I was not yet twenty-five years old, was just out of law school, and was on the corporate fast track. I was an athlete, participating in extreme sports. And I modeled in size 2s. Despite all these outward signs of success, deep down inside I knew something was very wrong. I was seriously unhappy and out of balance, but I tried not to think about why. Life was busy, and if I ran fast enough or drank enough or popped enough pills, I could keep moving.

Then I was diagnosed with cancer. Talk about a wake-up call!

As I tried to figure out the reasons behind my health issues, I found myself struggling with buried traumas and a difficult childhood. Somewhere in the midst of all the questions, the struggles, and the hurts, I discovered something pretty amazing—energy healing. It wasn’t something that you could order from Amazon or pick up at the store. It was a whole new world opening up. The more I learned about energy healing, the more I was convinced that it could rid so much of what was wrong with me and that I could heal.

The reality is that we all have this power to heal within us—yes, even you! You, too, are an energy healer. Believe it. Your power to heal is packed with enough punch to aid in mending those nasty wounds from the past and enough magic to spark your healthy and amazing new life.

Once you see how the power of energy healing can change your own life, you begin to realize that you can use this gift for the benefit of others—your family, your friends, even your pets. As you begin assisting others in their healing, you are, in fact, helping to heal the larger world. The more you grow in awareness and the more you grow in love, the greater your power to help heal those around you. I have found this to be true for me, and I know it can be true for you too.

The Time Is Now

Embarking upon the path of healing means orienting to a new way of life. Energy healing will radically shift everything you thought you knew about the world. It serves as a catalyst for a chain reaction that starts with you and radiates out, ultimately spreading out to affect the entire universe. Does this sound amazing? It is! Energy healing is a big deal. There is nothing small about it. This is part of your purpose in being here on earth. You are meant to experience a vibrant life through your body, and by choosing to embark on this journey with me, you’re taking an important step toward ensuring that the experience will be a positive one.

In reading this book, you will learn how to effect change in your energy field and in your physical body. You will also discover how your physical body—the temple of your soul—is connected to your emotions, psyche, and spirit and how you can raise your vibration to enter higher and more profound states of awareness and health. I will also provide practical and higher-level energy medicine techniques to support you.

In part I, you’ll begin to grasp what’s standing between you and the life you know you were truly meant to live. As I share my personal story of pain and healing with you, you’ll start to get a sense of how denying the pain you’ve lived through and bottling up your true feelings are holding you back. You’ll begin the energetic healing process by learning how to assess and clear out your own emotional debris. You’ll develop an understanding about your chakras (energy centers) as you learn about the seven main energy centers in the body, the eighth chakra (the soul star), and those beyond. You’ll learn how to use a pendulum so you can actually see the workings of energy in your chakras and experience the universal energy field for yourself. Next, you’ll grasp the basics of initiation and how it can help you become more open and more conscious.

In part II, you’ll be taught how to cultivate a powerful meditation practice and how to use specialized practices to revitalize your energy field and balance your chakras. And you’ll find that you don’t have to walk this path alone; your spiritual guides are here to help! You’ll learn the system of mind/body types and defense mechanisms that develop when energy is twisted early in life. From there you will move on to identifying sources of negative energy and what you can do to remove them from your life. Practical exercises as well as powerful tools—such as working with the hara line—will be provided along the way so that you can practice what you are studying and immediately apply this new information to create the life you have, until now, only dreamed of.

In part III, you will continue to heal yourself deeply while learning to heal your family, friends, and even your pets through a variety of techniques, such as sound healing and chelation, and including my method, LifeForce Energy Healing®, an instantaneous way to effect change. Then you can move on to helping heal the world. In conclusion, I introduce you to the potency of healing circles and how each one of us can help bring about peace on earth.

By the time you are finished with this book, you will know yourself far more intimately, you will have released the impediments to your own health and happiness, and you will know your purpose in being here on earth. You will have learned what it means to take responsibility for your own healing, and you will have experienced the joy and excitement that comes when you step up to the plate of your own best life.

If you are ready to explore this healing energy that resides within your being, follow me to the first chapter. Welcome to your remarkable healing journey.