Think back to the last time you had that really warm glow inside when somebody made you feel special—perhaps because they saw a sign hanging around your neck that said M-M-F-I (Make Me Feel Important)! One of the basic principles of winning customers away from your competition is to make them feel wanted, needed, and appreciated. Every time you see prospects or customers, mentally hang that sign around their necks and do something to make them feel important.
Brainstorm what you can do to make people feel important. Develop a system to do it every day and with every customer.
Gayle is a regional vice president for a major insurance company. She has grasped the M-M-F-I principle and turned it into one of her tools to gain and retain customers. When she's attempting to get prospects to represent her company in a particular area, or when she wants to get existing customers to do something special to benefit her other customers, one of her techniques is to put them on a pedestal by reminding them that they are the best of the best. When she asks them to do something, she makes it clear that she only selects the most outstanding people. Rarely does anyone say “no,” and those who do work with her often develop into loyal customers. Gayle has been able to convert many skeptical prospects into delighted customers by understanding their needs and making them feel important.
Make yourself a note, sign, or poster that reads
M-M-F-I. Put it on your mirror at home,
on the dashboard of your car, or near
your phone in the office and remember it
every time you contact a customer!