We want to do business with people who are most like us. This is where your appearance and behaviors can work for you—or against you. Learn from the chameleon, who can change its appearance to match the color underneath or behind it. It can go from green to black to blue to suit its surroundings. How can you change to be more like your customers?
Study your customers, and then become a chameleon. What do your customers wear for a casual lunch as opposed to a formal dinner? What do they wear for presentations or meetings or celebrations?
Nido is a highly successful banker, entrepreneur, and professional speaker. His closet features outfits for every occasion, from meeting with a CEO to blending in with a group of technical people. You can bet he will look most like them. How does Nido do it? He studies what other people do. What do they wear? What shoes do they wear? He may even call ahead and talk to a client to get some feedback on appropriate apparel.
There's nothing funnier than to see someone show up in a suit and tie when everyone else is in blue jeans, or to see someone show up in blue jeans when everyone else is in a suit and tie. Learn from Nido, and work to look like your customers so they will want to do business with you.
Your appearance can work for or against you. The
chameleon teaches us to blend in for success!