cooking meat

find the techniques, timings, and temperatures you need to know when cooking beef, lamb, pork, and veal. (Look for meat recipes Burgers, Panko Beef Roast with Zucchini, and Standing Rib Roast.)

direct-grilling meat



Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder petite tender medallions, shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 10 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder petite tender medallions, shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder petite tender medallions, shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness: 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 15 to 19 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder petite tender medallions, shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness: 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 18 to 23 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 14 to 18 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 18 to 22 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness: 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 20 to 24 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness: 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 24 to 28 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 9 to 11 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 11 to 13 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 13 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 15 to 17 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Flank steak

Thickness: 1 to 1¼ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 13 to 16 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone, rib)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 10 to 13 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone, rib)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone, rib)

Thickness: 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 18 to 21 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone, rib)

Thickness: 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 22 to 25 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Ground meat patties (beef, lamb, pork, and veal)

Thickness: ½inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 10 to 13 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Ground meat patties (beef, lamb, pork, and veal)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 14 to 18 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 12 to 14 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 15 to 17 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Chop (sirloin)

Thickness: ¾ to 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 14 to 17 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness: ¾ to 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 10 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness: 1¼ to 1½ inches

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 15 to 18 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium



Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness: 1 inch

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Kabobs (beef or lamb)

Thickness: 1-inch cubes

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 8 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Kabobs (veal)

Thickness: 1-inch cubes

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 10 to 14 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Kabobs (pork)

Thickness: 1-inch cubes

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 10 to 14 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Sausages, cooked (hot dogs, smoked bratwurst, etc.)

Grilling Temperature: Medium

Direct-Grilling Time*: 3 to 7 minutes

Doneness: Heated through

*All grilling times are based on meat removed directly from refrigerator.

direct-grilling meat

for a charcoal or gas grill, grill meat, covered, over medium heat (tips, Grilling) for the time given (left) or to desired doneness, turning once halfway through grilling.

doneness should be determined using an instant-read thermometer. Tent steaks and chops with foil; let stand at room temperature 5 minutes (beef, lamb, and veal) or 3 minutes (pork) before cutting and serving. The temperature will continue to rise during the time it stands.

indirect- grilling meat

for a charcoal or gas grill, prepare grill for indirect heat using a drip pan (tips, Grilling). Place meat, fat side(s) up, over drip pan. Grill, covered, over indirect medium heat for the time given (right) or to desired temperature.

doneness should be determined using a meat thermometer (roasts) or an instant-read thermometer (smaller cuts of meat). Thermometer should register temperature listed under “doneness.” After grilling, tent meat with foil; let stand 15 minutes (large cuts of meat, such as roasts), 5 minutes (steaks and lamb chops), and 3 minutes (pork chops) before slicing. The meat’s temperature will continue to rise during the time it stands.

indirect-grilling meat



Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 22 to 26 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 26 to 30 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 32 to 36 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 36 to 40 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip roast (bottom sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 35 to 40 minutes

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless tri-tip roast (bottom sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 40 to 45 minutes

Doneness: 150°F medium

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 2 to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 2½ to 3¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Ribeye roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¼ to 1¾ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Ribeye roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1½ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], whole shoulder petite tender, tenderloin, porterhouse, T-bone, rib [cowboy])

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 16 to 20 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], whole shoulder petite tender, tenderloin, porterhouse, T-bone, rib [cowboy])

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 20 to 24 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], whole shoulder petite tender, tenderloin, porterhouse, T-bone, rib [cowboy])

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 22 to 25 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], whole shoulder petite tender, tenderloin, porterhouse, T-bone, rib [cowboy])

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 25 to 28 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Tenderloin roast (medium-high heat)

Thickness/Weight: 2 to 3 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 45 to 60 minutes

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Tenderloin roast (medium-high heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1 to 1¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare



Boneless leg roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1½ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless leg roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¾ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Boneless leg roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¾ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless leg roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 2 to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Boneless sirloin roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1 to 1¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless sirloin roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¼ to 1½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Chop (loin and rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 16 to 18 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Chop (loin and rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 18 to 20 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Leg of lamb (with bone) (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 5 to 7 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Leg of lamb (with bone) (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 5 to 7 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 2¼ to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium



