I hope you were blessed and enriched by experiencing Xan’s story in Shadow in the Dark. But this novel was not the product of my efforts alone. Indeed, it would not exist without the hard work of many others, for whom I am deeply thankful to God. I regret having space to mention only a few of those names here.
First, I greatly appreciate the love and support of my family, especially my wife, Alisa, and my son, A.J., who both inspired me, suggested many great ideas, and became invaluable sounding boards for the series. The idea for these novels sprang from one of my family’s cross-country road trips during a change in military assignments. We spoke at length in the car about ideas for an exciting book that would engage today’s youth while also grappling with issues of the moral and religious life. From that conversation emerged the concept of Shadow in the Dark, including the character of Xan, the location of Harwood Abbey, and the mysterious “Shadow” lurking at the abbey.
Second, I am grateful for the generous advice and consultation of Dr. Jennifer Paxton, a professor in the Department of History at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. An expert in twelfth-century English abbeys, Dr. Paxton helped me conform Xan’s world ever closer to the historical reality of that period.
Third, I owe a very large debt of gratitude for the prayers and kind advice of other authors who took the time to review my book, especially those in the Catholic Writers Guild, as well as for the mentorship of Ramona Tucker and Jeff Nesbit, who were the first professionals to truly believe in my writing.
Finally, I am so grateful for the dedication of the entire staff at Loyola Press, who have taken this novel and raised it to the next level through their professionalism and investment in the series. Their incredible team—with a special shout-out to Jim Thomas and Tim Travaglini—helped make innumerable improvements to this story and to my writing. Special thanks to Joseph Durepos, Joellyn Cicciarelli, Maria Cuadrado, Vinita Wright, Carrie Freyer, Andrew Yankech, and Mandy Lemos. And to the many, many others who have personally worked on making this book a success. I owe you all a great debt.
For those who have read this novel, I pray it has been a blessing to you, and I hope you will keep reading the series. There is much more to come in the adventures of Xan and Lucy!