reflections on diplomacy of, 274-75 in Russo-Japanese War. 5 Sino-Soviet relations, 5, 140, 202-5, 209, 327-28


over China in UN, 357 Chinese Communist victory, 327 Chinese resentment of USSR, 336, 356 Kennan"s analysis, 202-3 over Korean war, 452, 535-36 rivalry over Korea, 449 split in, 344

treaty of solidarity, 355, 431 in UN, see United Nations—Soviet Union in U.S. relations with, 149-51, 163, 251-52, 257, 266, 308. 342-43, 358, 478, 566, 590, 593, 599, 647, 664-65 over access to Berlin, 639, 662 Acheson's speech on, 130-31 anti-American propaganda, 499, 528 arms control proposals, 576, 580-83, 594 arms race, 349, 376

over Berlin blockade, 259, 261-63, 267-74, 286 Bretton Woods Agreements, 84 over defection of Soviet satellite, 312, 327, 332-

33, 572 deputy ministers' meeting, 554-56 deterioration of relations, 149-50 effect of first Russian atomic test, 312-13, 320,

327. 332, 344-45 final memo on, 714 four-power talks on Germany, 290-301, 326-27,

342, 551-54 German contractual agreement and, 646-47 over German peace treaty, 558 over German rearmament, 482-83, 487, 553-55,

557 Great Debate on, 489-93 over Japanese occupation, 427-28 over Japanese peace treaty, 429-30, 433, 540,

542-48 Kennan as persona non grata, 697 over Korean war, see Soviet Union—in Korean

war lend-lease agreements. 27-28, 34, 84-86 Marshall Plan and, 227-28, 231-35 over Middle East, 170, 172, 194-200, 217, 219,

259, 562-66. 568 Molotov's holiday in Washington, 186-87 Moscow conference (1945), 135-36, 190, 427 1950 tripartite talks establishing. 393-95, 397-

98 NSC-68 on, 375-80 over nuclear controls, 123-25, 135, 151-52,

155-56. 166. 332 nuclear-test-ban agreement. 274 postwar relief program, 65-70, 75-76, 78-80 quadripartite talks on, 584-87 report on Stalin's policy speech, 151, 364 retrospection on, 727-28, 735-36 Soviet "bad manners," 634 Soviet espionage, 321, 345. 359, 362 over Soviet moves against Europe, 194-99, 202,

219, 260-61, 279, 307 Soviet note on Germany, 629-31, 661-62 Soviet sector of Vienna, 663 Truman-Byrnes split over, 190-91 Truman Doctrine and, 221, 223-25 U.S. policy of containment, 338, 556. 690 Yalta Conference, 103, 364 in World War IT, 51, 79, 113, 426 counteroflfensive, 50 deserters, 653

German campaign against, 23-24, 27, 34, 37, 49, 53, 85 See also Stalin Spaak, Paul-Henri, 77, 417 Spaatz, Gen. Carl A., 195 Spain, 376, 496, 602, 665 Catholic, 169

excluded from NATO, 279 as neutral nation, 53-56, 59-63

considered enemy sympathizer, 48-49 U.S. bases in, 622 Sparkman, John, 575, 603 Spender, Sir Percy, 541, 544, 546-47, 637, 703 SpofTord, Charles M., 399, 438, 610 Spofford Plan, 486-87, 552 Spruance, Adm. Raymond A., 142 Stalin, Josef, 8, 34, 45, 85. 125, 131, 150-51, 190, 194, 197, 198, 202, 267-69, 272, 274-75, 294, 327, 328, 332, 355, 379, 417, 419, 427, 449, 572, 594, 628, 630 Standing Group, 329, 439, 444, 552 members of, 637

Stanford University, 240

Stanley, John Mix, 687

Stassen, Harold E., 230. 371. 491, 573

State Department, 9-20, 22, 114, 132, 454, 672

Acheson's extemporaneous remarks on, 367-68

Acheson's farewell to, 718-20

administrative dependence on, 345

bureaucratic power of, 15-16

Congress as special problem of, 324

Executive distrust of. 250

headquarters of, 9, 213-14

intelligence operations of, 127, 157-63, 214, 255

jurisdictional problems of

Department primacy in foreign affairs, 45-46 Executive Orders create problems, 41-42, 46 geographic divisions, 15-16, 43-44, 737

loyalty board of. 362, 710-11

McCarthy's attacks on, 362-64, 368

nature of President-Secretary of State relationship, 137-38

plans to reorganize, 47, 120, 244-46, 254-57

presidential-power memo by, 414-15

Republican distrust of, 307

retrospection on, 734-37

Truman praises, 406

two Department papers on Korean war, 538

as unprepared for war, 38

utopianism of, 88

See also Acheson, Dean; American Republics Division; European Affairs Division; Executive Secretariat; Far Eastern Division; Foreign Economic Administration; Foreign Service; Legal Adviser; Marshall, Gen. George C.— as Secretary of State; Near East and African Division; Policy Planning Staff State-Treasury-Justice Policy Committee (Foreign

