There is a process that allows you to expand your healing consciousness and eventually merge back into Source—a long progression that takes place over many lifetimes. It’s called initiation. Initiation encompasses all the step-ups in consciousness on the path to mastery. The higher your consciousness, the better you will be at healing with energy. Initiation brings more openness and balance, more consciousness, and more flowing energy, so you are more compassionate and more effective as a healer.
Right now you are living your human life—the short encapsulated span of time that you are here in your earth suit. But let’s start at the very beginning of your existence.
As many cultures and great thinkers teach, you actually began as a soul in a realm beyond this physical universe. Then one day, while you were floating around on another dimension, you decided you wanted to achieve a certain goal. Maybe the last time you were on earth, you betrayed someone and now you’re going to work on being more loyal. Or maybe in another realm you were a coward and you want a chance to develop your courage and be more fearless. So you decide to incarnate and live here on earth again and try to learn your lessons a little better than last time.
Pop! Out you come into the world and, darn, you don’t remember a thing about the lessons you came here to learn.
Even though you can’t recall your true origin, you still have a yearning inside to do good unto others and to keep raising your vibration and consciousness. Then the reality of life kicks in and you’re learning plenty of lessons and facing a whole series of new experiences, none of which are easy. Of course, you’re always given a choice between the high road and the low road. You can be truthful or lie. You can admit your mistakes or blame others. You can be generous with your time and skills, or you can live as if it’s all about you, all the time. When you make the right ethical decisions often enough, you are ready to initiate into higher levels of consciousness.
You may think of initiation as a rite of passage, a ceremony like baptism or a bar mitzvah that formally acknowledges your acceptance into a religious tradition. Or you might envision individuals wearing white robes, bringing flowers and incense to their spiritual preceptor as they become initiates into a particular sect or practice. Initiations into the “secret teachings” of the Great Mysteries go back to Atlantis, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, and China as well as Europe and America. However, real initiation is not something that happens outside of yourself; it happens inside you.
Your initiation into the higher levels of consciousness is a shift in your perception, a new way of looking at “what is” in your life. The word initiation stems from the Latin, meaning “entrance” or “beginning.” Quite literally, it means “going within.” And that’s the true nature of initiation into levels of higher wisdom—it allows you to go into your inner self, gaining entrance into a new level of awareness and beginning the next phase in your journey.
My experience with initiations began with my studies with various Christian healers. Initially, I spent several years in residence with an esoteric group of Christians who devoted themselves to emulating the message of the Christ in the New Testament: go out and heal. When I studied and practiced with these mystical Christians, I was amazed by how gifted they were. They often were purely selfless and strongly connected to Source, showing no signs of ego whatsoever. I noticed how quiet, discreet, and humble they appeared to be; when I would question them about their beliefs or the right way to live, they would guide me to discover the answer on my own. “Use your discernment,” they would often say.
Some years later, when I was writing my thesis while working toward an advanced degree at a chakra-based healing school, I chose to follow and interview ten Christian ministers who conducted healing ceremonies. Like the esoteric Christians, some of these ministers were quite gifted at bringing in the Light.
Both groups—the esoteric Christians as well as the healing ministers—had an amazing ability to tap into divine energy, a sort of healing light that I could feel when I was around them. However, I also noticed that while they could attract and conduct that energy, they were not practiced at transmitting or aiming that energy at their intended subject. Instead, it often came into the room at random. Nor had these individuals had training in protecting themselves from negative forces. Finally, many of them seemed quite depleted by their work.
Despite these limitations, these Christians—both clergy and laypeople—had the strongest ability to attract divine energy I had seen in my worldwide study of energy healing. At that time, I was teaching at a well-established energy healing school in the United States. The techniques we taught at the school were valid, but I sensed that the connection to Source that was needed to fuel the techniques had been lost. Energy healers have to go beyond mere technique and implement a higher power into their healing work for the healing to be effective. Over time, I learned how to combine the two—the ability to attract, conduct, and transmit the light as well as to simultaneously utilize the healing school techniques, which included staying grounded and safe from dark energies.
The first initiation I ever witnessed happened while I was following one of the Christian ministers. I was sitting in the back of a church as the minister worked with a woman up front. All of a sudden, I felt a huge blast of energy that simultaneously knocked me to my knees and made me feel like I was going to fly through the air. I turned to a woman sitting near me and whispered, “What just happened up front?” She said, “Oh, we call that an initiation.”
