Above/below, 188a24, 205b32, 212a27, 268b22, 284b25, 288a5, 308a18, p. 2445. See Dimensions
Absolute, see ‘Without qualification’
Abstraction, 403b15, 982a27, 1030a33, 1036b3, 1061a29, 1077b10, 1142a18
Accent, 165b27, 166b1, 168a27, 169a27, 179a14, 1456b33
Accident [sumbebēkos], 101b18, 102b4-14, 108b34-120b7, 120b15, 124b7, 129a32, 133a32, 139a36, 155a11, 486b5, 704b20, 856a35, 898b37, 906b5, 1007a15-b16, 1013b34-1014a21, 1015b17, 1017a7, 1025a4-34, 1026a33-1027b16, 1031b22, 1037b6. See Essence, Substance
Accident, fallacy of, 166b28-36, 168a34-b10, 169a3-4, 169b3-6
Acquisition, 1253b23, 1255b37, 1256b23-1258b27, 1334a2. See Property, Wealth
Action, 11b1-7, 431b10, 433a17)
(passion 166b13, 178a11-24, 315b5, 322b6-328b22, 465b16, 702a10, 705a25, 768b15)
(production 1113b18, 1139a18, 1140a2-17, 1140b4, 1144a35, 1151a16
and thought 701a5-30
Actuality [energeia, enlelecheia: activity, actualization, fulfilment, realization], 124a21, 125b15, 146b13, 191b28, 193b7, 200b26, 201a10, 201b31, 202a11, 257b7, 412a10, 412a22, 412b9, 414a25, 415b14, 417a12-b19, 424a1, 425b28, 426a4, 429a24, 429b30, 430a17, 431a3, 431b25, 446a22, 452a30, 454b8, 461b17, 1003a1, 1007b28, 1014a21, 1038b6, 1039a7, 1042b10, 1043a6-31, 1044a9, 1045a35, 1045b21, 1047a30, 1048a25-1051a33, 1051b31, 1069b16, 1071a6, 1071b21, 1076a10, 1078a30, 1094a4, 1098a7, 1099a29, 1100b10, 1103b21, 1104a29, 1113b5, 1115b20, 1122b1, 1152b33, 1153b10, 1154b27, 1174b16, 1175b24, 1176b1, 1177a10, 1177b19, 1178b21, 1218b36, 1219a28-39, 1220a8, 1228a13, 1236b35, 1237a23, 1241a40, 1242a17, 1244b24, 1245b24. See Potentiality
Adultery, 1107a11, 1186a38, 1221b20, 1335b39
Aether, 270b21, 302b4, 339b21, 365a19, 369b14, 392a6-b1, 396b27, 699b25
Affection [pathos], 9a28-10a10, 11b1-7, 126b34-127a19, 450a1, 453a22, 454a21, 456a22, 478b26, 983b10, 985b11, 989b3, 1004b6, 1022b15-21, 1038b28, 1049a29, 1058a37, 1069b12, 1071a1, 1078a16
Affective qualities, 9a28
Affirmation, 2a5, 11b19, 12b6, 13a37-b35, 17a8, 17a25, 19b12, 72a13, 1008a4-b1, 1051b24
Agent, see Action
Agriculture, 1343a25-b5
Air, 135a33-b1, 138b30-37, 269a18, 301b23, 318b29, 330b4-331a5, 335a5, 338b24, 339a18-341a36, 344a11, 349a16, 354b24, 392b5-14, 411a20, 419a32, 419b34, 420a8, 424b15, 425a4, 435a4, 443a4, 443b5, 446a24, 470a25, 787b5, 777b10, 787b5, 794a8, 800a1-20, 851a17. See Elements
‘All’, 74a30, 1024a9, 1261b20-30
Alliance, 1261a24, 1280a34-b10, 1424b28, 1446b26
Alpha privative, 1022b32. See Privation
Alteration [alloiōsis], 15a14, 121a32, 190b8, 201a12, 223b10, 226a26, 241a32, 245b4, 246b2, 247a19, 260a33, 270a27, 277a14, 310a23, 310b16, 314a6-315a26, 317a17-27, 319b6-320a2, 327a16, 331a9, 406a12, 408b11, 417b6, 435a1, 446b28, 465b30, 701b5, 989a27, 1042a36, 1069b12, 1088a32. See Change
Alternation in office, 1261a32, 1277b7-20, 1279a8, 1287a10-18, 1332b12-41
Ambiguity, see Amphiboly, Homonymy
Ambition [phitotimia], 1107b24-1108a4, 1117b24, 1125b1-25, 1159a13, 1266b38-1267a17, 1267a39, 1271a13, 1307a2, 1310b18, 1363b1, 1371b29, 1379a35, 1379b24, 1387b30, 1388al
Amphiboly, 110b16-111a7, 145b24, 166a6-23, 168a23, 175a36-b40, 179a15
Amplification, 1368a10-32, 1376a34, 1403a16-24
Analogy, [analogia: proportion], 76a38, 98a20, 99a15, 443b7, 452b12, 469b17, 714a10, 1043a5, 1048a37, 1089b3, 1093b19, 1240a13
and identity, 1016b32, 1018a13, 1070a32, 1070b17, 1071a4, 1071a26
and justice, 1131a31-1132a5, 1132a30, 1133b1, 1134a5, 1136a3
in politics, 1284b7, 1296b13-1297a13, 1301b29, 1302b33, 1307a26, 1308b10, 1309b21, 1326a35
Analysis, 47a4, 49a19, 50a8, 50a30, 50b30, 1112b23
Anger, 113a35, 125b21-126a12, 151a15, 156a32, 403a26, 453a22, 805a30, 812a30, 869a5, 947b23, 1103b18, 1105a8, 1108a4, 1111a25-b11, 1116b23-1117a4, 1125b26, 1126a16, 1135b26, 1145b20, 1186a12-24, 1191b25-38, 1202b1-26, 1221b13, 1223b18-28, 1225b25-30, 1312b28, 1328a10, 1378a31, 1382a2-18, p. 2420, p. 2460
Animals: classification of, 732a25-733b22, 737b15-738a8
and perception, 129b26; 133a8, 413b2, 436b11, 467b24, 816a12
study of 644b22-645b13
Aorta, see Veins
Aporia, 145b1-20, 162a17, 995a24-1003a16, p. 2417
Appearance, 980b25, 1009a6-1011b23, 1070a10. See Imagination
Appetite [orexis: desire], 403a30, 414b1, 431a12, 432b2, 433a18-b16, 701a1-5, 701a35, 703a5, 703b10, 1094a21, 1095a10, 1107b29, 1113a11, 1116a28, 1119b7, 1125b7, 1139a18-65, 1149b4, 1159b20, 1166b33, 1175b30, 1218a26-32, 1219b40, 1223a26, 1223b37-1224a35, 1225b24, 1254b5, 1277a7, 1287a30, 1334b20-27. See Desire
Appropriateness of premisses, 71b23, 72a6, 74b26, 75b30, 76a6
Argument, see Deduction
Aristocracy, 1131a29, 1160a32, 1160b10, 1279a35, 1288a6-12, 1293a35-1294a19, 1300a41-b5, 1306b22-1307b25, 1308a3-24, 1365b30-1366a5. See Constitution
