Hands of the Ancestors
turn as I see Summer pointing in the direction of the largest building on the left side of the thruway.
“Dad, that’s one of many receiving areas located here in the Valley.”
“A receiving area, like a receiving area for babies, that kind of receiving?”
“Exactly, we can show you. It’s the coolest thing Dad.”
Lori waves over a couple teenagers, “Chado, let the kiddos take Max and Hollywood to the stables, the animals aren’t allowed inside any of the buildings.”
“Moushie, Rex, y’all go with them, and take Benny and Clyde along.”
I can’t help but laugh as I watch all six of our furry buddies head off following the two teenagers. “Chado, I hope Benny stays out of the wine pouch.”
“Yeah, so do I, he is a little rascal.”
Summer and Lori both smile as they make a hand gesture to keep following.
“Lead the way Sweetie, I’m coming.”
As we get closer to the receiving area, I notice hundreds of people
exiting the building and they are all carrying infants. Without having to ask, I can tell their destination is a row of building across the throughway.
The overhead walkway is filled with people coming and going from one building to the next like a giant assembly line. It’s almost confusing seeing these lines and thinking over a period of time, how they must move thousands of kids in and out of here. Wow!
Before entering the building, I hesitate for just a second, admiring more beautiful stone work and the peculiar name written over the entry.
“Hey, Dad can you read what it says?”
“Sure, I can read Hebrew, it says, Hands of the Ancestors.”
“That’s right, follow us Pop, you’re about to see a miracle.”
We follow Lori through a side door, not interrupting the flow of people coming and going through the main entrance. As we step inside, Lori leads us up a short set of stairs onto a small balcony overlooking the entire open area.
I count twelve portals, two lines of people at each portal. One line walking in empty handed; the other walking out holding infants. As I look across the open area I count twenty-four lines total.
I see Summer point back at a giant balcony that almost reaches across the entire entryway. “Hey Dad, we’re just in time for the changing of the choir.”
There are hundreds of children of all ages standing at attention in the choir loft facing the portals getting ready to sing.
To my surprise, the toddler with the green eyes that I held earlier steps up in front of this massive choir and begins to sing. Her beautiful voice has a clarity and volume like I’ve never heard.
This two foot tall toddler begins to sing by herself the first part of Psalm: 67.
“God be merciful to us and bless us
And cause His face to shine upon us,
That Your way may be known on Earth,
Your salvation among all nations.”
Around verse three, the voices and instruments of this children’s choir join in, creating an unbelievable heavenly sound.
I can’t help myself as I’m overcome with joy. I turn around and look into the eyes of Summer and Lori as I start laughing, “This is so unbelievable!” I look back over the twelve portals with thousands of people coming and going and the sounds of this magnificent heavenly choir penetrates my soul.
“Sweetie, it just keeps getting better and I am totally blown away with the little toddler! Who is she?”
Summer and Lori starts grinning from ear to ear. “What’s up, who is she, do we know some of her family?”
“Dad, her God given name is Roselyn, we call her Rosie. She only has a few people in her bloodline that made it to Heaven, and they’re overwhelmed with the number of kids they have; so that’s where we come in.”
“What do you mean, where we come in?”
“Dad, I received Rosie and took her in as my own, along with several others. Do you remember her calling me, ‘My Summer’?”
“Yeah, I thought that was pretty sweet.”
“Well I guess she’ll probably call you My Pawpaw Chado”.
“You know, Sweetheart, I wouldn’t mind that at all. As a matter of fact she can call me whatever she likes. I actually fell in love with her when I first picked her up and held her.”
I see Lori heading back the way we came in.
“Follow us Dad, we’ll get a bit closer; I want you to see the miracle.”
* *
We go back down the steps and make our way around the side until we’re standing only a few feet away from one of the portals. I watch the most amazing thing happen, right before my very eyes.
The portal openings look like a sheet of water, favoring a thin membrane, and I can easily see through to the other side.
Suddenly a beautiful Angel appears at the threshold just on the other side of the portal. She’s dressed in a brilliant white garment and there’s a glow that radiates, hovering around her with the appearance of purity and total peace.
I feel the touch of Summer and Lori as they place their hands on my shoulder, with a soft whisper,
“Watch closely Dad.”
As the Angel reaches her hands out, I can now see in the palm of her hand, she’s holding a tiny unborn, undeveloped baby. Tears start to swell as I see the baby is in a fetal position as though to still be in the mother’s womb; it’s the size of a small bird and not moving.
My eyes widen as the ancestor of this child’s bloodline reaches through the clear liquid with the Angel laying the tiny baby in her hands.
My God, My God, the miracle takes place!
Tears of joy fill my eyes as the ancestor very slowly pulls the undeveloped, aborted baby back through the portal, with almost the exact representation of natural birth.
Out of chaos, from an evil world, this unwanted child is now resting in the arms of a loving ancestor as a fully developed baby. As the child takes her first breath, filling her lungs with the air of Heaven, she cries out with new life under the protection and love of God.
I continue to watch as the ancestor walks past me, not looking up but staring into the face of her beautiful baby. This scene reminds me of when I gazed upon Summer as I held her for the first time. This special moment, seeing and holding new life and feeling a new
love, and only at that very second really understanding that this gift of life was truly a gift from God.