I spoke to one of my esoteric Christian teachers about this incident, and she told me that I’d be facilitating these types of experiences myself—that it was to be my gift. At the time I hadn’t been working in the field very long, and I found her comment unbelievable. I didn’t think I had the talent, yet deep inside I knew how much I wanted to do this very thing. I kept working on myself to prepare for this next step. I studied, I prayed, I fasted, I meditated, and I was of service wherever and whenever the need arose. Finally, one day, I could not only sense the initiatory energies, but I could also bring them in. Over many years and thousands and thousands of initiations, I not only mastered attracting that divine energy but also learned how to conduct and transmit it to a specific individual and how to ensure that the person doesn’t lose it later. That in itself is a very tricky step. More recently, I learned how to transmit this divine energy to a group and how to transmit it via video. Who knows what the next refinement will be!
When this energy is transmitted to you, what does it mean for you personally? To answer that question, let me first tell you all about the initiatory levels.
Everyone starts out on the first level—the survival level. You remember being there: all you cared about was surviving, worrying about your job, your partner, your appearance. Initiation opens the doorway for new energies to unfold and assimilate into your awareness and your life, allowing you to progress to higher levels of being, where you have an expanded awareness. It does take time, sometimes years, to move up from one level to the next. For example, say you’ve been taking care of your aged mother for many years, but your service has felt like obligation and you’ve not been happy doing it. With your newly expanded awareness, you can now see that your mother is really an aspect of yourself and that caring for her is also taking care of yourself. Now you can hang out like two souls instead of butting heads on a personality level. You have more peace and equanimity, and you do your caregiver job with more grace. As you go up in levels of awareness, your relationships with everyone around you will change because your perspective now includes more compassion and a greater understanding of the issues facing the other person.
Energy healing, in order to be effective, needs to be done from the highest level possible. Jesus, the Christ, the most effective healer in modern history, is also the highest initiate we know of. Wouldn’t you love to be able to heal an entire crowd like he could? I know I would. I’ve never seen anyone else with the ability to do that.
Initiation really comes down to expanding your energy field with a constant inflow of wisdom and knowledge. Think of your field as a giant bubble and, as you’re sitting in it, it gets larger and larger. As you expand your desire to learn more ways to help others, your soul will expand and you’ll start picking up messages and vibrations from your divine Higher Self. That’s why the healing circles we’ll talk about at the end of this book are a major way to foster more healing energy for you and for the world; they are like ever-expanding bubbles of consciousness and good will.
There are different ways of describing the process of initiation that leads to realization of self and God on the journey to enlightenment. It’s a gradual spiritual evolution, not a series of physical events, although some initiations feel very physical indeed!
There are 352 levels of initiation that one takes when following the journey back to Source.1 However, I will discuss only the first seven, since they make up the first round of the ascension process and what most people are likely to encounter in a single lifetime.
Over time, as you take initiation into higher levels of consciousness, you have to become more responsible for how you live your life. You are expected to be impeccable in truth and integrity, and responsible for the gifts you receive as you learn to maintain the higher frequencies brought through the initiatory process. For someone interested in energy healing, initiations hold the gift of healing.
The first initiation represents the physical self and may happen at any powerful moment in your life—while being intimate with a partner, while giving birth, or while tending to someone who is dying. This first initiation may also occur while you are having a moment in nature, perhaps while running or skiing or sitting, watching the waves roll in, when for a moment you feel everyone and everything is connected.
After this initiation, you feel more connected to Source and have the desire to do good for others rather than always being solely focused on yourself. You may discover your personal path and start to seek out spiritual books, companions, and teachers. You begin to learn to control the hungers of the physical body, such as food, sex, and security. You may feel grateful not only for your life but also for all life in the natural world. Both this initiation and the second one described below can happen spontaneously at any time. Think back—chances are, you’ll remember your own first or second initiation.
The second initiation represents the emotional self and opens you to divine love, stirring your desire to know your true self. It starts bringing your emotions and desires under more conscious control.
The biggest stumbling block for receiving this initiation is failing to love yourself—a common and very destructive problem. When you take control over your emotional body and take responsibility for yourself, you’ll be open to this initiation. That’s because you’ll no longer feel like a victim or blame others for anything that goes wrong in your life.
