God, You are faithful. You have taken this idea for a fiction series to places we never imagined it would go. We are humbled and grateful.

Amir thanks his wife, Miriam; his four children; and his daughter-in-law. Steve thanks his wife, Nancy, and his daughter. You are what gives us strength to fulfill the calling God has placed upon us. Thank you for your many sacrifices.

Thank you so much to the Behold Israel team—Mike, H.T. and Tara, Gale and Florene, Donalee, Joanne, Nick and Tina, Jason, Abigail, and Kayo. It is your tireless work that ensures that the gears of Behold Israel keep turning. We are so blessed to have you serving alongside us.

Thanks to Salina Kimberly Etrusco for your artistic wisdom. Thank you to Jason Elam Jr. and Ryan Miller for your military and weapons expertise. Big thanks to Maayan Tsarfati for her assistance with Hebrew slang. Thank you, Jean Kavich Bloom, for your editing work. Finally, we are so grateful to Bob Hawkins Jr., Kim Moore, Steve and Becky Miller, and the whole Harvest House team. You have become part of our family, and we are thankful to be partnered with you.