As I turn and look back through the portal, the Angel disappears with another taking her place, this constant flow seems to be never ending.
“Come on Dad, we have something else you might like.”
On our way out of the building, we walk past the hundreds of eager relatives lining up behind one another, and each time they hear the first cry of a newborn they lift their hands in praise and thanksgiving.
The sounds of newborns crying echoing across this grand auditorium from each portal seem to blend with children’s choir creating an odd harmony that is completely soothing to the hearts of everyone here.
As we exit through the side door, I feel the hand of Uriel on my shoulder as he whispers: “Now you know why God calls this place, The Hands of the Ancestors.”
We follow the line of people heading over the arched crosswalk, and I notice how busy everyone seems to be.
“Hey Summer, I see lots of people doing different jobs here in the Valley; what do you guys do to pass the time?”
Lori and Summer smile, “Oh, we stay pretty busy; Dad, we teach school.”
“You’re both teachers?”
“Well, not like teachers on Earth, we teach the little ones the ways of God. When they come here God gives them knowledge way beyond a normal kid back on Earth, and that alone makes our job pretty easy. I guess when it comes down to it, we help with decisions, where and what they desire and how to use their special skills that God blesses them with. This helps everyone to become more productive here in Heaven. This also helps getting them ready for their roles and duties
when the thousand year reign of peace begins. You know Dad, the New Heaven and the New Earth! Pop, we just don’t get to Heaven and sit around like kings and queens expecting everyone to wait on us.”
“Summer, you’re too funny!”
* * *
“Hey Uriel, the teens brought back Max and Hollywood: they’re right on time! So what’s next on the agenda guys?”
“Well Pop, that building right there has the portals where all these people are transporting to and from their homes, or at least to the nearest portal to their homes.”
“Little Soul, you can call it God’s super highway here inside Heaven. We can go in and let you see it, but it almost looks exactly like the portals across the street. It’s your call.”
“I guess we can skip it; I’ll probably be using it someday in the future, yeah let’s skip it. I’m curious to know what Summer was talking about, when she said there was something else I might like. So what’s the surprise kiddo?”
Before she could answer, six toddlers come running up with Rosie leading the pack.
“Summer, Summer, did you hear us sing?”
“Yes, and so did your Pawpaw.”
“My Pawpaw?”
“Yes your Pawpaw Chado.”
Suddenly, I had six toddlers crawling all over me with Rosie asking, “Are you my Pawpaw Chado?”
“Yes Sweetie, I’m your Pawpaw Chado.”
“Did you hear us sing?”
“Yes, and I thought I was hearing Angels singing, and I looked up and you know what?
“What, Pawpaw?”
“I saw you and I was so proud of how beautiful y’all sounded.”
“Thank you Pawpaw, God taught us how to sing like that.”
“Well, He did a good job. Hey Rosie, would you like to ride Hollywood, that giant horse right there?”
She rolls her big beautiful green eyes with a funny little expression, “I’ll have to ask my Summer if it’s okay.”
“Go ahead, but hold on tight.”
Hollywood and Max do their bowing trick making it easy to place all six kids on their backs, and wasting no time both spider monkeys climb aboard.
“Okay Summer, where to?”
“How about, we take a camping trip to the most beautiful beach in all God’s creation?”
I slowly look around and see mountain ranges on both sides of the valley, as the kids all start to giggle.
“No Pawpaw, we get to go through a portal, there’s no beach around here silly willy.”
I hear another toddler, “It’s field trip day for the kids that live here in the Valley, and we get to go see the sea monsters.”
They all start growling and giggling.
“Hey, Uriel, what do they mean, sea monsters?”
“Oh, it’s harmless. They’re talking about the sea creatures that live in the ocean below the planet.”
“Yeah, I got to see that when Allayer and Nipper transported me in. It actually looked like the planet was sitting in the ocean.”
“Not really, I guess you could say the planet of Heaven hovers above the waters; it just looks like that from space.”
“What about the ring around the planet?”
“That’s the beach they’re talking about, Chado. Let me put it to you like this, God designed it especially for the kids and it is
amazing. I’m a Warrior Angel and I love going there, so get ready for something pretty special.”
We head for what looks like the center of town. “Hey Dad.”
“Yeah Sweetie, what you got?”
She points toward a group of homes sitting on a little plateau overlooking the city.
“Pop can you see the house up there on the far right surrounded by that group of fruit trees?”
“Sure Sweetie, it looks very nice.”
“Well, that’s where 19 kids, Lori, and I all live together, right there in that home. And we have plenty of room if you want to live there with us.”
“Thank you Sweetie, you know I haven’t made my mind up yet. Granny, my cousins and your Pawpaw Travis have asked me the same thing. I tell you what, for now why don’t you just keep me a cozy spot available for visits?”
“Sure, Dad.”
I see a golden archway with what looks like a portal the same size as the one on Angel’s Mountain. It’s large enough to walk an army through. In this case hundreds of kids that are all patiently waiting in front of a closed portal.
“What’s going on Uriel, why is it closed?”
“All portals that lead to the outside of Heaven are only open by the instruction of God. Just watch.”
I see two Warrior Angels standing directly in front of the portal; they both jam their swords in the ground and then lift their hands in praise to God for only a few seconds when suddenly the face of the portal turns to liquid.