Boneless top loin roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 2 to 3 lb. (single loin)

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1 to 1½ hours

Doneness: 145°F medium

Boneless top loin roast (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 3 to 5 lb. (double loin, tied)

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1½ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 145°F medium

Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ to 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 20 to 24 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1¼ to 1½ inches

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 30 to 35 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Country-style ribs

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1½ to 2 hours

Doneness: 185°F tender

Ham, cooked (boneless)** (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 3 to 5 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¼ to 2 hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cooked (boneless)** (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 2 to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham steak, cooked (medium-high heat)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 20 to 24 minutes

Doneness: 140°F

Loin back ribs or spareribs

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1½ to 1¾ hours

Doneness: Tender

Loin center rib roast (backbone loosened) (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1¼ to 2 hours

Doneness: 145°F medium

Loin center rib roast (backbone loosened) (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 2 to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 145°F medium

Sausages, uncooked (bratwurst, Polish, and Italian sausage links)

Thickness/Weight: about 4 per lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 20 to 30 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Smoked shoulder picnic (with bone), cooked (medium-low heat)

Thickness/Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 1½ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 140°F heated through

Tenderloin (medium-high heat)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ to 1 lb.

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 30 to 35 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium



Chop (loin and rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Indirect-Grilling Time*: 19 to 23 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

*All grilling times are approximate and based on meat removed directly from refrigerator.

**If using a natural ham, cooking may require 45 to 60 minutes more to reach temperature.


to broil, place meat on the unheated rack of a broiler pan. Preheat broiler 5 to 10 minutes. For cuts less than 1½ inches thick, broil 3 to 4 inches from the heat. For 1½-inch-thick cuts, broil 4 to 5 inches from the heat. Broil for the time given (right) or until done, turning meat over halfway through broiling time. Tent with foil; let stand 5 minutes (beef steaks and lamb or veal chops) and 3 minutes (pork chops) before serving.

broiling meat



Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 12 to 14 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 15 to 18 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 18 to 21 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless steak (top loin [strip], ribeye, shoulder top blade [flat iron], shoulder center [ranch], chuck eye, tenderloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 22 to 27 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 15 to 17 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 20 to 22 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 25 to 27 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless top sirloin steak

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 30 to 32 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ inch

Broiling Time*: 6 to 7 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ inch

Broiling Time*: 8 to 9 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 9 to 10 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 11 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Flank steak

Thickness/Weight: 1 to 1¼ inches

Broiling Time*: 13 to 16 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 15 to 20 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 20 to 25 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare

Steak with bone (porterhouse, T-bone)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 25 to 30 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Ground meat patties (beef, lamb, pork, and veal)

Thickness/Weight: ½ inch

Broiling Time*: 10 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Ground meat patties (beef, lamb, pork, and veal)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ inch

Broiling Time*: 12 to 14 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 10 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Chop (sirloin)

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ to 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 5 to 8 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium

Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1¼ to 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 13 to 16 minutes**

Doneness: 145°F medium

Ham steak, cooked

Thickness/Weight: 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 140°F heated through



Hot dogs and sausage links, cooked

Broiling Time*: 3 to 7 minutes

Doneness: 140°F heated through



Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness/Weight: ¾ to 1 inch

Broiling Time*: 14 to 16 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness/Weight: 1½ inches

Broiling Time*: 21 to 25 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

*All broiling times are based on meat removed directly from refrigerator.

**Turn two or three times during broiling.

skillet-cooking meat

Select a skillet that is heavy and is the right size for the amount of meat you’re cooking. (If the skillet is too large, the pan juices can burn.) Lightly coat the skillet with nonstick cooking spray or use a heavy nonstick skillet.

to cook, preheat skillet over medium-high heat until very hot. Add meat. Do not add any liquid and do not cover the skillet. Reduce heat to medium and cook for the time given (right) or until done, turning meat occasionally. If meat browns too quickly, reduce heat to medium-low. Tent with foil and let stand 5 minutes (beef steaks and lamb and veal chops) or 3 minutes (pork chops) before serving.

stir-frying works best using lean meats. Always heat the pan and oil before adding the food (for good browning, cook meat in batches so pan doesn’t cool down). Adding ingredients to a pan before it has reached medium-high will cause the ingredients to juice out and steam instead of brown.

