If you operate a small or mid-sized business, there are probably times when your prospects need to see you as a Goliath in a land full of Davids. Sometimes you need to use perception and illusion to appear bigger than you are. In many prospects' eyes, bigger is better.
Find some creative ways to make your outfit look more like Goliath and less like David. But be careful—most illusions are uncovered at some point.
Jack operates half a dozen meticulously clean delivery and service trucks that feature eye-catching graphics. His graphic designer suggested a bite-size idea that has convinced prospects he must surely be operating a large fleet of vehicles. He began numbering his trucks with different numbers on the right and left sides, because no one ever sees both sides of a truck at the same time. For example, on the first truck, it says Unit 6 on the left side and Unit 8 on the right side. On the next truck, it says Unit 10 on the left and Unit 12 on the right. Then Units 14 and 16, 18 and 20, and 22 and 24. When you see his trucks coming or going, you are led to believe that he has the largest fleet in town, when in reality he operates only six vehicles. How can you use a similar subterfuge to look bigger to your prospects?
Sometimes a small idea can have big results. Use
illusion to build perception with your prospects.