Funds Committee), 23, 25-26 State visits, criticism of, 501-2 State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, 199

aid planning by, 226-28

report of. 195-96 Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 28, 46. 47. 58, 87, 88-91,

102-3, 110-11, 113, 114, 170, 188, 224, 667 Stevens. Vice Adm. Leslie. 417 Stevenson, Adlai, 686, 690 Stevenson, Sir Ralph C. S., 566. 661. 686 Stikker, Dirk, 272, 417. 545. 570, 591, 624, 636, 638 Stilwell, Gen. Joseph W., 431

Stimson. Col. Henry L., 15, 18, 21, 27, 36, 47, 49, 123-25, 132, 152, 164, 215, 240, 254, 401, 426, 711 Stinebower, Roy, 73 Stokes, Richard Rapier, 509 Strang. Sir William. 234. 610-11 "Strategic concept," 352-53, 399 Stratemeyer, Gen. George E., 463-64 Strauss, Lewis, 314, 319. 345-46 Stuart, John Leighton, 206-10 Subardjo, Ahmad, 545 Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian, 563-64, 566

tripartite talks on, 661 Suez crisis (1956), 567 Sukarno, 728 Sullivan, Gael, 225 Sullivan, James, 370 Summit conferences, weaknesses of, 480 Sumner, Jessie, 107 Sun Yat-sen, 5

Supplemental Oil Agreement (1949). 503 Supreme Court. U.S., 15. 239. 557. 682, 718-19

Chief Justices of. 5, 102. 254, 557, 717 Sviridov, Gen. V. P., 224-25 Sweden, 278, 431, 532, 655

neutral policy of, 50-53, 56-59, 61-62

U.S. agreement with (1943), 51 Switzerland, 119, 304, 655, 679

Kennan in, 697

neutral policy of. 50, 52-53, 56, 58-59, 61-62

Shah of Iran in, 685 Swope, Herbert Bayard, 154—55 Syria, 171, 173

Taft, Charles P., 108

Taft, Robert A., 96-97. 126, 133, 175, 219, 222, 224, 283, 286. 309. 345. 350. 355, 364-65, 370, 371-73, 410. 460, 485, 491-93, 495, 513, 524

Taft, William Howard, 401

Taiwan, see Formosa

Takeuchi, Ryuji, 544


Tarchiani, Alberto, 572

Tariff Commission, 634

Taylor, Henry J., 240

Taylor, Gen. Maxwell, 342-43

Taylor, Myron C, 98, 574

TCC, see Temporary Council Committee

Technical Aid Program, 266

Tedder, Marshal Arthur (1st Baron Tedder), 416-

17, 419, 482-84 Teheran Declaration (1943), 197 Temporary Council Committee (TCC), 235, 569-

71, 589, 592, 609-10, 616-17, 623-25, 641 Tello, Manuel, 497-98 Tennyson, Lord ("Locksley Hall"), 7 Thailand (Siam), 36, 38, 674, 691

in UN, 579-80, 701 Thomas, Charles A., 152 Thomas, Elbert, 309, 408 Thomen, Luis Francisco, 546 Thompson, William H., 187, 387 Thornburg, Max, 35, 54, 63, 501 Thorp, Willard L., 106, 237, 255, 264, 420 Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz), 190, 196, 332-33

deviationism of, 327, 332, 344, 572 Tobey, Charles, 82 Tobruk, Libya, 50 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 280 Tojo, Gen. Hideki, 36-37 Tolley, Howard, 73 Tolman, Richard C, 155 Tomlinson, William M., 557 Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, 23 Treasury Department, 28, 41, 49, 83, 174, 184, 266

aid planning by, 226

during Eisenhower Administration, 735

in German rearmament, 457-58

occupation policy set by, 260

proposes World Bank, 81

staffs National Advisory Council, 147

in updating of lend-lease, 85

views Iranian dispute, 682

See also Acheson, Dean—as Under Secretary of the Treasury; Budget Bureau Treaty Division, 17 Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 660 Trieste, 194-96, 572-73, 638 Tripartite Declaration of May 1950, 396 Trizonal Fusion Agreement, 288 Truman, Bess, 102, 136, 150, 211, 381, 460, 522, 588,

