WAY 15

Intentional Relationships

Have you ever wondered how often chance or coincidence has guided you into an important relationship? If you have a spouse, a best friend, or a significant other in your life, it is likely that you met by coincidence. But after that first meeting, you made time to build on the relationship. It became an intentional relationship because you created the time and space to get to know each other. The main thing to grasp from this quick idea is the word “intentional,” because it means you made an effort and invested in the relationship. Hopefully, all your intentional relationships will be quality investments that pay off.


Make “intentional” part of your vocabulary to describe the relationships you want to have—now and in the future.

One of the reasons we talk about giving exceptional service throughout this book is because it is the means by which to create positive relationships. When you concentrate on building intentional relationships, you create business, which translates into increased profits for you. But before you can do that, you have to do the things you promise and demonstrate outstanding service. That's how you turn prospects into customers—by developing intentional relationships.


Chance can open many doors, but you
can only walk through them with the right
intentions. Intentional relationships take time
and effort, but they are definitely worth it!