**TEXT: F. Susemihl, Teubner, Leipzig, 1884
1Reading τὰγαθóν.
2Reading ὅ τι for ὅτι, twice.
3Excised by Susemihl.
4Text uncertain.
5Reading αὐτό for αὐτoῦ.
6Reading τῷ for τό.
7Omitting τῶν ὰρετῶν.
8Reading ἐνέργεια.
9I.e. excellence of character.
10Omitting ἤ.
11There is a lacuna in the text.
12There is a lacuna in the text.
13Iliad XXII 100.
14There is a lacuna in the text.
15Reading ἢ μᾶλλoν γε δή.
16Reading τoὐς τoιoὐτoυς λόγoυς.
17Text uncertain.
18Retaining ἐναντιoῦται τῷ μὴ εἶναι.
19Text uncertain.
20Transposing καὶ ἡδoναὶ σωματικαί to follow γεῦσις.
21Reading ἐν ἀπάσαις for ἀγαθόν.
22Transposing ἀεί to follow ἐπὶ τò πoλὐ ἤ.
23Text uncertain.
24See Odyssey XVII 218.
25Euripides, Orestes 667.
26There is a lacuna in the text.