You already know that getting new customers takes persistence, hard work, and lots of homework. If you don't anticipate objections, roadblocks, or excuses (and have answers for them), then you're going to be lonelier than the Maytag repairman. The secret is to know in advance what you're going to say and do when a customer presents an objection.
Identify and work on scripting answers to your top 10 F-E-S-S (Frequently Encountered Sales Situations). Know in advance how you're going to respond to customers' questions.
Joe was a real pro at selling training programs and earned a six-figure income because he had answers to objections before they came along. He called these his Uncle F-E-S-S, or Frequently Encountered Sales Situations. He anticipated what buyers might say and was ready to deal with it in advance. For example, when one prospect said he wasn't going to buy Joe's training program because some of his people weren't going to use it, Joe complimented him and told him he was absolutely correct. However, Joe also said that research had proven that some of his salespeople would embrace the training program, would have huge sales increases, and would make him a lot of money. He was right. The gentleman signed the purchase order for the training materials and Joe went to the bank, having turned a prospect into a new customer.