Arithmetic, 75a39, 76b8, 87a33, 93b24, 982a28, 1005a31, 1090a14. See Mathematics, Number
Art [technē], 193a16, 194a21, 981a3, 981a25-b26, 1046b37, 1094a1, 1105a26-b5, 1112b7, 1140a7-30, 1197a4-13, 1253b23-1254a17, 1258a19-38, 1278b37-1279a13, 1288b10-37, 1337b11-21
and nature, 199a15-b30, 398b14, 847a11, 895b32, 1032a12-1034a8, 1070a6, 1099b23, 1106b14, 1337a1
Article, 49b10, 1435b12-16, 1457a6-10
Artisans, 1260a39, 1278a17-25, 1326a22, 1331a33
Ascarids, 551b27-552a15
Ascidians, 531a9-31
Asia, 393b26, 1285a21, 1327b27
Ass, 577a18-b18, 605a16-22, 831a23
Assembly, 1267a41, 1298a11-b11, 1313b32-1314a1, 1317b17-38. See Democracy
Assimilation, 321b35-322a16. See Nutrition
Astronomy, 46a19, 76b11, 78b40, 193b26, 194a8, 291a30, 297a4, 917a8, 989b33, 997b16, 997b35, 1053a10, 1073b5, 1077a2, 1216b12, p. 2447. See Heavens, Planets, Stars
Asyndeton, 1408a1, 1413b19, 1420a7
Atarneus, 937b7-10, 1267a33. See Hermeias
Atoms, 187a3, 265b29, 275b30, 303a5-25, 304a25. See Indivisible, Demoeritus, Leucippus
Attribute, See Predicate
Automation, 701b1-4
Axioms, 72a16-18, 77a26-31, 88a36-b3, 156a23, 996b26, 1005a20, 1105b34, 1090a36. See Principles
Babylonians, 270b14, 292a7, 835b7, 1265a15, 1352b26
Baldness, 518a27, 783b9-784a22, 1024a28. See Hair
Barbarians, 910b24-911a3, 1145a31, 1149a10, 1252b5, 1255a28
Beak, 486b10, 504a20, 662a35-b17, 745a1
Bear, 579a18-30, 594b5-16, 600a31-b13, 611b32
Beautiful [kalos: fine, noble], 102a6, 135a12, 146a22, 700b35, 896b10, 1013a22, 1072b32, 1078a31, 1078a31, 1115b12, 1168a33
Becoming, see Generation
Bees, 444b11, 467a4, 468a24, 553a17-554b21, 623b7-627b22, 648a5, 650b25, 776b35
Before, )(after 223a9; )(behind 188a15, 205b32, 665a20, 667b35. See Dimensions
Being: varieties of, 89b33, 90a9-34, 90a32, 169a24, 170b21-2, 185a21, 206a21, 979a35, 1003a33-b18, 1017a7-b9, 1026a33-b2, 1028a10-b7, 1089a16
a universal predicate, 121a17, 121b7, 127a16, 139a4-8, 146a22-32, 975a36
not a genus, 92b14, 121a16, 121b7, 998b22, 1001a5, 1040b18, 1045b6
‘being qua being’, 1003a21-1005a18, 1025b3-1026a32
and unity, 121b7, 986b15, 998b22, 1001a5, 1003b22, 1040b16, 1045b6, 1053b9-1054a19. See Accident, Categories, Essence, Substance, Truth
Between, 226b23, 227a10, 231b9
Birth, 775b1-24, 777a22-27, 950b5
Bison, 630a19-b18
Black, 119a27, 123b26, 153a1, 791a13-b6, 796a30-b24, 798a1-b24. See Colour
Bladder, 506b24-31, 519b13-23, 670b34-671a26
Blessedness, 1100a16-1101a20. See Happiness
Blood, 458a13, 469a1, 650b15-651a15, 668b5-10. See Heart, Veins
Boasting, 1108a21, 1127a13-b32
Body, 130a10, 134b10, 142b24 )
(soul 436a8, 465a28, 805a1-18, 808b11-29, 1101b33, 1117b30, 1161a35, 1254a34-b16, 1255b9, 1334b20. See Soul
Boiling, 379a2, 379b12, 381a9-b22
Bone, 379a7, 389a12, 484a14-485b30, 511b6-516b30, 654a32-655b27, 744b25-745a10
Brain, 438b29, 444a9, 469a21, 652a24-653b18, 656a18-b27, 744a15-23
Buffoonery, 1108a24, 1128a4-b1, 1234a6-10, 1419b8
Calamary, 524a24-525a13, 541b1-16, 679a8-32, 685a14-b12
Calculation [logismos], 415a8, 432a25, 433a12, 433b29, 434a7, 1139a12
Camel, 499a13-30, 540a13-19, 595b2-596a3, 630b32-36, 830b5-10
Capacity, see Potentiality
Case, grammatical [ptōsis: inflexion], 6b33, 16b1, 48b40, 114a26-32, 119a36, 124a10-14, 136b1532, 148a10-14, 151b28-33, 153b25-35, 173b26-174a11, 1364b33, 1397a20, 1410a28, 1456b27, 1457a18
Castration, 631b19-632a32, 787b20-788a17, 894b19-38
Categories, 1b25-2a4, 10b21, 49a7, 83a21, 83b14-17, 103b21, 105b13, 107a3-17, 120b36-121a9, 122a3-19, 122b16, 124b15-22, 128a13-29, 132a10, 132b35, 152a38, 178a4, 185a21, 200b28, 201a10, 201b27, 225b5, 227b5, 242a35, 281a32, 312a14, 317b6, 317b26, 319a11, 402a25, 410a15, 1004a29, 1017a23, 1024b13, 1026a36, 1027b31, 1028a13, 1028a33, 1029b23, 1034b10, 1051a35, 1055a1, 1058a14, 1070b1, 1088a30, 1089a27, 1089b24, 1096a29, 1183a1021, 1205a10-17, 1385b5, p. 2428
Catharsis, 1341b32-1342b17, 1449b28
Cattle, 522b21-523a8, 572a33-b7, 575a14-b20, 596b6-31, 604a15-21
Cause [aitia, aition: explanation, reason], 71b22, 76a18, 78b4, 95a3-96a7, 98a35-99b8, 197b37, 981b28, 994a1-b31, 1013a16, 1013b9, 1026a16, 1027a8, 1360a5, 1369a6, p. 2399
the ‘four causes’, 94a24-b37, 194b16-195b30, 196b25, 198a14-b14, 335a28, 955b14, 983a26, 1013a24-1014a25, 1070b26. See Chance, Efficient cause, Final cause, Form, Matter
Centre: of world, 268b21, 269b23, 276b1, 296b10, 311b29
of organisms, 701b25, 703b25-30
Cephalopods, see Molluscs
Chameleon, 503a15-b28, 692a20-25, 832b14
Chance, 87b19-27, 95a4, 195b31-198a13, 199b23, 283a32, 287b25, 289b23, 333b4-16, 334a2, 455b9, 640a25, 641b20, 981a5, 984b14, 1032a29, 1049a3, 1070a6, 1099b10-1100a9, 1105b23, 1112a27, 1120b17, 1140a18, 1153b18, 1207a2, 1214a24, 1247a6-b12, 1248a2-22, p. 2404. See Good fortune, Spontaneous
