We live in a world where every business yells and screams: “We are different. We are better. Choose us.” In reality, it's usually nothing more than old wine in new bottles. You need to commit to being truly different with a program that prospects can see. Then label what you do. The label is a daily reminder that sends a message to prospects, customers, and employees alike. Marketing professionals call it a “value statement.” You may recognize it as a tag line.
Define your value statement so that your employees can internalize what you want them to know. Label as many things as you can with it—letterhead, pens, posters. This can serve as a daily reminder to capitalize on what makes you unique!
A company called Image One wanted to define their uniqueness, so they came up with a rather clever tag line: “The Image One Way, The Only Way.” This helps their prospects and customers identify their values and ideals. The company then educated its staff about its new tag line and made sure that everyone understood the philosophy it entailed.
You have to name it to claim it, so decide
what makes you unique and slap a label
on it. A copyright can help, too!