WITH MUCH GRATITUDE I acknowledge the journals in which earlier versions of these essays appeared: “Land of the Lost,” Arts & Letters, no. 27 (Spring 2013); “Our Lady of the Lakes,” Bellingham Review, no. 67 (Fall 2013); “World without End” and “Klotilde’s Cake,” Blackbird 13, no. 2 (Fall 2014); “Our Lady of the Roses,” Fourth Genre 14, no. 1 (Spring 2012); “One for Sorrow,” The McNeese Review 50 (2012); “Mock Orange,” Water~Stone Review 17 (Fall 2014); “The Lonely Hunters,” Seneca Review 41, no. 3 (Spring 2013); and “Something Like Joy,” River Teeth 14, no. 2 (2013).
“Land of the Lost” won the 2012 Susan Atefat Prize for Nonfiction from Georgia State College, “Our Lady of the Roses” was listed as a Notable Essay in The Best American series (2013), and “Mock Orange” was a finalist for the 2014 Judith Kitchen Prize in Nonfiction.