Change [metabolē], 186a15, 201a8, 224a21-226b17, 229a25, 224b10-235b5, 236a14, 236b2, 252b10, 265a11, 984a22, 1010a15, 1011b34, 1042a32, 1057a21, 1072b8. See Alteration, Generation, Growth, Locomotion, Motion
Character, 1095a7, 1111b6, 1121a26, 1127a16, 1127b23, 1139a1, 1144b4, 1155b10, 1165b6-19, 1172a22, 1178a16, 1180b5, 1219b11, 1220a38-b5, 1228a2, 1228a15, 1327b18-1328a20, 1388b31-1390b11, 1390b15-1391b7
and rhetoric, 1356a1, 1388b30, 1395b14, 1408a11, 1417a16, 1418a38
and tragedy, 1450a2-b8, 1454a16-b14, 1459b9, 1460a11, 1460b3, 1461b19. See Action, Choice
Chick, development of, 561a6-562a20
Children, 710b14-17, 1119b5, 1134b10-17, 1174a1-4, 1185a2, 1259b30-1261a32, 1295b16-25, 1310a12-36, 1335b20, 1336a3-1337a6, 1360b38-1361a11. See Education
Choice [prohairesis: intention, purpose], 472a1, 700b20-701a5, 1094a1, 1095a14, 1097a21, 1106a3, 1106b36, 1110b31, 1111b5-1113a14, 1113b4, 1139a3-b11, 1144a20, 1145a4, 1149b34, 1150b30, 1151a30-4, 1152a17, 1163a23, 1189a1-b8, 1214b7, 1223a15-24, 1225b8-1227b4, 1227b37, 1228a1-19, 1233a32, 1234a25, 1236b6, 1237a31, 1240b33, 1241a20, 1243a23, 1238b3-5, 1243a33
Chorus, 1347a11, 1351b37, 1449a17, 1452b18, 1456a25-32
Circular motion, 223b19, 223b33, 227b18, 265a13-b16, 331a23-b4, 337a1-7, 338a4-b11
Circular proof, 57b18-59a41, 72b27-73a20
Citizen, 1097b10, 1099b31, 1102a9, 1103b3, 1130b29, 1160a2, 1165a31, 1177b14, 1252a14, 1259b4, 1261a30-b5, 1274b31-1278b5, 1324a5-1325b32, 1327b19-1328a20, 1329a2-26, 1332b11-1333a16, 1338b4-1339a10
Clearness, 155b23, 157a14, 162a35-b2, 1404b2-6, 1435a33-b24, 1458a18, 1458a34-b5
Cleverness [deinotēs], 1144a23-b14, 1152a9-12, 1197b18-27, 1204a13-18, 1390b27
Climate, influence of, 490a25, 517b17, 519a3, 606b2, 806b16, 909a13-910b9, 1327b20-38
Clouds, 146b28, 340a19-341a13, 346b32
Cold, 341b36, 347b12, 378b12, 649a19, 649b7. See Hot
Colour, 107b28-32, 109a36, 123b26, 437a7, 439a7-440b27, 442a14, 445b21
Combination, See Mixture
Combustion, 384b16, 385a18, 387a17-b18
Comedy, 1128a22, 1230b19, 1447a14, 1448a35-b2, 1449a32-b8, 1451b11-15
Comets, 342b25-345a10, 345b12, 346a3, 346b1
Coming into being, see Generation
Commerce, 1258b21, 1327a11-b15
‘Common sense’, 425a14, 425b14, 426b8-427a15, 449a5-450a13, 453a23, 453b3, 454a22, 455a14-b13, 456a22, 458a26, 459a12-22, 451a6, 461a32, 467b29, 469a10-33, 478b35, 647a25-b9, 656a30, 667b24, 702b22. See Heart, Perception
Common sensibles, 418a18, 425b9, 437a8, 442b10, 458b5
Communism, 1262b37-1264b25, 1329b41. See Property
Complete [teleios: perfect], 207a9, 265a23, 286b20, 1021b12-1022a3, 1055a10-18, 1072b34, 1092a13, 1185a1-8
Composition, fallacy of, 116a23-32, 169a26-7, 179a12-13
Compound [suntheton], 334a16-335a23, 1029b23, 1043a30, 1075a8, 1088b16
words, 1404b29, 1405b35, 1406a6
Comprehension [nous], see Mind, Thought
Compulsion, 1109b35-1110b17, 1111a21, 1188b1-14, 1206a14, 1220b5, 1224a9-1225a37, 1369a6, 1369b5. See Voluntary
Concealment in argument, 155b23, 156a7-157a5
Conciseness, 1407b28, 1416b35, 1419a21
Concoction, 379b12-381b22, 650a10, 651a15, 668b5-10, 670a20, 753a20, 765b20, 776b35, 822a27-824b2. See Nutrition
Conjunctions, 1407a20-30, 1407b7, 1413b33, 1456b39
Conquest, 1324a35, 1325b23, 1333b12-1334a10
Consequent, fallacy of, 167b1-20, 168b27-169a5, 181a22-30
Constitution, 1103b6, 1130a31, 1135a5, 1160b20, 1163b5, 1181b7-20, 1241b27-32, 1265b33, 1274b38, 1278b8, 1287b36-1288a32, 1290a7, 1309b16-1310a12, 1337a11-32, 1360a21, 1365b29, CA 41. See Aristocracy, Democracy, Monarchy, Oligarchy
Contact, 122b25-8, 202a7, 213a9, 227a15, 322b21-323a34, 971a26, 972a24, 1002a34, 1014b22, 1051b24, 1068b27, 1070a10, 1072b21, 1082a20, 1085a3
Contemplation [theōria], 993b20, 1025b2-1026a32, 1095b19, 1096a4, 1103b6, 1122b17, 1139a27, 1174b21, 1177a11-1179a32, 1213a1-8, 1324a5-1325a15, 1332b12-1334a10, p. 2406, p. 2411. See Happiness, Thought
Contentious [eristikos], 100b23, 108a29-37, 112a4-11, 133b36-134a4, 155b26, 161a21, 161a33, 162a16, 165a19-24, 165b7, 169b23-9, 171b35-172a15, 185a8, 186a6, 1012a9, 1371a7, 1402a4, 1414b28
Contiguous, 82a1, 95b3-25, 227a6, 236b12, 237b8
Continence, see Incontinence
Continuous, 185b10, 186a28, 200b18, 211a30, 217a3, 219a12, 227a10-b2, 231a21, 232b24, 233a25, 234a8, 239a22, 242b27, 268a7, 280a20, 306b24, 313b6, 1016a4, 1016b9, 1023b34, 1040b15, 1061a33
Contracts, 1164b13, 1193b24, 1276a7, 1376a33-b31, 1424b28-1425a8
Contradiction [antiphasis], 17a34, 18a28-19b4, 72a12, 73b21, 93a34, 1011b24-1012a28, 1055a33-b29, 1057a34, 1461b15-18
Law of 1005b5-1011b23, 1061b34-1063b35. See Contraries, Opposite
