CHAPTER 13. New Frontiers, Bold Promises
nobody could accuse Leroy Hood of thinking small: Roberts, Leslie. “Leroy Hood: Thinking Big in Seattle.” Science. 8 Apr. 1994.
Hood predicted that by 2016: Garrett, Laurie. “The Dots Are Almost Connected....Then What?; Mapping the Human Genetic Code; They’ve Almost Cracked the Human Genetic Code. That’s the Good News. What Happens After That is the Harder Part.” Los Angeles Times Magazine. 3 Mar. 1996.
first complete genome of a free-living organism: Sequencing the genome of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. Genome News Network.
eliminate the need for prior mapping: Roach, Jared C., Boysen, Cecilie, Wang, Kai, Hood, Leroy E. “Pairwise end sequencing: a unified approach to genomic mapping and sequencing.” Genomics. 20 Mar. 1995
smashing: Interview with Nathan Myhrvold at Intellectual Ventures in Bellevue, WA. 27 Nov. 2012
a blockbuster: Fleischmann RD et al. Whole-genome random sequencing and assembly of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. Science. 28 July 1995
we used to joke: Interview with Lee Huntsman in Seattle. 26 Nov. 2012
creature of the university: Interview with Maynard Olson at the University of Washington. 29 Nov. 2012
you didn’t need to be in the room five minutes: Interview with Joan Goverman by phone. 9 May 2014
see what we could do in a few years, not a few decades: Haney, Daniel Q. “Michael Milken Fights Cancer.” The Associated Press. 25 Nov. 1995
in the zone: Interview with Stephen Friend at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. 17 Dec. 2012
I’d be shocked: King, Ralph T. Jr. “Gene Machines: An Eclectic Scientist Gives Biotechnology a Fast Assembly Line.” Wall Street Journal. 30 May 1995 Page A1
so unsafe as to be absurd: Church, George M. Draft book foreword sent to the author. 12 June 2014.
willing to listen and learn from us: Interview with Jane Butler Kahle, via email. 9 Sept. 2014
many evenings at school board meetings: Interview with Dana Riley Black at the Institute for Systems Biology. 18 Dec. 2012
the Seattle scientist who has been most energetic: Dietrich, Bill; Long, Katherine; Lilly, Dick; Beason, Tyrone; Houtz, Jolayne. “How Do You Spell Success? S-C-I-E-N-C-E.” The Seattle Times 7 Apr. 1996
it was kind of a dicey field: Interview with Daniel Kevles by telephone. 3 Nov. 2014
completely spellbound: Interview with Trey Ideker by telephone. 18 Dec. 2012
wasn’t going into a department with Lee: Interview with Alan Aderem at the Center for Infectious Disease Research in Seattle. 3 Jan. 2013
Lee is like the sun: Interview with Roger Perlmutter at the Institute for Systems Biology 24 Jan. 2013
tragedy struck: Vacationing UW Medical School Dean, Wife and Guides Perish in Nepal. December 1996. UW Columns.