632, 715, 721 Truman, Harry S., xvii, 13, 381, 692, 725, 729-37

as Commander in Chief, 652, 715

dismissal of MacArthur, 370, 472, 476, 519-24, 526-28

1950 Korean campaign, 365, 369, 404-16, 418-24, 445, 448-49, 451-57, 462-64, 466, 468, 471-85, 673

1951 Korean campaign, 494, 513-16, 518-19, 531

1952 Korean campaign, 619, 655 described, 105, 136, 192, 730

at Eisenhower's inauguration, 721

Eisenhower's treatment of, 691

first presidential term of, 96, 104-7, 127, 130,

183-85, 200-1 Acheson's attempts to resign during, 113-14,

163 Acheson's resignation during, 237-38 appoints Acheson Secretary of State, 249-50,

252, 254 appoints Acheson Under Secretary of State,

119-21 assumption of office, 104-5 China policy, 134-35, 143, 147-48, 204-10, 304 creation of UN during, 105, 109, 111-12 defense against Soviet moves in Europe, 195-98 diplomatic dinner, 149-50 establishing Jewish homeland, 169-79, 181 Greek-Turkish aid program, 218-25 intelligence policy, 158-61, 214 Latin America policy, 189 Marshall Plan created during, 226-28, 232-33,

235 Marshall's relationship with, 215 Molotov's visit to, 186-87 nuclear policy, 123-25, 131, 151, 154, 156, 165-

67 offers Acheson Foreign Administrator position,


President's vs. MacArthur's authority, 126 requests record of postwar planning, 64 resignations requested by, 110, 192 rift between Byrnes and, 135-38, 190-93, 210-

11 termination of lend-lease, 28, 122 as great leader, 729-30 motto of, 730 on Presidency, 415 religion of, 338

second presidential term of, 45, 254-55, 307, 331-32, 334, 337, 382, 495, 560, 571, 588-89, 626, 630-31, 688-89, 709, 726-27 Acheson's farewell dinner for, 717-18 Acheson's resignation, 720-21 Acheson's resignation tendered, 360 Acheson's state visits during, 658, 667, 670 appoints Ambassador to Soviet Union, 417-18 appoints Ambassador to Vatican, 574-75 appoints Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 333 appoints Marshall Secretary of Defense, 441 assassination attempt, 459-60 Bonn quadripartite meetings during, 642-45,

647 British monetary crisis during, 325 China policy, 302-3, 306-7, 344-45, 350-52,

354, 369 Churchill's visits to, 592, 594-95, 597-99, 601-

4, 715-16 cooperative nuclear policy, 314-20 de Gasperi's visit to, 572-73 disarmament plan, 576-77, 580 election, 667

farewell remarks on, 718-19 final State of the Union message, 716 four-power talks on Germany during, 291-93,

297-98, 301, 327 French policy, 551, 673 German policy, 262, 267, 270, 343 German rearmament plan, 437-40, 443-44, 459,

483, 486-88, 558 H-bomb decision, 345-49 inaugural address, 254, 264-65, 282, 331 Iran policy, 501, 504, 506, 508, 510, 680-81,

683-84 Japan treaty negotiated during, 426, 430-35,

440, 539-41, 543-45, 547. 607 King George's funeral during, 608 Korean peace talks during, 532, 534-35, 545,

699-702, 705 Korean war policy, see Truman, Harry S.—as

Commander in Chief Latin American policy, 497-98 McCarthyism during, 364-66, 368, 573, 711,

713 Menzies' visit to, 637 Middle East policy, 396, 563-64. 567 military-aid program, 309-13, 352-53, 358 NATO created during, 282-85 Nehru's visit to, 335-36 1952 budget, 492 1952 presidential campaign during, 686, 690,