skillet-cooking meat



Boneless chuck-eye steak

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 9 to 11 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Boneless chuck-eye steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak or top loin steak (strip)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 10 to 13 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Boneless top sirloin steak or top loin steak (strip)

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 15 to 20 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 6 to 9 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Boneless tri-tip steak (bottom sirloin)

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 9 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Cubed steak

Thickness: ½ inch

Cooking Time*: 5 to 8 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Porterhouse or T-bone steak

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 11 to 13 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Porterhouse or T-bone steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 14 to 17 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Ribeye steak

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 8 to 10 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Ribeye steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Shoulder center steak (ranch)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 9 to 12 minutes (turn twice)

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Shoulder center steak (ranch)

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 13 to 16 minutes (turn twice)

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Shoulder top blade steak (flat iron)

Thickness: 6 to 8 oz.

Cooking Time*: 8 to 15 minutes (turn once or twice)

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Tenderloin steak

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 7 to 9 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Tenderloin steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 10 to 13 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Top loin steak

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 10 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Top loin steak

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium rare to 160°F medium

Ground meat patties (beef, lamb, pork, and veal)

Thickness: ½ inch

Cooking Time*: 9 to 12 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium

Ground meat patties (beef, lamb, pork, and veal)

Thickness: ¾ inch

Cooking Time*: 12 to 15 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness: 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 9 to 11 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium



Canadian-style bacon

Thickness: ¼ inch

Cooking Time*: 3 to 4 minutes

Doneness: Heated through

Chop (boneless or bone-in loin, sirloin, and rib)

Thickness: ¾ to 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 6 to 10 minutes

Doneness: 145°F medium


Thickness: ¼ inch

Cooking Time*: 3 to 4 minutes

Doneness: No longer pink

Ham slice, cooked

Thickness: ½ inch

Cooking Time*: 9 to 11 minutes

Doneness: 140°F heated through



Chop (loin or rib)

Thickness: ¾ to 1 inch

Cooking Time*: 10 to 14 minutes

Doneness: 160°F medium


Thickness: ⅛ inch

Cooking Time*: 2 to 3 minutes

Doneness: No longer pink


Thickness: ¼ inch

Cooking Time*: 4 to 6 minutes

Doneness: No longer pink

*All cooking times are based on meat removed directly from refrigerator.

roasting meat

Select a pan that fits the task of roasting big pieces of meat—a large, sturdy shallow pan with a rack set inside. The pan’s sides should be 2 to 3 inches high. This setup keeps the meat above the juices so the heat circulates all around the meat. You can also use a 13×9-inch baking pan with an oven-safe wire rack set inside.

to roast, place meat, fat side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. (Bone-in rib roasts do not need a rack.) Insert a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the roast (or check with an instant-read thermometer near the end of cooking time). Do not add water or liquid and do not cover. Roast in a 325°F oven (unless chart says otherwise) for time given (below) and until thermometer registers the temperature listed under “Doneness.” Remove the meat from the oven. Tent with foil; let stand 15 minutes before carving. The meat’s temperature will rise to the standard for medium rare (145°F) and medium (160°F) during the time it stands.

roasting meat



Boneless tri-tip roast (bottom sirloin) (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Roasting Time*: 30 to 35 minutes

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless tri-tip roast (bottom sirloin) (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Roasting Time*: 40 to 45 minutes

Doneness: 150°F medium

Eye round roast (Roasting past medium rare is not recommended)

Weight: 2 to 3 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 1¾ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Ribeye roast (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 1¾ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Ribeye roast (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2 hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Ribeye roast (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Ribeye roast (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Ribeye roast (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Ribeye roast (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¾ to 3 hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 8 to 10 lb.**

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Rib roast (chine bone removed) (Roast at 350°F)

Weight: 8 to 10 lb.**

Roasting Time*: 3 to 3½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Round tip roast

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Round tip roast

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Round tip roast

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2½ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Round tip roast

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3 hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Round tip roast

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Round tip roast

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 3 to 3½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Tenderloin roast (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 2 to 3 lb.

Roasting Time*: 35 to 40 minutes

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Tenderloin roast (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 2 to 3 lb.

