**TEXT: H. J. Drossaart Lulofs, OCT, Oxford, 1965
1Reading ⁗ἐτί for ντα.
2History of Animals III 1.
3History of Animals 510a20ff.
4History of Animals III 1.
5Drossaart Lulofs excises ‘like a true skin’.
6Drossaart Lulofs excises ‘Those ovipara . . . develops externally’.
7Reading π ρoϊoῦσα.
8Parts of Animals, IV 9—Drossaart Lulofs excises the reference.
9The text of the obelized passage is uncertain.
10Drossaart Lulofs excises the parenthetical sentence.
11Drossaart Lulofs excises ‘that the semen . . . the body’.
12Drossaart Lulofs excises ‘to a certain . . . otherwise’.
13Frag. 63 Diels-Kranz.
14Frag. 57 Diels-Kranz.
15Frag. 65 Diels-Kranz.
16The obelized passage is textually corrupt.
17Reading ᾗ ἀρχή.
18Drossaart Lulofs marks lines 12 (‘Now that which comes . . .’) to 22 (‘ . . . semen is’) as an interpolation.
19Reading τoύτῳ.
20Reading έκάτεραι for καὶ ↚τεραι.
21Drossaart Lulofs regards the bracketed passage as an interpolation.
22Drossaart Lulofs excises this paragraph.
23Drossaart Lulofs excises the parenthetical sentence.
24See History of Animals VI 18.
25Frag. 79 Diels-Kranz.
26Excised by Drossaart Lulofs.
27See III 11.
1Omitting καὶ σπέρμασι … ἀπoκρίσεσιν.
2‘Aphrodite’ from ἀφρός.
3Drossaart Lulofs marks a lacuna in the text here.
4Omitting τò σπέρμα.
5Drossaart Lulofs regards this paragraph as misplaced.
6See III 3.
7Reading τῆς τε ξηρᾶς καὶ τῆς ꜑ γρῆς.
8See History of Animals III 3.
9Omitting ἀεὶ καί.
1History of Animals 567a30.
2Excised by Wimmer.
3Omitting τήν.
4The phrase between daggers is corrupt.
5See History of Animals VI 3.
6Reading ꜏ σoις μή.
7See Herodotus II 93.
8The text here is uncertain.
9History of Animals 550a17ff.
10Drossaart Lulofs marks a lacuna here.
11Reading ἐπιγίγνεται περίττωμα (Peck).
12Excised by Drossaart Lulofs.
13This paragraph appears to be misplaced.
14Omitting ἐν τoῖς τόπoις ζῴων.
1Omitting τoῦ σπέρματoς.
2Frag. 63 Diels-Kranz.
3Excised by Drossaart Lulofs.
4Reading ↚τερα.
5Excised by Platt.
6Excised by Drossaart Lulofs.
7Frag. 68 Diels-Kranz.
1Sense and Sensibilia 2; On the Soul III 1.
2Drossaart Lulofs excises the sentence in parentheses.
3Omitting καὶ εἰσπνoήν.
4Reading oἷα.
5There appears to be a lacuna in the text here.
6Reading τὴν ἀρχὴν τῷ πνευματικῷ τόπῳ.
7Drossaart Lulofs marks 781a20-b5 as a later addition.
8‘γῆρας’ (‘old age’) connected with ‘γῆ’ (‘earth’).
9Reading καὶ ἐν τῷ γήρᾳ.
10Iliad VIII 83.