Nothing contributes more to the demise of salespeople and prospectors than the word “maybe.” Everyone understands “yes, it's time to go.” Everyone understands “no, it's time to quit.” But the worst situation is when prospects string you along with the word “maybe.” It's somewhat like when the fish keep nibbling all day long, but you don't catch anything. At the end of the day, you have no fish, no bait, and no daylight left. You've spent your entire day waiting around for a “maybe” to become a “no,” which is just a waste of your time. Learn that “maybe” is not an acceptable answer.
Don't hang on too long, wasting your resources. Know when to quit fishing and find another lake.
Andy says he understands “yes” and “no,” but “maybe” is the word he's had to learn to deal with most often. After a reasonable period of time, he will do virtually anything to get a customer to move in one direction or the other. He actually sees it as a benefit when customers say “no,” because he can take them off of the “maybe” list and move on.
Customers will often string you along, and
there is a huge benefit in getting them to say
either “yes” or “no.” Don't be afraid to take
a knockout punch to find out whether it's
worth investing your time and energy.