Contraries, 4a10, 6a1, 11b34-12a25, 13b36-14a25, 106a9-b12, 112b27-114a6, 117b4, 119a27, 123b1-124a9, 135b8-16, 140a18, 147a32-b25, 151a32, 153a26-b24, 187a20, 229a23, 312b1, 441b14, 445b24, 448a2, 453b27, 454b1, 874b36, 888a32, 889a6, 941b6, 1004a1, 1004a20, 1004b27, 1011b17, 1012a9, 1013b12, 1018a25, 1032b2, 1044b25, 1055a3-1056b2, 1057a18-b34, 1058b26, 1075a30, 1087b1, 1092a2, p. 2399, p. 2429
knowledge of, 105b5, 110b20, 155b30-4, 156b11, 163a2, 164a1, 171a36, 996a20, 1078b26
as physical principles, 188a19, 217a23, 226b32, 230b11, 260a31, 261b16, 269a9, 270a13, 270b37, 271a26, 273a7, 286a22, 287b6, 307b6, 329a24-330b7, 396a34-b25, 986a22, 1004b30, 1075a28, 1087a30
of proposition, 17b4, 23a27-24b9, 974b29, 1012a9, 1402b4
Conversion [antistrophē], 20b1, 25a6-b26, 32a30, 36b35, 59b1-61a16, 67b27-68a25, 109a10-26, 113b15-26, 124b7-14, 163a32-6
Copula, 24b17, 25b22, 32b1. See Predicate
Copulation, 539b16-546a14, 723a23-35, 725b6-25, 1118a31, 1147b26, 1152b19, 1154a18
Counter-earth, 293a25, 986a12, p. 2445
Courage, 106a4, 117a30, 118a17, 125b22, 150b4, 151a3-15, 151b31, 806a1-4, 806b6-16, 947b10-949a20, 1102b28, 1104b8, 1109a2, 1115a6-1117b22, 1129b19, 1137a20, 1144b5, 1167a20, 1177a32, 1178a10, 1190b9-1191a35, 1228a23-1230a36, 1260a22-31, 1277b20-25, 1279b1, 1312a19, 1327b38-1328a16, 1330b32-1331a14
Crab, 525b1-10, 527b4-33, 541b25-33, 712b13-21, 713a26-714a7
Crayfish, 525b33-526a10, 527a1-9, 590b13-21, 713b25
Crime, 1263b22, 1266b38-1267a17, 1271a16, 1427a31
Crocodile, 503a9-14, 558a15-18, 660b25-30, 713a15, 1236b9
Crustacea, 525a30-527b33, 534b13-535a25, 541b19-34, 549a14-b29, 681b21-31, 720b10-16, 757b32-758a25
Cuckoo, 563b14-564a6, 618a8-30, 830b11-19
Custom [ethos], 425a28, 703a35, 928b23-929a5, 1103a18, 1186a2, 1198a2, 1203b31, 1220b1, 1255a22, 1269a20, 1292b13, 1332a38-b11
Cuttlefish, 524a27-525a13, 541b1-18, 544a1-6, 550a16-b9, 757b32-758a25
Death, 437a15, 467b10, 469b18, 472a11-17, 478b21-479a27, 874b7, 1115a11-b5, 1116b20, 1117b7, 1128b13, 1398b28
Deduction [sullogismos: inference, syllogism], 24b18, 71b22, 79a17-32, 81b10-23, 82b13-28, 85a4-8, 90b6, 100a25, 103b7, 105a11, 153a8, 155b35, 157a18, 158a28, 163b20, 164a10-14, 167b13, 168b4-10, 172a34, 184a8-b2, 413a16, 701a10-20, 807a2-13, 809a19-25, 1014b2, 1034a31, 1078b24, 1139b28, 1142b23, 1144a31, 1146a24, 1146b35-1147b19, 1227b24, 1355a8, 1355b16, 1357a7, 1371b9, 1396a5, 1402a5, 1402a31, 1418b6. See Dialectic, Enthymeme, 1nduction
Deer, 578b7-579a18, 611a15-b21
Defect, 14a2, 123b28, 187a17, 189b11, 486b17, 1107a25, 1108b12, 1186b3-25, 1222a9-b10, 1227b7, 1231a35, 1234b8
Definition, 43b2, 71a13, 73a21-4, 75b31, 76b35-77a5, 82b38, 84a26, 90a6-94a9, 96a24-97b34, 101b19, 102a1-15, 103b15, 107a36-b11, 109b30-110a11, 111b12-16, 119a29, 120b30, 121a10-19, 122a7-9, 122b7-11, 130a29, 130b25-30, 139a25-151b25, 153a3-25, 153b1-15, 154a10, 154a26-b23, 155a18-22, 158a33-b30, 163b20, 407a25, 407a30, 413a14, 443b18, 454b25, 703a1, 1012a22, 1012b7, 1030a7, 1031a2, 1034b20-1038a35, 1037b28, 1039b28, 1043b34, 1045a7-b23, 1182b18, 1183a5, 1215a21, 1218b17, 1223a22, 1225b1, 1244a20-28, 1247b6
Degree [mallon kai hētton], 107b13-18, 114b37-115b10, 119b17-30, 127b18-128a12, 137b14-138a29, 146a3-18, 152b6-9, 154a4-12, 1363b5-1365b21, 1374b24-1375a21, 1393a9-21
Deliberation [bouleusis], 434a12, 453a14, 1112a19-1113a12, 1139b7, 1140a26, 1141b9, 1142a32-b33, 1189a28-1190a1, 1196b17, 1196b27, 1197b13, 1226b8, 1227a2-18, 1248a21, 1248a31, 1260a12
in politics, 1275a26-b21, 1276a3, 1283b42, 1292b35-1299a2
and rhetoric, 1358a36, 1415b33, 1417b12, 1418a22
Delivery, 1403b20-1404a19, 1413b9
Demagogues, 1274a5-15, 1292a4-37, 1305a7-32, 1310b14, 1319b5-20
Democracy, 1131a27, 1160b16-20, 1161a9, 1279b11-1280a6, 1290a30-b17, 1291b15-1292a38, 1292b23-1293a10, 1297a35-b10, 1298a11-33, 1305a7-32, 1307b26-1309a32, 1310a25-36, 1317a40-1318a3, 1318b6-1320b17, 1360a25-30, 1365b29
Demonstration [apodeixis], 24a11, 25b27, 32b18, 40b23, 71b18, 75a39-b2, 76b11-22, 85a20-86b39, 100a27, 158a36, 170a22-6, 172a15-b1, 402a15, 402b25, 407a26, 992b31, 993b28, 996b26, 997a5-30, 1005b9-22, 1011a13, 1025b14, 1039b28, 1094b27, 1140a33, 1141a2, 1143b1, 1143b10, 1147a20, 1197a21, 1403a15, 1414a37. See Deduction
Dénouement, 1454b1, 1455b24-1456a5
Dense, 187a15, 212b3, 217a12, 260b11, 299b8, 303a12, 303b23, 330b9-13, 822a22-823a40, 976b3. See Vacuum
Desire [epithumia], 407a5, 413b34, 414b2, 432a25, 433a25, 434a3, 1102b30, 1103b18, 1111a25-b17, 1117a1, 1118b8-16, 1119a4, 1119b5-15, 1146a2, 1149a25-b31, 1175b28, 1178b16, 1201a12-33, 1223a27-b28, 1224a35, 1225a30-b30, 1230b21, 1241a21-27, 1234b22, 1258a1, 1263b22, 1370a17. See Appetite
Dialectic, 20b22-30, 24a22, 46a30, 65a37, 71a5, 71a22-27, 77a31-4, 81b18-23, 84a7, 84b2, 86a21, 88a19, 100a29, 101a32-b4, 105b30, 155b7-16, 157b34, 159a11-15, 161a24, 162a15, 162b31, 165a19, 165b3-6, 169b25, 170a38, 170b8-11, 171a32-b6, 172a12-b1, 175a5-16, 403a29, 987b33, 995b23, 1004b17, 1078b25, 1354a1, 1355a9, 1355b16, 1356a36, 1359b11, 1402a5
