Email is a great communication tool if you can get your prospects to respond to you. Getting them to answer your emails, however, may take creativity and humor. People often don't respond because they are busy, on work overload, or simply don't know what to say to you. Try something different to catch their attention and get them to email you back. Humor can be a good way to prompt a response.
Get creative and use humor when emailing some of your more reluctant prospects. But make certain you target only prospects who will respond favorably to your humor.
One sales rep experimented with different kinds of emails for prospects who failed to respond to him. He settled on something like this:
Dear Mr. Jones,
I've stopped by several times to see you and tried to get you on the phone to share an exciting proposal. Since I've not heard from you, I thought maybe one of the following things had happened:
1. You've been dragged into the outback by wild dingoes and are being held hostage.
2. You won the lottery and now have millions and millions, and you no longer need to talk to me.
3. Wild women have discovered you are single, and you had to go into hiding to escape the mobs that are after your body.
If you get a chance, or you come back from one of these three situations, please email me back. Let's plan to get together to share how we can help you make some extra money.
If you do what everybody else does, you'll get
the same results everybody else gets—which are
generally pitiful. Try something different.