Piñata Books are full of surprises!

Piñata Books
An imprint of
Arte Público Press
University of Houston
4902 Gulf Fwy, Bldg. 19, Rm 100
Houston, Texas 77204-2004

Cover design by Giovanni Mora

Bertrand, Diane Gonzales.

There’s a name for this feeling: Stories / by Diane Gonzales Bertrand; Spanish translation by Gabriela Baeza Ventura = Hay un nombre para lo que siento: Cuentos / por Diane Gonzales Bertrand; traducción al español de Gabriela Baeza Ventura.

p. cm.

Summary: A bilingual collection of ten contemporary stories of mixed-up emotions, humorous mistakes, misguided actions, and unspeakable sorrows. Includes discussion questions and ideas for writing.

ISBN 978-1-55885-784-1 (alk. paper)

[1. Interpersonal relations—Fiction. 2. Hispanic Americans—Fiction. 3. Short stories. 4. Spanish language materials—Bilingual.] I. Ventura, Gabriela Baeza, translator. II. Title. III. Title: There is a name for this feeling. IV. Title: Hay un nombre para lo que siento.

PZ7.B46357The 2014




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There’s a Name for this Feeling: Stories © 2014 by Diane Gonzales Bertrand

Printed in the United States of America
April 2014-June 2014
Versa Press, Inc., East Peoria, IL
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