰών, is derived from ‘always existing’, αἰεὶ ὤν.
9See Progression of Animals 4–5.
10See Physics 207a8.
11Snake’s eyes.
12Plato, Timaeus 40B.
13Allan excises the bracketed clause.
14Frag. 39 Diels-Kranz.
15About 10,000 miles.
16See Physics VI 1.
17See Timaeus 56B.
18Timaeus 30A.
19Frag. 57 Diels-Kranz.
20See Physics VI 1–2.
21Timaeus 51A.
22Timaeus 63C.
23See Physics VIII 4.
24See above, II 14.