Roasting Time*: 45 to 50 minutes

Doneness: 150°F medium

Tenderloin roast (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 50 to 60 minutes

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Tenderloin roast (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 60 to 70 minutes

Doneness: 150°F medium

Top round roast (Roasting past medium rare is not recommended)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Top round roast (Roasting past medium rare is not recommended)

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare



Boneless leg of lamb

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless leg of lamb

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Boneless leg of lamb

Weight: 5 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2½ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless leg of lamb

Weight: 5 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3 hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Boneless shoulder roast

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 2 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless shoulder roast

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Boneless shoulder roast

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2½ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless shoulder roast

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 3 hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Boneless sirloin roast

Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1 to 1¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Boneless sirloin roast

Weight: 1½ to 2 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¼ to 1½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Leg of lamb (with bone)

Weight: 5 to 7 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Leg of lamb (with bone)

Weight: 5 to 7 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Leg of lamb (with bone)

Weight: 7 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Leg of lamb (with bone)

Weight: 7 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3 hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Leg of lamb, shank half (with bone)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Leg of lamb, shank half (with bone)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2 to 2½ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Leg of lamb, sirloin half (with bone)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 2 hours

Doneness: 135°F medium rare

Leg of lamb, sirloin half (with bone)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium



Boneless country-style ribs (loin) (Brown in oil before roasting; roast at 350°F)

Roasting Time*: 30 minutes

Doneness: 145°F

Boneless country-style ribs (shoulder) (Brown in oil before roasting; roast at 350°F)

Roasting Time*: 50 minutes

Doneness: 185°F tender

Boneless sirloin roast

Weight: 2 to 2½ lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¼ to 1¾ hours

Doneness: 145°F

Boneless top loin roast (single loin)

Weight: 2 to 3 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1 to 1½ hours

Doneness: 145°F

Crown roast

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 145°F

Ham, cooked (boneless)***

Weight: 1½ to 3 lb.

Roasting Time*: ¾ to 1¼ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cooked (boneless)***

Weight: 3 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1 to 1¾ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cooked (boneless)***

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cooked (boneless)***

Weight: 8 to 10 lb.**

Roasting Time*: 2¼ to 2¾ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cooked (with bone)*** (half or whole)

Weight: 6 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cooked (with bone)*** (half or whole)

Weight: 14 to 16 lb.**

Roasting Time*: 2¾ to 3¾ hours

Doneness: 140°F

Ham, cook before eating (with bone)

Weight: 3 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 3 hours

Doneness: 150°F

Ham, cook before eating (with bone)

Weight: 7 to 8 lb.

Roasting Time*: 2½ to 3¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F

Ham, cook before eating (with bone)

Weight: 14 to 16 lb.**

Roasting Time*: 4 to 5¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F

Loin back ribs or spareribs

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 1¾ hours

Doneness: tender

Loin center rib roast (backbone loosened)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¼ to 1½ hours

Doneness: 145°F

Loin center rib roast (backbone loosened)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 2½ hours

Doneness: 145°F

Smoked shoulder picnic, cooked (with bone)

Weight: 4 to 6 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¼ to 2 hours

Doneness: 140°F

Tenderloin (Roast at 425°F)

Weight: 1 lb

Roasting Time*: 30 to 35 minutes

Doneness: 145°F



Loin roast (with bone)

Weight: 3 to 4 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1¾ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

Rib roast (chine bone removed)

Weight: 4 to 5 lb.

Roasting Time*: 1½ to 2¼ hours

Doneness: 150°F medium

*All roasting times are based on meat removed directly from refrigerator.

**Roasts weighing more than 8 lb. should be loosely covered with foil halfway through roasting.

***If using a natural ham, cooking may require 45 to 60 minutes more to reach temperature.

meat cuts

before you shop, learn where each cut of beef, lamb, and pork came from and what the best uses are for each.