706 NSC-68 planning during, 373-74, 377, 379 prepares for incoming administration, 702, 706-

7, 714 proposed meeting with Stalin, 268 quadripartite meetings during, 584-87, 621 recognition of Israel, 258 on St. Lawrence project, 639 schedules Acheson's report to Congress, 400 Schuman Plan and, 382, 384, 386 steel plant seizure, 633 unpopularity with Congress. 421-22 Wake Island meetings, 455-57, 527-28 withdrawal from 1952 race, 632-33 as Senator, 98

as Vice President, 102, 104-5, 137 Truman, Margaret, 136, 200, 721 Truman, Martha Ellen, 105 Truman Doctrine, 220-25, 233

President's message outlining, 222-23 Tsaldaris, Constantine, 199 Tsarapkin, Semen K., 532 Tudeh Party (Iran), 197, 681, 683 ban on, 501

violent demonstration by, 508 Tugwell, Rexford, 11 Tunisia, 638-39, 641, 676

arrest of Tunisian leaders, 649


French influence in, 561

UN discussion of, 698 Turkey, 181, 379, 562-65, 597, 612, 661, 690

aid to postwar, 217-25, 227, 279

creation of modern, 13-14

at Japan peace conference, 546-47

military aid to, 310

in NATO, 279, 401, 563-64, 569-70, 593, 609, 710

as neutral country, 56, 59

Soviet moves against, 195-96, 198-200, 405, 500

in UN, 450 Twain, Mark, 394

Tydings, Millard E., 98, 309, 316, 362-64, 377-78, 408-9

Ulbricht, Walter, 639 Unconditional surrender, 38 United Kingdom, see Great Britain United Nations, 6-7, 42, 67, 162, 166, 177, 286, 357-58, 507. 572, 636, 695-705 Acheson promotes NSC-68 in, 380 Berlin blockade before, 236, 261, 269, 273 forecast of. 7

French problems in, 629, 648-49, 675, 698 German proposal before, 631, 661 Great Debate on, 488-89. 491 Greek-Turkish aid and. 223-24 headquarters of. 112, 481. 696. 698 Alger Hiss's contribution to, 250-51 Hull's efforts for. 38. 81. 95

Korean war before. 415. 417-20. 445-46, 449-51, 463, 472-74, 494, 512-13, 516, 527, 695-97, 699-705, 714 cease-fire proposals, 452. 467, 471, 473, 512-13 Communist criticism of U.S., 481 complaints over U.S. leadership, 472 condemnation of China, 473 embargo on China. 531 first peace moves. 418-20, 426. 450 Latin American position. 496, 696, 700-1, 705 loss of UN support. 528 outbreak of war, 402, 404-5. 407-10. 413 peace talks. 533. 683. 696-97, 699. 701 return of prisoners. 655-56, 697. 699-705 UN goals. 448, 451, 454-55, 465, 467, 517-19, 531 McCarthyism affecting, 698, 713 Middle Eastern affairs before, 396, 510, 698 Arab-Israeli conflict (1948-49), 258-59 Iranian crisis, 197-98. 449 Jewish homeland in Palestine, 171, 176-82 Norwegian view of, 278

relief agency of. 44, 46, 70; see also UNRRA seating Communist China in, 378, 394, 401, 418-

20, 481, 513, 519. 533. 579-80. 698 Soviet Union in. 156, 194-95, 327, 419-20, 473, 697, 701, 705 "disarmament session," 579-83 obstructive tactics. 194. 223. 380. 448-50. 510 Soviet boycott. 357. 378, 394, 398, 408-10, 448 treaty of. 267, 269, 281 trusteeships confirmed by, 428 U.S. oratory in, 555 U.S. Representative to. 111. 113. 402 See also Atomic Energy Commission; Food and Agriculture Organization; San Francisco Conference United Nations Charter. 64. 72. 81, 89, 109-10, 124. 222, 264. 331, 505, 579, 631 Chinese trusteeship under, 304 Alger Hiss's work on, 250 lobby for ratification of, 95, 109, 111 on registration of agreements, 166 strength of. 357

on UN peace-keeping function. 448. 450 United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan, 334 United Nations Conciliation Commission, 396 United Nations Division. 402. 454 United Nations Economic and Social Council, 265 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 377 United Nations General Assembly, 112, 156, 179, 181-82, 224, 273. 312-13, 396, 573 Acheson's address to. 330-32 "disarmament session" of, 576-83, 593 first meeting of, 149 fourth meeting of, 322

Korean problem before, 426, 449-50, 454-55, 472, 474, 513, 518, 655-56, 661, 683, 695-97, 699-705, 714 Moroccan situation before, 561, 638, 698 multiple votes in, 103 parliamentary procedure of, 543 seventh session of, 695-705 special session of, 258 "Uniting for Peace" plan before, 440, 443, 450,

