Customers are people, too! If you pay attention to their needs in addition to offering your products and services, you can benefit a great deal. Like it or not, your business is probably not that much different from your competitors', and you need to recognize that. By making a concerted effort to address your prospects' individual needs, you motivate them to find you in the crowd. Capitalize on the features that make you different.
Teach everyone your plan to meet your customers' emotional needs by promoting this easy formula: EN1 = Emotional Needs First.
The owner of a beauty salon was failing in his attempt to build his customer base. He had many competitors in the area, and the simple fact was that they offered many of the same services. He began to identify the individual needs of his customers with a program to get each person comfortably settled. He made sure customers knew what the salon's schedule was going to be and who was going to work with them. Then he offered a choice of beverages and snacks. At the end of each visit, he gave customers a small gift to take home, and he always made sure to tell them how important they were and remind them to come back again.
It's one thing to tell people that you care and they
matter. But it is 1,000 times more important to
show them you care and that they really do matter.