WAY 120

The Problem
with Communication

In prospecting for new customers, effective communication can be incredibly challenging. So much of what we do is verbal that sometimes we forget that other kinds of communication can be just as effective. Don't forget that visual and written communication can play a big part in prospecting for new customers and keeping old ones.


Create a backup system using email, voice mail, or written orders to make sure that no verbal orders are misunderstood—especially when they are orders from customers or requests for information from prospects!

Herb was a white-haired manager who called that white hair his “frost of wisdom.” One of his favorite pieces of wisdom was just how dangerous verbal orders can be. He claimed that communication problems normally came from one of three situations:

  1. No communication took place in the first place.
  2. The original communication was misspoken or misunderstood.
  3. Parties assumed they had answers and went ahead without confirming the information.

Herb had a bright-yellow form that he insisted everyone use that said “Avoid Verbal Orders” in big, bold letters across the top, and Put It in Writing” along the bottom. What are you doing to make sure you communicate effectively within your organization and with your prospects?


Remember that the message is always in the
mind of the receiver. By putting it in writing,
you vastly increase the likelihood that a
message will be communicated correctly