452, 474. 497 Vietnam problem before, 675 United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, see Bretton Woods Conference United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, see UNRRA United Nations Security Council, 155, 197, 224, 269, 273, 581 Anglo-Iranian dispute before, 510 Chinese membership in, 357, 394, 418-20 Korean war before, 402, 404-5, 407-10, 413, 415,

417, 419, 448, 450, 463, 471, 474, 481, 496 Malik's return to, 420, 448 Tunisian problems before, 638-39 Yugoslavia in, 333 United Press International, 472, 518 United Stales Relations with China with Special Reference to the Period 1944-1949 (White Paper), 302-3, 306-7 "Uniting for Peace" proposal, 440, 443, 450, 452,

474, 497 UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), 95, 124, 132-33, 147-48, 231, 323, 726 conference on, 75-80 development of. 68-71 opposition to, 71-72, 223 termination of, 201 Uruguay, 188, 450 USSR, see Soviet Union

Vandenberg, Arthur, 64. 71-72, 80, 96-98, 112, 124, 133, 136, 167, 188. 190. 200. 221-25, 230, 235,

236, 237, 241-42. 252-54. 264, 266, 277, 280-81, 285-86. 303-4. 309-12, 314, 316-18, 352, 355, 410. 432. 579. 639

Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S.. 469, 515-16

Vandenberg Resolution, 237, 264, 266, 280-82

Van Fleet, Gen. James A., 523, 529, 651

Van Kleffens, Eelco, 277

Van Zeeland. Paul, 328. 444. 486-87. 590

Vargas, Getiilio Darnellas, 497-98, 667-68

Varvaressos, Kyriakos, 77, 199

Vatican, 571, 574-75

Venezia Giulia, 195-96

Venezuela, 15, 330

Venizelos, Eleutherios. 199

Veterans of Foreign Wars, 312, 423-24

Vienna. Acheson's visit to, 658, 663-65

Viet Minh. 671-72

Vietnam, 545

division of, 678

in French Union, 671-72

French war in, 457. 648. 661, 673-75, 677

as independent of French rule, 327 Vietnam war, 425. 671 Vincent, John Carter, 139, 142, 205-6, 208, 210,

237, 304. 364, 710-13 Vinson, Carl, 408

Vinson. Fred, 82, 106, 114, 121, 124, 147, 254, 717-

18. 721, 734 Visa Division, 15 Vishinsky, Andrei, 34, 273, 289. 293-301. 327, 358,

417, 580-82, 593, 629, 631, 697, 701, 705 Voice of America, 502 Volpe, Joseph, 315-16, 319 Volunteer Participation Committee, 25 Voorhees, Tracy, 430-31 Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment, 576 Vorys, John, 80, 311-12

Wagner, Robert F., Sr.. 175 Wake Island meeting (1950). 455-57, 462 Walker, Gen. Walton, 447, 462, 466, 469, 481, 512 Wallace, Henry, 11, 22, 39-42. 45-47. 73, 102, 104,

124, 137, 190-92, 197, 224, 227, 229-30, 232 Walsh, David I., 108 Walters, Col. (interpreter), 504


War Department, 22, 112, 133, 140, 143, 152, 174, 213, 236, 244, 559 in aid planning, 218-20 intelligence operations of, 161 nuclear policy of, 167 occupation policy of, 260, 426, 449 UNRRA relations with, 79

