As Yogi says: “You can see a lot when you look.” It's time to stop and look around your company to see how you're doing. Ray Kroc and Walt Disney both believed that no facility, building, vehicle, or object in their companies should ever appear to need cleaning, fixing, or painting. They believed that, if you address these needs routinely, your customers will always see a bright and shiny company that's up-to-speed.
Make it a habit to take a walk around your company every thirty days and look at it through the eyes of your customers.
When Sparkle Pools decided to do an extreme makeover, the owner found the consultant he had hired sitting on a stump across the street from his business. When he went over to inquire what he was doing, the consultant said he was looking at the company as customers see it when they drive in. The exterior of the building needed a coat of paint and one of their signs had faded to the point that it was hardly legible. The perimeter of the building was choked with weeds, and the parking lot needed a fresh seal-coating. Overall, the property had been allowed to deteriorate and needed to be cleaned, swept, scrubbed, and painted. Think about the message that something like a badly painted wall or a handrailing that wobbles sends to your prospects and customers.
Adopt the philosophy of Ray Kroc and Walt Disney
and never let your customers see your business
when it needs to be cleaned, painted, scrubbed, or
fixed. Remember the power of first impressions!