One huge problem in getting new customers is falling into the trap of complacency. If you go in unprepared, and the competition follows you with a great dog-and-pony show, guess who gets the sale? You will be left asking what went wrong, and the competition will walk away with the customer.
Ask yourself, am I too complacent? What do I really need to do to sell this prospect?
A Las Vegas sales rep had an opportunity to make a presentation to a large organization. Because the prospects knew him and he knew them, he debated what kind of sales presentation to make. Finally, he called one of his mentors who sat on that organization's board and asked what kind of approach he recommended. The wise man said: “If you had never met this group, what kind of presentation would you make?” The sales rep responded that he would have a full-blown PowerPoint presentation, a custom book with all the details, and a room set up to sell the project. That is exactly what he did, and he had a very successful meeting. Always prepare as if you have never met your customers or prospects, even if you've done business with them before, and you'll be successful every time.
You will never fail by over-preparing.
You'll only fail if you take your customers,
or your success, for granted.