WAY 100

The Puppy-Dog Lick

Many people have become dog owners as a direct result of the law of unintended consequences. At some point, they picked up a warm, cuddly puppy who gave them a big, loving lick across the face, and they were sold. Without ever intending to own a pet, they suddenly found themselves dog-owners. The puppy went home to become a part of the family.


Get your prospects to try out your product or service. Offer free on-site tests of your products, free fifteen-day trials of your services, or anything else you can think of to get them to try your company. If they try it, they'll most likely buy it.

When a suburban homeowner with several acres of beautiful woods went out to buy a chainsaw, he was really disappointed with what he found in most stores. The display saws looked cheap, were tied down, and did not appear capable of doing a tough job. Finally, he hit a home run when he stopped in a store that had a huge display of chainsaws and people who could explain about each and every one. But the puppy-dog lick came when the sales rep invited him to go out back with the chainsaw and try it out. After cutting several limbs from a tree trunk they used for testing, he was sold. They made a sale, and everyone else lost out on a prospect that day.


All the advertising in the world can't compare
to one good personal experience