Primitive type literals

A literal is the fourth of the Java tokens listed in the Input types section. It is the representation of a value. We will discuss literals of reference types in the Reference types and String section. And now we will talk about primitive type literals, only.

To demonstrate literals of primitive types, we will use a LiteralsDemo program in the  com.packt.javapath.ch05demo package. You can create it by right-clicking on the com.packt.javapath.ch05demo package, then selecting New | Class, and typing the LiteralsDemo class name, as we have described in Chapter 4, Your First Java Project.

Among primitive types, literals of the boolean type are the simplest. They are just two: true and false. We can demonstrate it by running the following code:

public class LiteralsDemo {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("boolean literal true: " + true);
System.out.println("boolean literal false: " + false);

The result will look as follows:

These are all possible Boolean literals (values).

Now, let's turn to a more complex topic of the literals of the char type. They can be as follows:

The single-quote, or apostrophe, is a character with Unicode escape \u0027 (decimal code point 39). We have seen several examples of char type literals in the Integral types section when we demonstrated the char type behavior as a numeric type in arithmetic operations.

Here are some other examples of the char type literals as single characters: 

System.out.println("char literal 'a': " + 'a');
System.out.println("char literal '%': " + '%');
System.out.println("char literal '\u03a9': " + '\u03a9'); //Omega
System.out.println("char literal '™': " + '™'); //Trade mark sign

If you run the preceding code, the output will be as follows:

Now, let's talk about the second kind of char type literal  an escape sequence. It is a combination of characters that acts similarly to control codes. In fact, some of the escape sequences include control codes. Here is the full list: 

As you can see, an escape sequence always starts with a backslash (\). Let's demonstrate some of the escape sequences usages:

System.out.println("The line breaks \nhere");
System.out.println("The tab is\there");

If you run the preceding code, the output will be as follows:

As you can see, the \n and \t escape sequences act only as control codes. They are not printable themselves but affect the display of the text. Other escape sequences allow the printing of a symbol in the context that would not allow it to be printed otherwise. Three double or single quotes in a row would be qualified as a compiler error, as well as a single backslash character if being used without a backslash.

By comparison with the char type literals, the float-points literals are much more straightforward. As we have mentioned before, by default, a 23.45 literal has the double type and there is no need to append the letter d or D to the literal if you would like it to be of the double type. But you can, if you prefer to be more explicit.  A float type literal, on the other hand, requires appending the letter f or F at the end. Let's run the following example (notice how we use \n escape sequence to add a line break before the output):

System.out.println("\nfloat literal 123.456f: " + 123.456f);
System.out.println("double literal 123.456d: " + 123.456d);

The result looks as follows:

The floating-point type literals can also be expressed using e or E for scientific notation (see  

System.out.println("\nfloat literal 1.234560e+02f: " + 1.234560e+02f);
System.out.println("double literal 1.234560e+02d: " + 1.234560e+02d);

The result of the preceding code looks as follows:

As you can see, the value remain the same, whether presented in a decimal format or a scientific one.

The literals of the byte,  shortint, and long integral types have the int type by default. The following assignments do not cause any compilation errors:

byte b = 10;
short s = 10;
int i = 10;
long l = 10;

But each of the following lines generates an error:

byte b = 128;
short s = 32768;
int i = 2147483648;
long l = 2147483648;

That is because the maximum value the byte type can hold is 127, the maximum value the short type can hold is 32,767, and the maximum value the int type can hold is 2,147,483,647. Notice that, although the long type can a value as big as 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, the last assignment still fails because the 2,147,483,648 literal has the int type by default but exceeds the maximum int type value. To create a literal of the long type, one has to append the letter l or L at the end, so the following assignment works just fine:

long l = 2147483648L;

It is a good practice to use capital L for this purpose because lowercase letter l can be easily confused with the number 1.

The preceding examples of integral literals are expressed in a decimal number system. But the literals of the byte,  shortint, and long types can also be expressed in the binary (base 2, digits 0-1), octal (base 8, digits 0-7), and hexadecimal (base 16, digits 0-9 and a-f) number systems. Here is the demonstration code:

System.out.println("\nPrint literal 12:");
System.out.println("- bin 0b1100: "+ 0b1100);
System.out.println("- oct 014: "+ 014);
System.out.println("- dec 12: "+ 12);
System.out.println("- hex 0xc: "+ 0xc);

If we run the preceding code, the output will be:

As you can see, a binary literal starts with 0b (or 0B), followed by the value 12 expressed in a binary system: 1100 (=2^0*0 + 2^1*0 + 2^2*1 + 2^3 *1). An octal literal starts with 0, followed by the value 12 expressed in an octal system: 14 (=8^0*4 + 8^1*1). The decimal literal is just 12. The hexadecimal literal starts with 0x (or with 0X), followed by value 12 expressed in a hexadecimal system—c (because in the hexadecimal system the symbols a to f  (or A to F) map to decimal values 10 to 15).

Adding a minus sign (-) in front of a literal makes the value negative, no matter which numeric system is used. Here is a demonstration code:

System.out.println("\nPrint literal -12:");
System.out.println("- bin 0b1100: "+ -0b1100);
System.out.println("- oct 014: "+ -014);
System.out.println("- dec 12: "+ -12);
System.out.println("- hex 0xc: "+ -0xc);

 If you run the preceding code, the output will be as follows:

And, to complete our discussion of primitive type literals, we would like to mention the possible usage of the underscore (_) inside a primitive type literal. In the case of a long number, breaking it into groups helps to quickly estimate its magnitude. Here are a few examples:

int speedOfLightMilesSec = 299_792_458; 
float meanRadiusOfEarthMiles = 3_958.8f;
long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L;

Let's see what happens when we run the following code:

long anotherCreditCardNumber = 9876____5678_____9012____1234L;
System.out.println("\n" + anotherCreditCardNumber);

The output of the previous code would be as follows:

As you can see, one or many underscores are ignored if placed between digits inside a numeric literal. An underscore in any other location would cause a compilation error.