Something magical happens when you call on customers accompanied by a specialist. It's interesting how prospects who previously wouldn't give you the time of day will suddenly stop and listen to a person they see as an authority. Don't be afraid to reach out and get help from manufacturers, distributors, and retailers who can help you win over prospects.
Make a list of all the people who may be able to help you, then ask for their help and make some calls. You'll be surprised how supportive your allies will be and how effective you'll become.
Examine your marketplace and ask yourself who can help you. Then, when help is available, knock on the doors of those prospects who may not have given you the time of day in the past. Introduce your specialists and see what happens. There's something about having that second person traveling with you that seems to open locked doors. It may be uncomfortable or awkward, but it's always productive. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
When we put pride aside and ask for
help, magical things can happen.