Don't overlook the power of hulk and bulk to send a message to your prospects that you are an expert, you are serious, and you can be trusted to have what they want. Large displays and huge stacks of inventory help establish a visual memory that connects your company with a specific item so that customers will think of you when they need the product in the future.
When you advertise, show lots of your product. Put it by the doors, in the aisles, or at the checkout counter. Focus on two or three items that will attract customers, and overwhelm them with quantity.
Greg runs a farm equipment dealership whose primary product line is John Deere. Driving by Greg's store in season is an experience. People see riding mowers and lawn equipment in huge stacks higher than the building. Out front, they see dozens of tractors, trailers, front-loaders, and other heavy equipment lined up ready for delivery. His displays, which use hulk and bulk to impress, are one of the key reasons why Greg's store is one of the largest in the region.
Hulk and bulk establishes a visual memory
that connects your company with a
specific item so customers will think of
you when they need that product.