WAY 99

Traditions Are Sacred

It is important in your prospecting efforts to communicate the traditions of your company that prospects will respect and admire. These traditions should be held sacred by you and your associates, because they embody the ideals and philosophies that your company holds. After all, everyone likes a touch of class. It can help build spirit and encourage prospects to see you and your company as having value and substance.


Decide on a few things that are sacred to your company and protect them. Tell your prospects what these values mean to you and what they should mean to them.

On a fact-finding mission to South America, one CEO was overwhelmed by how much the local culture respected its temples, statues, and religious artifacts. The executive quickly found himself being very careful about where he stepped, what he touched, and how he handled himself. He had unconsciously adopted the culture's respectful attitudes, and found himself behaving similarly. Then he realized that he could apply this to his own business. When he went back to his office, he worked with his staff to create a set of traditions and values that his prospects, customers, and associates could see and appreciate.


Caring creates caring. When you identify
traditions within your company, people
quickly come to respect the values you hold
and the principles for which you stand