Diaphragm, 482a17, 496b12, 506a15, 672b9-673b2
Didactic argument, 159a11-14, 161a24-5, 165b1-4, 171a31, 172a15-21. See Demonstration
Differentia, 1b17, 3a22, 74a37-b3, 83b1, 96b12 97b6, 101b18, 108b4, 122b12-123a19, 128a20-30, 133a1, 143a39-145b33, 153a18, 154a27, 223b7-14, 642b5-644a11, 985b13, 998b23, 1004a30, 1018a12-19, 1037b7-1038a35, 1042b11-24, 1054b23-31, 1058a29-b26, 1083a1-1085a2. See Definition, Genus
Dimensions, 209a5, 704b20, 705a27-706a25, 706b25. See Above, Before, Right
Discovery in tragedy, 1450a34, 1452a30-b10, 1454b19-1455a21
Disposition [diathesis], 8b27-9a15, 1022b1-3, 1108b11, 1220a19, 1250b32, 1374b24-1375a21, 1408a29
Dissection, 456b2, 474b9, 478a35, 483b24, 511b21, 708b5, 709b25, 714b10
Dithyramb, 1406b1, 1413b14, 1415a11, 1447a14, 1447b26, 1448a14, 1449a11, 1459a9
Divination, 285a2, 449b12, 462b12-464b18, 1407b1
Division [diairesis], 46a31-b37, 91b12, 91b29-36, 96b25-97b6, 105b31-37, 109b13-29, 111a33-b11, 120a34-b6, 121a27-37, 132a27-b3, 154a17, 444a6, 642b5, 643b10, 818a22-29, 1037b28. See Definition, Differentia, Genus
Division, fallacy of, 166a33-38, 177a34-b34
Dog, 546a28-34, 574a17-575b13, 608a27-33, 675a25-30, 1401a15-20
Dolphin, 476b13-29, 589a31-b20, 631a7-b4
Dreams, 458a33-464b18, 956b38-957a35, p. 2448
Drunkenness, 871a1-876a29, 953a33-954a11, 1113b32, 1114a27, 1117a14, 1151a4, 1152a15, 1154b10, 1231a9, 1235b38, 1274b18-22
Dry, 329b32-330a29, 378b13, 382b10-28
Dwarfs, 453b2, 467a32, 686b3-35, 689b26, 695a9, 710b14, 794a4, 892a6-22
Eagle, 563a16-b13, 618b19-619b34, 834b35-835a7
Ears, 420a9-18, 492a14-b4, 657a14, 781b14, 960b36-961b6. See Hearing
Earth, the element, 132b31-4, 135b3, 286a20, 295b20, 306a18, 309a27, 311a15, 330b5, 331a2-4, 335a5, 359b10, 383b9, 385b22, 389a27, 405b9, 435a20-b3, 989a6-18
the planet, 193b30, 214b14, 293b34-298a20, 340a28, 341b10, 345b2, 347b27, 351a1, 351a19-353a27, 362b13, 391b9, 397a24-b5, 399a25-30, 699b1-30
Earthquakes, 338b26, 365a14-369a9, 395b33-396a16, 823a3-15
Eclipse, 88a1, 89b30, 90a3, 93a23, 98b18, 292a4, 294b23, 297b25, 367b20-30, 912b11, 942a22, 1044b13
Education, 639a5-10, 1006a6, 1094b12-27, 1098a27, 1104b13, 1130b26, 1161a17, 1172a20, 1179b24, 1180b8, 1260b15, 1266b30-38, 1277a16, 1283a24, 1333b5, 1336a3-1342b34, 1365b34, 1384a34
Efficient cause, 94a36-b8, 194b29, 318a1-8, 320b17, 321b6, 335a30, 335b7-337a33, 339a23, 477a25, 765b15, 983a30, 984a27, 988b27, 991b5, 996b7, 1013b9, 1069b35-1070b35, 1072a19-1073a13
Eggs, 559a15-562b2, 718b6-719a2, 749a10-754b33
Egypt, 292a8, 352b21, 981b23, 1313b21, 1329a40-b30, 1393a33, 1417a7
Elections, 1300a9-b4, CA 43-62. See Lot, Magistrates
Element, 184a11, 187a26, 188b28, 189b16, 189b27, 195b16, 204b33, 989a4, 992b19, 1001a18, 1002b33, 1014a26-615, 1041b31, 1070b25, 1086b14-1087a25, 1212a16, 1358a35, 1362a20, 1396b21, 1401a29, 1403a17
the four, 268b5-28, 276b8, 277b14, 298b8, 300a20, 301a22, 302b7, 303b14, 304a1, 306b4, 310b1, 322b1-5, 329a24-333a15, 334a15-335a23, 337a7-15, 338a22, 340a3, 354b5, 378b10, 389b1, 396b25-397a5, 405b13, 409b24-411a7, 424b30-425a13, 435a11-b3, 437a20, 441b12, 443a9, 646a10, 703a25, 761b20, 791a1-792a3, 984a8, 985a32, 998a30. See Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Elephant, 488a28-b22, 500b6-19, 596a3-13, 605a23-b5, 630b19-31, 658b28-659a36, 709a10
Embryo, 728b34, 733b23-735a28, 736a35, 737a17, 739b34-741a5, 741b25-745b21, 763b20-767a35, 778b20-779a27
Emotion, 414b3, 432a25, 460b3, 805a27-b31, 808b15-20, 1095a4, 1105b20-1106a12, 1108a31, 1111b1, 1128b11, 1135b21, 1168b20, 1179b30, 1186a37, 1220b10-15, 1221b36, 1254b5, 1286a19, 1287a30, 1312b27, 1334b22, 1354a17, 1356a15, 1369b11, 1378a20-1388b30, 1390a11, 1408a10-25, 1417a37-b7. See Anger
Enthymeme, 70a3-638, 71a10, 701a25-39, 916b25, 1355a6-13, 1356b1-25, 1357a14-22, 1358a2-35, 1394a26-b6, 1395b20-1400b24, 1401a23-1403a16, 1418a2-16, 1428a20, 1430a24-38, 1431a30-38
Envy, 1105b22, 1108a35, 1115a22, 1221a3, 1229a39, 1387b21-1388a28, 1445a12-29
Ephors, 1265b9, 1270b6-35, 1275b10, 1313a26-33
Epic poetry, 1406b3, 1415a12, 1447a14, 1449b9-19, 1459a18-1460a4, 1460a26-b5, 1461b9-1462b15
Equality, 6a27, 1021a12, 1056a22, 1082b7, 1106a27-34, 1108b15, 1129a34, 1130b9-33, 1131a11-24, 1133b4, 1153b6, 1157b36, 1168b8, 1241b33-40, 1279b11-1281a10, 1282b14-1283a22, 1301a28-1302a8, 1308a11-b5. See Justice
Equinox, 363a34, 363b12, 364a17, 371b30, 377a12, 942b25
Equity [epieikeia], 113a13, 141a16-19, 1121b24, 1137a31-1138a3, 1143a20, 1198b24-35, 1372b18, 1374a25-b23, 1375a31
Error, 66b78-67b26, 77b18-78a13, 79b23-81a34, 109a27, 442b8, 1052a2, 1226a35, 1427a34
