Dorothy Attakora-Gyan studies mainstream feminist solidarity as an assemblage. She is interested in the role of shame and fear as it pertains to feminist solidarity, how not understanding and devaluing these multiplicities leads to a weaponization of them, thus, posing a threat to solidarity.
Jennifer Bonato is a feminist educator in the Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies programs at Brock University, Canada. Her activist work has involved positions as the Board President of ywca Niagara Region, and community and national advocate for women and girls. Jennifer recently co-founded a small business that aims to embody many of her eco-feminist values.
Leigh Brownhill teaches Sociology and Communication Studies at Athabasca University in Alberta, Canada, with a focus on environment, social movements, food sovereignty and eco-feminism. She is an editor of the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism, as well as an artist, activist, and water protector. She is the author of the 2009 book, Land, Food, Freedom: Struggles for the Gendered Commons in Kenya, 1870-2007, and lead editor of the 2016 book, Food Security, Gender and Resilience: Improving Smallholder and Subsistence Farming.
Born in Saskatchewan, Margaret Kress, a woman of Métis, French, English, and German ancestry, is guided by the words of Elders in her quest of a transformative education and a conscious society. As teacher, advisor, and learner, Margaret works to explore and present discourses encompassing inclusivity, gentleness, traditional land-based knowledges, and justice frameworks to help others see in new ways. She has worked closely with Elders and knowledge keepers throughout Canada in the area of Indigenous wellness, matriculture, and environmental justice. Currently, she supports students and faculty at the University of New Brunswick in teaching, research, and critical issues associated with Aboriginal education, Indigenous research methodologies, environmentalism, storywork, and decolonizing and self-determining practices.
Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, professor, ethnologist and sociologist, has lived and researched in Mexico for many years. Her topics include feminist research and rural and regional economy in Latin America and Europe. She has lectured and researched at universities in Germany (Bielefeld, Berlin), The Netherlands (The Hague) and Austria (Vienna, Klagenfurt). She currently works in the Institute for Theory and Practice of Subsistence (Institut für Theorie und Praxis der Subsistenz, itps e. V.) in Bielefeld, Germany, and teaches “The Culture of Subsistence” at the University of Natural Resources.
Irene Friesen Wolfstone holds an ma in Integrated Studies from Athabasca University (2016) and is currently engaged in doctoral studies at the University of Alberta where she studies Indigenous matricultures and Indigenous food sovereignty as models for cultural continuity needed for climate change adaptation. She lives on sacred land in Pinawa, Manitoba, located in Treaty 1 territory. Living in a round home is a catalyst for thinking outside the box.
Klaire Gain is settler-ally on Turtle Island and is an academic and activist dedicated to working in solidarity with mining impacted communities. Klaire completed her Masters at Brock University in Social Justice and Equity studies and is pursuing a PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Western University. Klaire is passionate about ecofeminism and currently works at a feminist agency for women impacted by violence. Klaire believes in using her voice of privilege to share the narratives of women impacted by mining and utilizes scholarship as a platform to do so.
Ana Isla is a professor at the Department of Sociology and the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at Brock University. She has taught Environmental Justice in the Sociology Department for several years. In 2000, Ana’s doctoral thesis was nominated for the Governor General Gold Medal Award, and in 2001, it was selected as one of three best theses at the 25th Annual World-System Conference, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In 2002, she was awarded the Rockefeller Fellowship at the University of Kentucky. She is the author of The “Greening” of Costa Rica: Women, Peasants, Indigenous People and the Remaking of Nature (2015).
Wahu M. Kaara is a global social justice activist from Kenya. She has been deeply involved in political and ecofeminist activism in her own country as well as through leadership participation in the World Social Forum and the Africa Social Forum, among other eminent organizations.
Ronnie Joy Leah is an educator, dancer, and feminist activist. She has a Ph.D. in Education (oise/University of Toronto, 1986) and is a Certified Expressive Arts Practitioner (2009). She teaches Women’s and Gender Studies at Athabasca University and is instructor/co-author for the online course “Goddess Mythology, Women’s Spirituality, and Ecofeminism.” She is currently writing a book about the life-affirming teachings of matriarchal goddess cultures. She trained with deep ecologist Joanna Macy in “The Work That Reconnects” and she facilitates sacred ecology workshops. She leads Sacred Circle Dances and is being mentored in the Dances of Universal Peace. She realized her vision of “Dancing for Earth Love” with a workshop at the Parliament of the World’s Religions (2018, Toronto, Ontario). Ronnie Joy is a mother and grandmother living in Treaty 7 land in Mohkinstsis (the Blackfoot name for Calgary, Alberta) where she co-creates community dances and rituals for peace and healing.
Rachel O’Donnell is an Assistant Professor in the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program at the University of Rochester and also teaches in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies. Her ongoing work is on feminist critiques of science, colonialism, and biotechnology. She has lived and worked in Latin America, and has previously published on Sor Juana de La Cruz, revolutionary movements, and migration.
Patricia E. (Ellie) Perkins is an ecofeminist Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, where she teaches ecological economics, community economic development, and critical interdisciplinary research design. Her research and community projects with civil society and university partners address environmental and climate injustice, economic inequities, and the transition to sustainable provisioning.
Reena Shadaan is a PhD Candidate in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. Currently, Shadaan is a member of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal-North America’s (icjb-na) Coordinating Committee, which, under the leadership of survivors and grassroots activists in Bhopal, seeks justice for survivors of the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster. In addition, Shadaan is part of the Endocrine Disruptors Action Group, which is concerned with the widespread prevalence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Canada.
Teresa E. Turner is an independent scholar working mainly on petroleum issues. She is a Marxist feminist who has taught at the University of Guelph, the University of Massachusetts, Rutgers University and elsewhere. She is the author of Arise Ye Mighty People! Gender, Class and Race in Popular Struggles (1994) among many other publications. She is also a member of the ecofeminist editorial collective of the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism and founding member of the International Oil Working Group, an ngo registered at the United Nations Department of Public Information.