Beef cuts


Center steak (Ranch steak) Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Chuck eye steak Broil, grill, skillet-cook, stir-fry

Roast Braise (cook in liquid)

Short ribs Braise (cook in liquid)

Shoulder petite tender Broil, grill, roast

Shoulder steak (boneless) Braise (cook in liquid)

Top blade steak (boneless) Broil, grill, roast

Top blade steak (flat iron) Broil, grill, skillet-cook, stir-fry


Back ribs Parboil before grilling

Ribeye and rib roasts Grill, roast

Ribeye steak Broil, grill, skillet-cook


T-bone and Porterhouse steak Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Tenderloin roast Grill, roast

Tenderloin steak Broil, grill, skillet-cook, stir-fry

Top loin (strip) steak Broil, grill, skillet-cook, stir-fry


Tri-tip and top sirloin steaks Broil, grill, skillet-cook, stir-fry

Tri-tip roast Grill, roast


Bottom round roast Braise (cook in liquid), roast

Bottom round steak Braise (cook in liquid)

Eye round roast Braise (cook in liquid), roast

Eye round steak Braise (cook in liquid), broil, grill, skillet-cook

Round tip roast Roast

Top round roast Roast

Round tip steak Skillet-cook, stir-fry


Brisket Braise (cook in liquid)

Shank crosscut Braise (cook in liquid)


Skirt steak Broil, grill, stir-fry


Flank steak Broil, grill, stir-fry

NOTE Beef cut terminology varies among packagers.


Beef is graded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) based on factors that affect tenderness and flavor, such as marbling (percentage of fat in meat), firmness, and color. The grades are prime, choice, and select. Prime (the most expensive and highest quality) is from young cattle, and the meat is well-marbled.

Choice is also high quality (with juicy, tender meat) but contains less marbling than prime. Select tends to be leaner (less marbling), which also may make it slightly less tender and less flavorful.


Look for beef with a fresh pink/red color. Some fat around the exterior of beef cuts is good, but trim any large pieces surrounding the meat.


Make tougher cuts of beef (such as brisket, flank steak, and tri-tip) fork-tender by cutting them thinly across the grain (the long fibers running through meat).

Lamb cuts


Although lamb has five grades, the two you’ll find in the supermarket are prime and choice. Like beef, prime lamb is well-marbled, which makes it exceptionally tender and flavorful. Choice is less well-marbled but is still considered quality in terms of flavor, juiciness, and tenderness. Buy lamb that has a USDA grade on the package to avoid purchasing meat from older animals (mutton).


Arm chop Braise (cook in liquid), broil, grill, skillet-cook

Blade chop Braise (cook in liquid), broil, grill, skillet-cook

Boneless roast Braise (cook in liquid), roast


Foreshank Braise (cook in liquid)


Rib chop Broil, grill, roast, skillet-cook

Rib roast Grill, roast


Loin chop Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Loin roast Grill, roast


Boneless leg of lamb Grill, roast

Hind shanks Braise (cook in liquid)

Leg center slice Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Loin chop Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Loin roast Grill, roast

Shank half of leg Grill, roast

Sirloin chop Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Sirloin half leg of lamb Roast

NOTE For storing, freezing, and thawing information, see Storage & Safety.

pork cuts


Blade roast Braise (cook in liquid), roast

Blade steak Braise (cook in liquid), broil, grill, skillet-cook

Sausage links Skillet-cook

Smoked hocks Braise (cook in liquid)

Smoked picnic Cook in liquid, roast


Boneless sirloin chop Braise (cook in liquid), broil, roast

Boneless sirloin roast Grill, roast

Boneless top loin roast (single and double) Grill, roast

Canadian-style bacon Braise (cook in liquid), broil, roast

Center rib roast Grill, roast

Chops (top loin, loin, butterfly, rib) Broil, grill, skillet-cook

Ribs (loin-back, country-style) Braise (cook in liquid), broil, roast

Smoked loin chop Braise (cook in liquid), broil, roast

Tenderloin Grill, roast


Spareribs Braise (cook in liquid), broil, roast

(D) belly

Slab bacon Slice before baking or skillet-cooking

Sliced bacon Bake, broil, skillet-cook

Pork belly Roast


Cutlet Braise (cook in liquid), skillet-cook

Ham Grill, roast

Ham steak Broil, grill, skillet-cooK


Pork is not graded like beef and lamb because all pork comes from younger hogs that have been bred to yield meat that is consistent in tenderness and flavor.


Look for pork that has minimal fat around the exterior of the cuts and is firm in texture with a pinkish color.