Essence, 91a1, 101b37, 402a25, 413a11-414a27, 704b15, 731b20, 742b35, 993a18, 994b17, 1007a20, 1025b29, 1029b12-1032a11, 1034b20-1038a35, 1182b19, 1343a13. See Accident, Definition
Evaporation [anathumiasis: exhalation], 340b26, 341b7, 344a10, 359a19, 369a26, 378a18, 384b33, 394a9-b19, 438a4, 440a15, 443b2, 464a6, 469b31
Example [paradeigma], 68b38-69a16, 71a10, 916b25, 1356b1-25, 1357a14-21, 1357b25, 1393a25-1394a18, 1402b14, 1403a5, 1429a21-1430a13, 1431a24
Excellence [aretē: virtue], 8b34, 13a26, 113b31, 116b1, 118a27, 121b38, 124b20, 128b39, 131b1, 142b14, 144a9-19, 153b8, 1098a17, 1100a4, 1103a4-b26, 1104b4-1108b18, 1113b6-1115a6, 1126a8-31, 1129b26, 1144b1-1145a11, 1156b6-1157a24, 1177a13, 1178a16, 1185a36, 1186a1927, 1197b36-1198a9, 1220a13-1234b13, 1259b21-1260a9, 1276b17-1277a13, 1288a32-b2, 1309a33-b14, 1323a27, 1324a5-1325b32, 1332a8-b11, 1337a33-b23, 1366a23-1368a39
Exchange, 1132b13, 1133a2-b26, 1256b40-1257b23, 1258a32-40
Excluded middle, law of, 18a28-19b4, 77a30, 88a39, 1011b24-1012a28
Experience [empeiria], 46a18, 100a6, 703a9, 981a2, 981a13-b9, 1143b13, 1250a35
Extremes, 1108b11-1109a19, 1222a23-b4, 1234b6-14, 1234a34-b5, 1296a22-1297a13, 1320a2-17. See Mean
Eye, 437a24-438b20, 454a28, 491b18-492a13, 743b32-744b12, 779a28-781a14, 811b14-29, 957a36-960a33
Eyelid, 421b29, 657a25-658a10, 744a36-b9
Faction, 1172b11-22, 1196a22-36, 1302a8, 1306a6
Fallacy, 108a26-36, 162b3-15, 168a17-169a22, 172a9-28, 175a1-183a26, 1401a23-1402a27
False cause, fallacy of, 65a38-66a15, 166b26, 167b21-36, 168b22, 169b13, 181a31, 1401b30
Falsity, 88a25, 281b3-25, 980a10, 1011b26, 1024b17-1025a13, 1027b171028a5, 1051a34-1052a12. See Truth
Familiar [gnōrimos: intelligible, knowable], 71b33-72a5, 129b3-130b10, 131a2-26, 141a26-142b19, 184a16. See Prior
Family, 1252a26-b27, 1259a37-b17, 1260b13, 1303b1-14
Fat, 388a7, 520a6-b9, 651a20-b19, 672a1-b8, 725b30-726a6
Fatalism, 18a28-19b4, 337a34-338b5, 401b9-24, 463b27. See Necessity
Fear, 660b25-30, 667a20, 947b12-949a20, 1105b22, 1107a33, 1110a4, 1115a7, 1128b11, 1179b11, 1191a30-36, 1220b12, 1382a19-1383b11
and tragedy, 1449b27, 1452a2, 1452b32-1453a6, 1456a38
Feet, 494a12, 499b7, 690a4-b11, 706a33, 734b29
Female, 608a22-b25, 648a12, 737a28, 738b20-27, 766a22-b26, 1058a29-b26, 1254b14, 1259a39, 1343b30. See Male, Woman
Final cause [telos, hou heneka: end, goal, that for the sake of which], 94b8-37, 194a27-35, 194b32, 195a24, 198a24, 198b10-199b33, 200a22, 200a33, 324b14-18, 335b5, 415b2-20, 416b24, 420b19, 432b21, 433a14, 434b24, 435b20, 455b17, 471b25, 639b12-641a17, 642a1, 663b14-23, 778a16-b19, 778a35, 994b9, 1013a33, 1013b26, 1023a34, 1044b1, 1050a7, 1051a15, 1072b2, 1094a4, 1097a25, 1111b27, 1112b12, 1214b6, 1252b32, 1257b25, 1331b29, 1339b32, p. 2405
Fire, 103a29, 130a10, 134b29-32, 137b37, 146a15, 214b14, 217a1, 293a20-b15, 303b9-304b23, 330b3, 330b33-331a6, 335a5-20, 336a1-12, 339a16, 340b22, 341b14, 379a16, 392a33-b5, 416a9-18, 469b21-470a19, 646a10, 699b25, 761b20, 809b7-17. See Element
Fissile, 385a16, 386b25-387a11
Flavour, See Taste
Flesh, 388a16, 390b5, 432b26, 426b15, 484a16, 485b20, 519b26-520a5, 653b19-654a31
Flexion of limbs, 494b3, 4498a2-b4, 499a20, 503b32, 687b25, 692a15, 708b22-79b33, 711a8-713b21
Food, See Nutrition
Form [eidos], 79a7, 187a20, 192a14-24, 193a30, 194a22-27, 194b15, 198b3, 199a31, 207b1, 209a2-210a13, 277b26-278b9, 310b15, 312a12, 318b16, 321b16-322a4, 322a28, 324b4-22, 403b2, 412a8, 414a12-18, 424a18, 429a15, 432a2, 640a17, 645a32-37, 701b20, 999b17, 1015a16, 1016b9, 1017b35, 1029a5, 1032b1, 1033a24-1034a8, 1035a21, 1036a26-1037b6, 1042a30, 1043a19, 1044b12, 1069b35, 1070a15, 1084b10
Platonic, 77a5, 83a33, 85b19, 113a27, 137b3-13, 143b23, 147a3, 148a13, 1541a19, 193b35, 203a8, 278a16, 335b9-24, 404b20, 987b5-22, 988a10, 988b1-16, 990a33-993a10, 1002b11-32, 1028b19-27, 1031b14, 1033b5-1034a8, 1036b14-30, 1039a24-b19, 1040a8-b4, 1040b28-1041a5, 1042a18, 1045a16, 1050b35, 1059a10, 1069a35, 1070a18, 1071b21, 1073a18, 1075b18, 1076a17-33, 1078b6-1080a11, 1081a1-1083a20, 1086a18-1090a1, 1095a27, 1096a13-1097a13, 1182b9-13, 1183a28-b71217b1-1218b26, p. 2389, p. 2390, p. 2391, p. 2397, p. 2435, p. 2438
Form of expression, fallacy of, 166b10-19, 169a29-b2, 178a4-179a10, 179a20
Freedom, see Liberty
Friendship, 116b38, 118a1-5, 126a12, 1126b20, 1155a3, 1172a15, 1208b3-1212b23, 1234b18-1246a25, 1262b3-24, 1287b33, 1295b24, 1313a41, 1360b20, 1361b36, 1380b34-1382a18, 1386a10, 1388b5, 1439b15, 1440a26, 1446b7-16
‘From’, 724a20-35, 991a20, 994a19-b6, 1023a26-b11, 1044a24, 1092a33
Frost, 347a16-b33, 349a10, 378a31, 388b12, 784b15, 888b30, 938a34, 939b36, 940b8
Function [ergon], 436a4, 454a26, 645b15, 687a10, 1094a5, 1097b25-32, 1098a7, 1152b19, 1153a23, 1168a9, 1219a1-27