I clearly remember my second initiation. I was in a yearlong program studying an advanced teaching program in meditation and had one month to go. One day in the meditation hall, we were sitting in silence, eyes closed, mentally repeating a strong mantra we had just received. Suddenly I started feeling heat radiating up from my hands, through my arms and neck, into my head. I was puzzled, knowing I was much too young to be having hot flashes.
Suddenly I “saw” in my mind that the seventy-five meditators in the room were connected. More than just connected, we were all one. It was an incredible moment. There was only one heart beating inside me at that moment, and it contained the hearts of all of us in that room. This glimpse into this unified field and the feelings it gave me were breathtaking.
For the sincere seeker, the time between the second and third initiations is often the hardest. This is because all the unbalanced aspects of the ego-bound personality begin to emerge here. However, at this point you are clearer about your own issues, and you are mostly free from being caught up in the illusion of the world. That’s when you’re ready for the third initiation, which is called the soul merge. You start to develop some mastery over your rational mind and thoughts, and you are far more aware of your ego-based issues. You also start releasing old blockages and distortions from the chakras.
During this third initiation, the soul star (the eighth chakra, see chapter 7) sends its light down through the top of your head and throughout the chakras, coming out the feet to anchor in the core of the earth. Your soul’s light, energy, and consciousness merge with your physical body, bringing your soul to earth. This is truly being present in your body and is the beginning of living from a soul-based awareness. From here on in, the choices you make in your life will be based on the consciousness of your soul rather than on the desires of your lower chakras.
By the time you are ready for the fourth initiation, you are identifying with your soul instead of your ego. Your seventh chakra, at the crown, is open and getting purified. Initiation at this level can be an ecstatic experience. The “membrane” of the soul star gets absorbed into the twelfth chakra, way above your head. The soul star downloads everything it has understood from experiences in previous lifetimes. You may even be able to remember your past lives.
Now things are speeding up. At this stage, you want a deeper and fuller self-knowledge. The mighty I AM presence—Spirit—becomes your main guide. Renunciation begins on this level—in which you let go of clinging to all the ways you built your ego through power, wealth, status, appearance, and sex. Everything is stripped away. This is also the level where your higher mind unites the soul and Spirit. Here you dedicate your life to humanity rather than to the ideal of personal liberation. Those who become such channels of Spirit often sacrifice their lives to accomplish their missions, such as Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.
At the fifth level, the energy that comes from the light-filled heart of the soul star is downloaded into your heart. In turn, this activates the link between your heart and your thymus, and between your energy field and your physical body. This infusion of higher consciousness begins solar consciousness, which purifies the remnants of unworthiness from your heart. Here you get the first brief look at ascension, in which the earthbound personality, the soul, and the great I AM become unified on earth. You are now a “baby” Master.
In the sixth initiation, you actually connect to ascension and enter into the fifth dimension. Here you have complete access to all that the unified field has to offer, and you begin to learn how to use the energies of light. Now you can more easily heal others on the physical level. At this point, you have a choice: you can leave the earth plane or stay in order to serve humanity. You will be more filled with Light, more bliss filled, and more deeply connected to Source and to the Ascended Masters. You will also be able to choose which path of higher evolution best suits you (based on the seven rays of the Ascended Master teachings: power, wisdom, love, peace, truth, abundance, and justice).
You are now completely liberated from earthbound functions and are further developing your ascension abilities. The seventh initiation is the highest one you can reach while on earth. Those who reach the seventh level are World Teachers. Energy implodes in their heart center; all the chakras turn into a column of scintillating light. Here you become totally committed to service and begin to have the ability to transcend physical laws. This is resurrection, so called because you have returned to Source as a child of God, a state of being filled with peace and tranquility. This also begins an association with extraplanetary existence.
After these seven levels have been achieved, everything that was experienced during the initiatory process on the physical plane is revisited during astral, solar, galactic, universal, and multiuniversal ascension. Each new step on the path of ascension is followed by another level of initiation. Each new level brings more power, love, and wisdom into your practice of energy healing.
The first two levels of initiation are known as initiations of the threshold. They are like standing in a doorway and seeing a bright white light in the distance that is beckoning you forward. Sounds a little like a description of a near-death experience, doesn’t it?
