If you need to organize, track, and cultivate numerous prospects, investing in software specifically designed for managing a database of potential customers may be a great investment for you. It can help you formalize, organize, and systemize your prospecting efforts and create reports to show how you are progressing.
Research available database applications and select one that best fits your company. Then build a database of customers. Remember that any database is only valuable if it is kept up to date.
Many sales representatives who are drop-dead serious about cultivating new customers have been overwhelmed by the many things a database application can do for them. Check out popular brands like ACT, Goldmine, Microsoft Access, or Microsoft Outlook to understand how you can systemize your contacts. These automated software applications give you great opportunities to do mailings, keep sales-call records, send emails and faxes, and print custom letters to your prospects. If you're trying to manage a large number of prospects, a good database application is a must.
The secret to developing new customers
is to have a systemized approach for
consistently going after prospects.