Generals, 1277b10, 1305a7-28, 1312a11, 1321a16, CA 4, 22, 26, 30, 31, 44, 61
Generation [genesis: becoming, coming into being], 15a13, 186a14, 191b13, 193b27, 201a14, 223b21, 225a13-226a16, 230a31, 249b20, 258b17, 270a15, 279b4, 280b1-20, 288a34, 298b15, 301b2, 302a10, 304624, 305a34, 314a6, 315a26, 317a17-22, 317a32-320a2, 331a23-b4, 337a1-7, 338a4-b11, 415a27, 416b15, 509a1-511a34, 729a34-730b32, 737b26-739b35, 771a18-772b12, 981a17, 994a22-b6, 1010a21, 1032a20, 1033a24-1034a7, 1034b7, 1042a30, 1044b21-28, 1049b28, 1070a15, 1077a27, 1088a33. See Alteration, Change, Growth
Genus, 1b16, 11a20, 15a4, 96b21-25, 101b17, 102a31, 107a18, 107b19-26, 111a20-29, 120b12-128b70, 133a35, 134b1, 139b3, 143a12, 189a14, 201b19, 209a4, 210a18, 448b25, 449b15, 465a4, 486a23, 490b7-491a26, 505b26, 816a13, 995b29, 998b13-999a23, 1014b10, 1016a24, 1022a27, 1024a29-b16, 1037b19, 1038b1-1039a22, 1042a22, 1053b22, 1057a26. See Differentia, Species
Geometry, 75a39, 75b12-19, 76b9, 76b39, 77a40-b27, 87a33, 194a10, 279b35, 450a2, 452a3, 709a1, 709a15-30, 956a15, 983a20, 992a21, 997b27, 998a2, 1005a11, 1051a21, 1078a25, 1089a21, 1098a29, 1142a12, 1143a3, 1175a32, 1187a36, 1189b9, 1216b8, 1247a17
Gestation, 727b27, 746a32, 777a32-778a12, 891b25
Gnat, 490a21, 551b27-552a8, 601a3
Goat, 573b17-574a15, 610b25-611a6
God, 105a5, 109b33, 116b12, 122b12, 126a34, 136b6, 268a15, 270b7, 271a33, 284a12, 286a9, 336b27-34, 397b9-401b24, 462b20, 463b16, 464a21, 700b35, 983a8, 986b24, 997b10, 1026a18, 1074b1-14, 1096a24, 1101b20, 1122b20, 1123a10, 1134b28, 1137a28, 1145a23, 1158b35, 1160a24, 1162a5, 1164b5, 1166a22, 1178b8-26, 1179a25, 1207a6-12, 1208b27, 1212b33-1213a8, 1243b12, 1244b8, 1245b1319, 1247a27, 1248a26, 1249b13-21, 1252b24, 1259b12, 1323b21, 1325b28, 1326a32, p. 2391, p. 2392, p. 2395, p. 2396, p. 2403, p. 2410
Good, 113a1-14, 114a39-115a2, 116b1, 123b8-12, 142a23, 147b18, 700b20, 701a1, 807b33-808a2, 983a31, 1013a22, 1075a12-24, 1091a29-1092a21, 1094a2, 1095a14, 1097a12, 1098b12, 1105a9, 1113a16, 1114a32, 1129b4, 1152b32-1153a7, 1166a20, 1182a34-b5, 1183a8-23, 1252a2, 1261b9, 1332a27, 1363b5-1365b27
senses of, 106a5, 107a5-11, 1096a23, 1096b13, 1152b27, 1182b6-10, 1217b25, 1218b3, 1128b18
absolute )( relative, 49b10, 115b15-35, 116b8, 142b12, 700b35, 1129b4, 1152b26, 1155b21, 1156b14, 1182b2, 1235b30, 1237a13
form of, 996a28, 1095a27, 1096a11-1097a13, 1182b10, 1183a28-68, 1217b1-1218a38
classification of goods, 1098b13, 1123b20, 1154a15, 1169b10, 1183b19-1184a14, 1217a30, 1218b37, 1235b30, 1323a21-38. p. 2408
Good birth, 1136b22, 1207b19-1208a4, 1248b8-1249a16, 1283a33-68, 1360b31, 1390b16, p. 2422
Good fortune, 1098b26, 1099b8, 1124a14, 1129b3, 1153b22, 1155a8, 1169b14, 1171a21-b28, 1179b23, 1183b34, 1206b34, 1207a1-19, 1213a28, 1214a25, 1246b37-1248b7, 1361b39, 1369a32, 1389a1, 1390b13-1391b7. See Chance
Good temper, 125b21-7, 1103a8, 1108a6, 1109b17, 1125b26-1126b10, 1129b22, 1191b23-38, 1220b38, 1222a42, 1231b5-26, 1250a40, 1380a5-b33
Good will, 1155b33-1156a5, 1158a7, 1166b6-1167a20, 1211b40-1212a13, 1241a1-14, 1436b17, 1441b37-1442a27, 1444b35-1445a10
Government, 1252a14, 1275a39, 1279a18-b10, 1288a34-1290a29, See Constitution
Grammar, 102a19, 104a17, 111a37, 142b31-5, 146b6, 1003b20, 1205a19, 1226a37, 1246b28
Growth [auxēsis: increase], 111b5, 111b25, 270a23, 284b28, 288b15, 310a27, 310b20, 314b13, 319b30, 320a8-322a33, 325b3, 327a22, 406a13, 411a30, 413a27, 415b29, 434a24, 441b30, 442a5, 450b7, 100a27, 744b30-745b9, 916a12-17, 1042a35, 1088a32
Habit [hexis: condition, state], 8b27-9a12, 11a22, 928b23-929a5, 1022b4-14, 1148b18-34, 1220b18, 1222b5-14
Hail, 347b14-349a11, 369b32, 388b12, 940a13
Hair, 90b5, 386b14, 388a16, 517b2-519a29, 658a16-b11, 745a11, 781b30, 785b16, 797a34-799b20
Haloes, 344b2, 346a5, 371b18-373a31, 373b34, 374a10, 377b34, 912b34
Hand, 432a1, 493b27, 687a5-b21
Happiness [eudaimonia], 1095a18-1102a17, 1152b6, 1153b15, 1169b28, 1176a30-1181b32, 1184a10-1185a26, 1204a28, 1206b30, 1207b16, 1208a31, 1214a1-1215b14, 1217a20-40, 1219a28-b25, 1255b9, 1264b11, 1323b20-1326b7, 1329a23, 1332a25, 1337b33-1338a13, 1339b11-42, 1360b8-1362a14, p. 2403, p. 2414
Hard, 314b17-26, 326a8, 329b19, 330a8, 654a1, 783a34
Hare, 542b31, 579b30-580a5, 667a20, 774a35
Harmonics, 75b16, 76a10, 76a24, 76b38, 79a1, 997b21, 1077a5, 1078a14, 1093b22
Harmony, 123a33, 139b33, 396b8-397a5, 1448b21,
of the spheres, 290b12-291a29, 986a2, 1093b4
and soul, 407b27-408a28
‘Have’, 15b17-33, 1023a7-25, 1184b10. See Habit
Hawk, 563b14-564a6, 615a4, 620a17-b5
Head, 7a15, 531b30-532a4, 656a14-b13, 686a1-18
Health, 106b34, 110a19, 114a30, 123a17, 139b21, 145b8, 246b5, 292a22-27, 436a17, 444a14, 480b23, 1330a38-b17