Actually, initiations can happen spontaneously during a near-death experience. A near-death experience happens when you are in the process of dying but death is aborted at the last second. You see a tractor trailer heading for your car; you go into cardiac arrest during a heart attack; you get caught in the undertow at the beach and start to drown; you are having surgery when you suddenly feel like you are looking down on yourself from the ceiling, watching the doctors as they try to restart your heart.
Surprisingly, during the near-death experience, you feel at peace, secure, warm, pain-free, and detached from your body. You may see a dark tunnel with a light at the end to which you keep moving closer. You may experience a review of your life as it flashes before you. Then you may hear a clear voice tell you it is not yet your time, that you have to go back, no matter how reluctant you are to leave the light or how broken your body that you now have to reinhabit may be. Or you may meet a Being of Light, an inner plane guide, or a deceased loved one who gives you that same message. Then, there you are, back in your body!
The fascinating thing about near-death experiences is the way in which they show that consciousness continues even when the heart stops beating or brain activity has flatlined. And even more interesting is the way in which having a near-death experience changes one’s life. Those who “come back” from the dead have a renewed appreciation of life and a strong motivation to help others. They may now know their purpose in being here on earth, and they are willing to take on the responsibility of being a better person. In other words, they are experiencing the aftereffects of a spiritual initiation!
I have had three near-death experiences—two in which I almost drowned and one when I almost fell off a mountain.
When I was barely twenty years old, I went on my first trip to Europe with my now husband, Eric, to visit his family in France and to climb mountains. Eric was a world-class mountaineer, certified as a Chamonix guide—a prestigious certification as a high mountain climbing guide. I was not. I’d only been mountain climbing for a year, and I was forever trying to keep up. California mountains are very gentle compared to the Alps. In the Alps, however, there is safety in numbers, and we would be climbing with two other teams, two people on each of the three ropes—five experienced climbers and me.
First we drove madly, in the French tradition, on a narrow road to a high village around 9,000 feet up—a village of old stone houses that seemed to date back centuries. There, we camped. We left at one o’clock the next morning so the glacier would still be firm when we crossed it. Glaciers in the Alps are far more serious than the ones in California, which could be crossed in an hour. Here they were gigantic, and if you were crossing one too late in the day, you risked falling into a crevasse. So we woke at midnight to leave the village.
Suddenly I had this strong premonition. I told Eric, “We can’t go. Something horrible is going to happen today.”
Eric said, “We’ll just be very careful.”
We started hiking straight up the mountain and arrived at the glacier around 2:00 a.m. It was still dark, and the glacier went straight up, so it was really scary. We put on crampons and got our ice axes out of our backpacks. We put on helmets with lights on them so we could see, and we roped up. If one of us fell into a crevasse, the other one on the rope would hope to stop their fall. And indeed, one of the team members promptly fell into a crevasse, and I got to see a rescue, which I realized I wasn’t competent enough to handle for my own fellow climber. My heart was already in my throat, and at this point I just got more nervous. We got to the far side of the glacier just as the sun was coming up.
Suddenly two helicopters flew over, quite close to us. Half an hour later they came back. They had come to pick up the bodies of two dead climbers who had fallen on the rock cliffs ahead. This mountain was no joke, and we were headed to the top despite the fact that rescuers had just taken a couple of dead bodies off of it.
After the glacier, we were on friable rock, which is loose and unstable. In California, when I’d climbed in the High Sierra, rock faces tended to be pretty firm. This loose rock was another reason for me to be very alert. About two in afternoon, I was bone tired. By mistake, I dislodged something and a boulder above me—about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle—tumbled straight toward my head. Desperately praying that the rope would hold me, I instinctively threw myself off the face of the mountain to get away from the huge rock. As I pushed myself out over the abyss, I went into another state of consciousness, certain I was about to die!
The boulder came barreling past me and grazed my knee. Miraculously, I had landed on a platform. Eric was above me and couldn’t see me. He felt the rope go slack and thought it had been cut by the bolder and I had fallen all the way, several thousand feet back down to the glacier, and was dead. Then he heard me screaming. The boulder had done more than graze my knee. There was a hole in my pants leg, and my leg muscle was destroyed. I couldn’t use that leg. We weren’t yet at the top of the mountain, and we had to get there in order to go down the other, more gentle side; there was no way to down-climb what we had just come up.
