Shadow in the Dark is a work of historical fiction. This type of book differs from nonfiction because the story is imagined by the author and does more than simply tell you “what happened.” Rather, this type of book helps you, the reader, understand what happened in history while drawing you in and entertaining you. The story invites you to make connections with situations and characters and to discover what stays the same for people of any period and also determine what might have changed over time.

Even though the characters and events are imagined, an author of historical fiction tries to be accurate when presenting what it might have been like for a specific group of people to live and work in a particular time and place. That’s why an author might present scenes and dialogue that differ greatly from what we experience today.

These differences are also why some of what you read might feel foreign or even shocking. As you read, remember that in some cases, the characters aren’t doing something “wrong”; they are simply doing what was considered acceptable at that time. As the reader, it’s important for you to read critically throughout. If you’re interested in learning more about the historical context of Shadow in the Dark, you’ll find more information in the back of the book, in the Author’s Historical Note.

Here are some tips for making the most of Shadow in the Dark.

Before Reading

Do some brief internet research about life in 12th-century England and in a typical abbey of that time. Watch a video, view illustrations, or read an article to gain some historical context.

During Reading

Ask yourself questions such as the following:

  • In what ways are children’s everyday lives the same in the Middle Ages when compared to yours? In what ways are they different?

  • In what ways are the actions and reactions of young characters like those of kids today? In what ways are they different?

  • God and religion played a significant role in the lives of people during the Middle Ages. In terms of God and religion, how are the characters’ thoughts, words, and actions like the people of today? How are they different?

  • How have society’s expectations for girls changed over the centuries?

After Reading

Ask yourself questions such as the following:

  • What ways of thinking or acting do you see as consistent for people no matter the time period? What ways of thinking or acting are different now? In each case, do you think our new way of thinking or acting is better or worse? Why?

  • This book often references the idea of “God’s will,” a common concept in the Middle Ages. What have you been taught about this concept? What are your thoughts?

  • In the feudal system of the Middle Ages, serfs and laborers were considered to be of less value than people in other stations in life. Where do we see examples of this today? How might societies be able to correct these injustices?