Hearing, 114b27, 135b31, 419b4-421a6, 421b6, 422a23, 425a4, 425b30, 426a8, 435b24, 437a10, 437b5, 439a16, 445a10, 446b3, 533b4-534a11, 656b14-657a18, 781a15-b29, 801a21-40, 801b15, 804a1-8, 980b23, 1340a28-b19. See Ears, Perception
Heart, 403a31, 408b8, 432b31, 439a3, 458a15, 469a4-34, 479b17-480a15, 482a6, 485b8, 506b32-507a9, 513a27-38, 647a25, 665a26-667b14, 703a1-b25, 734a20, 735a25, 738b20, 743b30, 776b20, 882a33
Heat, 340a21, 341a12, 342a15, 348a20, 358b7, 362a6, 382b33, 389a26, 441b29, 444a23, 784b10, 795a24, See Hot
Internal, 397b34, 380a19, 456b21, 466b32, 469b25, 470a22, 474b21, 480a17, 481b4, 650a5, 652b17, 669b1, 701b15, 784b5-10, 875a13
Heavens, 196a33, 212b17, 217a13, 251b19, 272a5, 276a18-283b22, 286a3-287b22, 391a25-b10, 396a3-397b14, 641b17-23, 663b25, 699a12-700a26, 1074a32-39, 1076a2, 1741b2. See Astronomy, Planets, Stars, Universe
Heavy, 106a18, 201a8, 269b20, 276a16, 286a26, 308a7, 31 Sail, 319a29, 323a6, 326a6, 329a11, 329b18-24. See Light
Hectocotylus, 524a7, 541b9, 720b30
Heredity, 585b29-586a14, 721b29-722a16, 769a1-25, 1390b25
Hibernation, 599a4-601a23
Hippopotamus, 499b10, 502a9-15, 605a13
Homogeneous bodies [homoimerē], 187a25, 203a21, 205a13, 212b7, 302b16, 304a26, 384b31, 388a10-389a24, 389b24-390b21, 487a2, 489a27, 650b13-655b27, 722a18, 734b27
Homonymy, 1a1, 77a9, 77b24, 85b11, 97b36, 99a7, 106a1-107b35, 110a23-111a7, 123a27-b7, 129a30, 129b30, 139b19, 148a23-b23, 154a18, 165b30-166a21, 169a22, 175a30-176a15, 177b7, 175a15-180a7, 249a23, 1003a34, 1030a32, 1035b25, 1046a6, 1086b26, 1096b13, 1407a32, 1435a33
Honour [timē], 1095b22-1096a3, 1107b22-27, 1116a28, 1123a33-1125b25, 1159a16, 1165a24, 1192a21-33, 1200a17-29, 1202a30-39, 1232b1736, 1267a1, 1304a17-38, 1315a4-14, 1361a27-b2
Hoofs, 517a6-34, 690a4-28, 743a15, 797b19 Horn, 383a32, 384b1, 499b15-500a13, 517a6-29, 662b23-664a13
Hornet, 554b22-555a12, 628b32-629a28
Horse, 501b14, 545b10-20, 572a9-b17, 575b2-577a17, 604a22-605a15
Hot, 329b24-29, 330a24-29, 378b12, 648a20-649b8. See Heat
Households, 1253a39-1260b23, 1278b32-40, 1343a2, 1343b8-1344a7
Hurricane, 365a1, 366b33, 369a19, 370b8-371b17
Hyena, 579b16-30, 594a31-65, 667a21, 757a2-13, 845a24-27
Hypothesis, 40b25, 41a22, 50a16, 72a20, 76b23-34, 77a4, 92a6-33, 108b8, 119b35-120a5, 152b17-24, 281b5, 1005b15, 1151a17
Iambic metre, 1404a31, 1408b33, 1448b37, 1449a21, 1451b14, 1458b19, 1459a10
Ice, 347b36, 348b32, 349a2, 362a5, 385a32, 387a19, 388b11
Ideas, see Form
Identity, 103a6-39, 108a34-b4, 133b15, 151b26-153a5, 169b3, 178b39, 224a2, 338b6-19, 411b21, 415b7, 427a2, 431a23, 446b24, 447b13, 449a14, 995b21, 1017b26-1018a9, 1021a12, 1037b6, 1049b18, 1054a30-62, 1058a18
Ignorance, 79b24, 81a37-b9, 147b29, 156b12, 1052a2, 1110b18-1111a21, 1135a24-34, 1136a5-8, 1144a16, 1195a23-b4, 1225b5-15, 1246b21-30
Imagination [phantasia], 403a8, 414b16, 415a10, 425b25, 427b27-429a9, 432a9, 433a10, 433b29, 434a10, 438a12, 449b30-464b8, 701a5, 701b15, 702a5, 703b20, 1370a28, 1370b33, 1378b9, 1383a17, 1404a11
Imitation, 987b12, 1190a31, 1447a19-1448b23, 1450a16, 1451a30, 1453b13, 1454a27, 1459a15, 1461b26-1462b15
Immediate propositions, 48a33, 68b30, 72a7, 72b19, 93b22, 94a9
Immortality, 119b36, 145b22, 415b1-7, 430a23, 1070a26, 1111b22, 1177b33, 1225b33
Incontinence [akrasia: weakness of will], 146b25, 433a3, 434a14, 949a21-950a19, 1095a9, 1102b14, 1111b13, 1119b31, 1136a32, 1142b18, 1145a16-1152a36, 1166b8, 1168b34, 1200a37-1204a18, 1223a37, 1227b15, 1229b35, 1231b3, 1237a8, 1246b13, 1250a1, 1251a23-30, 1361a7, 1362b12, 1366a15, 1372b13, 1383b23, 1390a14, 1392b24
proposition, 24a19, 26a28, 26b14, 27b20, 27b28, 28b28, 35b11
Indivisible, 241a26, 448b14, 449a27, 999a3, 1014a27, 1016a19, 1052a15-1053b8
magnitudes [atoms], 314a21, 315b6-317a17, 325a23-326b6, 327a7, 328a5, 329a14-24, 440a27, 445b9, 1083b13
lines, 229a10, 307a22, 968a1-972b31, 992a22, 1084b1
Induction, 28b21, 42a3, 67a23, 68b8-37, 69a16, 71a6, 72b30, 77b35, 78a35, 81a38-69, 90b14, 91b35, 92a37, 100b4, 105a13-18, 108b7, 111b38-112a5, 113b17, 115a5, 112a17, 155b34-156a7, 156b14, 157a7, 160a37, 164a12, 185a14, 210b8, 224b30, 229b3, 252a24, 992b33, 1048a36, 1078b28, 1098b3, 1139b27, 1182b32, 1356b1-25, 1393a26, 1394a13, 1398a32-b18
Infinity, 187b8, 200b17, 202b30-208a23, 233a22-b15, 237b23-238b22, 239b4-240b8, 271b1-276a17, 303a5, 304b28, 318a20, 337b25, 440a23, 445b3, 742b20, 987a16, 994a1-b30, 999a27, 1000b28, 1022b9, 1030b35, 1048b9, 1066a35, 1083b37-1085a2
Inflexion, see Case
Inherence, 1a20-b5, 116b17, 125a33, 127b1-4, 132b19-34, 145a33-b11, 150a26, 151a32-b2
Injustice, see Justice
Insects, 475a1-b4, 531b19-532b18, 542a1-17, 550b2-557b31, 682a2-683b3, 710a2-22, 758b7-37
Intuition, see Thought
Involuntary, see Voluntary
‘Is’, see Being