Prospecting for new customers can be hard work. It can be expensive, and it can eat up your time like a hungry goat in your front yard. The best prospect has always been—still is, and always will be—the one who contacts you. When potential customers contact you, you start with people who know they have a need or want, who are ready to buy, and who are giving you a vote of confidence by reaching out to you first.
Do anything you can—as long as it's legal and ethical—to get prospects to call you. Call, poke, push, pull, incentivize, motivate, stimulate, remind, inspire. Whatever it takes.
Renee, a response-and-marketing consultant from Florida, believes that there are three important prospecting principles to remember at all costs:
When customers call you, they see themselves
as welcome guests. When you attempt to sell
them, they see you as a necessary pest.