No one likes to be pushed. People love someone who will help them buy, but they really dislike someone who pushes them to buy, which they equate with pressure. One high-impact sales training seminar started by having attendees place a hand up against the hand of the attendee sitting next to them. Then the instructor gave the command to push. What happened when attendees pushed against the hand of the person sitting next to them? Their opponents pushed back!
Become a super-sleuth. Ask, ask, and ask again, and you will find the hot buttons that trigger a customer's buying cycle.
One prospector completely changed the way he approached getting new customers when he saw this quote: “The secret is to get other people to do what you want done, because they want to do it.” Start today with the mentality of finding a need and filling it, finding a problem and solving it, or finding an opportunity and taking advantage of it. This will help both you and your customers go from good to great! Without being pushy.
Always remember that people hate it when
someone tries to sell them something,
but love it when you help them buy.