To top it off, a storm hit. In California, you can see the weather coming for several hours, but in the Alps, the mountains often hide the approaching storm until it bears down upon you. There was so much lightning that my ice ax “lit up,” and I could hear a humming and buzzing in the air. Storms in the Alps are serious business! My five fellow climbers strung up ropes, and I had to get out of there by dragging myself endlessly, arm over arm, up the fixed ropes. My mistake had put the lives of the other five climbers at risk. We battled our way through the bad weather to the top and down the other side. Instead of being a fifteen-hour climb, it took us twenty-four hours.
I spent the rest of my summer in the hospital in France. It wasn’t until some years later that I realized I had had a spiritual initiation back there on that mountain.
For the first two levels, you usually initiate on your own. Maybe you were walking on the beach and had one of those aha moments. Perhaps you had an epiphany about your life while attending a memorial for someone whose life was cut short, or maybe you felt inspired after an intimate moment with your soul mate. These are times when you feel so connected to everything, like the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together. You start getting out of the survival level when you can handle your divorce without seeking revenge, when you accept the loss of your job without self-incrimination, or when you stop hoarding or bingeing. In other words, when you make the kind of decisions that enhance your awareness rather than hinder it with negative thoughts and behaviors, and when you couple it with any sort of service, that’s when you’re ready to initiate.
To reach the third level of initiation and above, however, you need a facilitator like me. You want to work with someone who’s well trained and who comes from the heart rather than the ego to prepare you for your next step up the ladder of consciousness.
Jacques attended one of my workshops. I noticed right away that he had a very strong meditative quality about him. He was a bit quiet, but you could feel a deeper power within him. I felt he was ready to initiate to the third level (which is not uncommon with my students, who are often seekers who have done much self-work); I could sense that readiness in his thymus, which is the seat of our spiritual development.
Jacques volunteered to come up to the front of the room to work with me. As he approached, I could sense a ball of light descending toward the top of his head. I synced my vibration to the level of the approaching energy, so I could attract it. My energy field enlarged so I could contain that energy within my own energy field. Around this same time, my heart chakra widened to absorb the energy. I pulled the energy in and, running it through my own energy field, I then conducted and transmitted it to Jacques. Using unbending intent, I brought the energy down his vertical power current (where his spine was located) and lodged it in his feet and then down into the earth. That way, he wouldn’t be likely to lose the initiatory energy. Jacques said the experience gave him feelings of energy like bubbles of champagne running through him as he returned to his seat. (Every initiation is different, and each person experiences it differently.)
Later, I explained to Jacques and the others in the workshop that it is possible to lose an initiation. Every new initiate receives three tests, and if you fail all three, you can lose that new expansion and go back to the way you were before. The lost level of initiation is very hard, if not impossible, to regain later. I told them my own embarrassing story. I had taken an initiation while I was away from the healing school for the summer. Upon my return, I was bragging to my fellow teachers about my big initiation when the seer who led the school came into the room. He saw “ego” stamped all over me and banished me to the kitchen, far from the healing tables, to peel potatoes for a full year. Thanks to his swift action, he saved me from losing my initiation, and I’m here to help you do the same.
As you no doubt have gleaned from the explanation of the seven levels, as a result of initiations, you become more open to the gifts we label paranormal—beyond what the average person knows, sees, thinks, or feels. These gifts are built into your cellular memory and into the collective unconscious. These amazing capabilities are part of being human. You probably already use some of these gifts without realizing it. You intuit who is calling before you answer the phone. You sense that your child is in trouble before the school calls you. Perhaps you refrain from renting or buying a particular house or apartment because you just know it feels wrong.
These gifts are beyond counting. Perhaps you have an innate gift of foretelling, knowing what’s going to happen in the future, or you might have really strong intuitive abilities. Maybe you are clairvoyant and thus able to see on other planes. Perhaps you are meant to speak, teach, or heal at a high level. You may be aware of one or a few of the gifts you are meant to express. But that’s one of the promises of working with energy—you have the power to open yourself up and allow your special gifts to flourish. You’ll work first with the ones you already sense you have, as they will be your strongest gifts, but as we’ve seen, you have others waiting in the wings.
In part II, I am going to give you some of the best tools I know for expanding your consciousness, planting your feet firmly on the spiritual path, and enhancing your ability to heal yourself and, eventually, others.