War Information Office, 127

War Mobilization Office, 45

Ward, Angus. 340, 344

Ward, Paul, 276

Warren, Earl, 368, 545

Warren, Nina, 549

Warren, Rudolph, 110

Washington, George, 6-7, 72, 213, 334, 397, 596

Washington Conference (1921), 5

Waterloo, battle of. 7. 685

Webb, James E.. 184-85, 250, 255, 312, 314, 320, 404. 423, 476, 588

Webb, T. Clifton. 687. 689

Webster. William. 315-16, 318-19

Wedemeyer, Gen. Albert C, 139, 142, 203, 205-6, 304. 306, 350

Wedgwood, C. V., xvii, 725

Wei Tao-ming, 68. 70

Welles. Sumner, 11-12, 15, 23-24, 26, 33-34, 36, 41-42. 46. 62. 73. 496

Western European Division (Office of Western European Affairs). 659, 672

Whaley, Richard S.. Ill

Wheeler. Burton K., 98

Wherry. Kenneth, 127-28, 364-65, 413, 439, 485, 494

White. Edward Douglass, 557

White. Harry Dexter, 28, 32, 77. 81-82, 84, 133

White. Lincoln, 80

White, Wallace H.. Jr.. 98. 188, 235

White, William Allen. 3, 21

White, William S.. 235, 364

White House. 103, 600. 607

annual diplomatic dinner at, 149-50 Lincoln bedroom of, 595 rebuilding of, 249

Whitney, Gen. Courtney, 527-28

Wickard, Claude, 109

Wierblowski, Stefan. 545-46

Wiley, Alexander. 407-9, 485, 525-26, 532, 549, 607. 632, 702, 721

Wilhelm H, German Kaiser, 499, 737

William the Silent, Prince of Orange, xvii, 728

Williams. Col. Francis W., 337, 626, 666

Wilson, Anne, 153

Wilson, Carroll L.. 152, 315, 319

Wilson. Edmund. 711

Wilson, Edwin C. 196

Wilson. Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland, 198, 486

Wilson, Woodrow, 12, 97, 100, 112, 169, 184, 187, 415, 480. 566. 639, 726

Winant. John G., 13, 31-33, 66, 68

Winne, Harry A., 152

Wohlstetter, Roberta, 37, 157-58

Wood, James, 238-39

Wood, Mrs. James, 238-39

Woodin, William H., 3

Woods, George, 83

Woodward, Stanley, 149-50, 187, 255, 704

Wooldridge. Adm. E. T., 226

World Affairs Council, 240

World Bank, see International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

World Brotherhood. 689

World Court, see International Court of Justice

World Organization for Brotherhood of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, 461

World Peace Council, 576

World Trade Intelligence Division, 40

World War I. 48. 338, 476, 486, 731

debts of, 29, 387

international administration in, 383

U.S. intervention in, 4 World War II, 16-18. 21, 34-63, 66, 85, 88-89, 91, 98, 271, 431, 444. 476, 486, 496-97, 571, 574, 596, 613. 668. 697, 731

avoided as election issue, 95

beginning of, 3, 13 •

casualties of, 575

Dutch refugees from, 635

economic disruption due to, 212. 229-31

end of. 89, 102. 106. 109. 112-14, 119-20, 122, 139-40, 426. 449, 726, 728

foreign travel during, 92

Gen. Marshall's role in, 141, 735

Indochina in, 671

Iranian occupation during, 133, 197

"90-day wonders" of, 244

nonmilitary economics of U.S. in, 39-63 freezing controls, 23-25. 48. 52 policy toward liberated countries, 39-47 policy toward neutrals, 48-63, 560

occupied Poland in. 79

as part of Asian Civil War. 4, 36-37

as part of European Civil War, 4

Pearl Harbor attacked in, 9, 35, 37-38. 49

"phony war" period of, 18

Soviet deserters in, 653

Stalin's analysis of, 150

unexploded bomb from. 663

U.S. nuclear weapons deployed in, 36, 113, 152, 715 Wright, Adm. Jerauld. 564 Wriston Committee, 245-46 Wrong. Hume, 272, 276-77. 324 Wu Hsiu-chuan, Gen., 481, 512-13, 533 Wynne, William T.. 227 Wynne, Mrs. William T., 227

Xanthaky, Theodore, 627

Yale Corporation, 371-73 Yale University, 83. 91, 660

election of president of. 371-73 Yalta Conference (1945), 201, 364, 428, 487

briefing before, 102-3 Yokohama Specie Bank, 27

Yom Kippur Statement (October 4. 1946), 176-79 Yoshida, Shigeru, 272, 523, 544-45, 547

December 24 letter of, 603-5, 607 Younger, Kenneth, 454, 541, 546-47 Yuan Shih-kai. 5 Yugoslavia, 199. 332-34

breaks from Russia, 312, 327, 344, 572

Italian-Yugoslav border dispute, 194-96, 572-73, 638

Japanese peace treaty and, 540, 542

postwar relief program of, ^6-67

in talks on Korean war, 405, 409

in UN, 333, 579

U.S. planes downed over, 138, 176, 196

Zafrulla Khan, Sir Muhammad, 545, 548, 699 Zervas, Napoleon, 198 Zionism. 169-70, 174

Arab opposition to, 177

meeting of Zionist congress, 172, 178 Zorin, Valerian, 419