Think about the telemarketers who've called you, particularly during the evening. What did you do? Engage them in conversation or hang up? Most people hate telemarketers because of the intrusion factor. Selling has a bad image, so you have to learn to be a helper, not a seller. When you find out what customers' problems are and solve them, they will see you as someone who is truly committed to helping them, rather than someone who is desperate to make a sale.
Make a card that says: “Help Before You Sell.” Post it prominently around your office or desk as a reminder.
To say that purchasing agents are frustrated would be the understatement of a lifetime. Everyone who comes through their doors has one thing in mind—to get their business. If you want to be different, find out what their problems are. Find out what frustrates them. Find out what their competitors are not doing. Be seen as a helper, not a seller, and provide solutions. You'll be amazed at all your new business!
“Help” comes before “sell” in the dictionary—
and it should in what you do as well!