Good prospectors maximize their time and multiply their efforts by using affordable resources to call on their customers. Develop a philosophy of using W-I-T (Whatever It Takes) to gain and retain prospects and customers. You can have a huge impact on your success if you keep top-of-mind awareness with your prospects, especially those on your Top 10 list. So do whatever it takes to maximize your prospecting efforts and win new customers.
Go to your local post office and get a stack of priority envelopes, mailers, boxes, and labels. You can access postage costs on the Internet, so you can handle everything from your office. Then routinely communicate with your prospects using whatever it takes.
One easy way you can reach out to customers is through your friendly mailman. Think about how you can use Priority Mail, which is affordable, available, and cost-effective, to send special messages to your prospects. Priority Mail gets attention; it says that what's inside the package is very important. Prospects pay attention to it because it is different from the pile of regular mail, which is probably just bills and advertisements. If you send them a Priority Mail package once in a while, they'll be impressed, and they will know you are serious about wanting their business. It's a great investment, because it works.
You can multiply your impact on prospects
by using Priority Mail and the thousands of
hardworking postal carriers across the country.