Philladre was a breathtakingly beautiful goddess standing beside Aedus, her long golden hair moving in a gentle breeze under a perfect blue sky in Faerie. It occurred to me I'd never seen a dark cloud, a flash of lightning or felt an uncomfortably humid wind while visiting here. The weather was always perfect in Faerie, although I did vaguely remember the kiss of a warm rain that lasted only long enough to water the flower beds. Nice. Crescent City could use a little fae weather.
Her gown was iridescently glorious, with all the vibrant colors of her perfect world swirling around in lovely patterns. Flowers of every imaginable shade surrounded the pair where they stood together on their grassy mound. Her eyes were locked only on her love, Aedus, who looked even more handsome than usual, if that was even possible, dressed in silver and blue, his dark hair loose and stirring in the same light breeze. Hauntingly beautiful music played from some hidden location, music that stirred the soul and made you feel hopeful about the future.
It was all so perfect and romantic, even though I couldn't understand a single damn word of what they were saying to each other.
Garrett, did his best to translate, but some of it was too quick even for him.
“Basically, they pledge to honor their binding, to cherish each other for all time and to cultivate The Balance within Faerie and throughout the outside world wherever possible. They are considered to be a couple blessed beyond most others because of the coming birth of little Jacqueline, so their binding is more powerful and believed to be a sign of the rebirth of Faerie's future prosperity.”
I glanced around at the perfect setting and the richly dressed attendees, who looked almost as good as our friends on the mound. “This is what Faerie is like during hard times?” He heard the obvious note of sarcasm, his mouth twitching slightly.
“It's all keyed in to the birth rate, which is vital to the overall balance of life, my love.”
“But they live so long.”
“A life without the chance to pass on your love, your knowledge or your traditions can be empty, no matter how long it lasts. Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren make their long lives much more meaningful. All the fae in Cascade will help to raise young Jacqueline, meaning all will share in the blessing of her birth.”
“I suppose they're like shifters in that way.”
I'd had a chance to speak to Bridgett before the ceremony about what our grandmother had told us regarding our parents. She seemed to take it well, and agreed that maybe I should be the one to make first contact with our father, since she had impulse control problems. We didn't want to scare him off without having a chance to get to know him. With all that was going on, I probably wouldn't be calling him anytime soon.
At the end of the ceremony, the High Seelie Cascade Elders and their families presented the glowingly happy couple with gifts. Brina gave Aedus an incredible breastplate infused with magic and decorated with magical runes. Kaera presented Philladre with a wicked-looking short sword, which seemed to fit her hand perfectly. It was slightly strange to see her trying it out in her wedding gown, but I got it. Fae females were encouraged to be warriors and were considered to be as magically powerful as their male counterparts when they took that path. Aedus' eyes glowed with pride as he watched his warrior bride trying out her gift.
Some of the other gifts were fun. Farrell and Kellaine, siblings who enjoyed trips to the mortal world, gave the couple mp3 players downloaded with music, along with tablets to teasingly coax the pair into the modern world. Lady Jorrenn shook her head good naturedly, probably thinking that her two mischievous children could have given more appropriate gifts.
Ashlyn, Philladre's sister, gave the couple an amazing piece of sculpture she'd created herself. It was of the two of them holding hands, caught in a candid moment, laughing, with love in their eyes. It was carved out of a stone I'd never seen and shimmered with magic. Colored with the blues and greens of their houses, magical vines twisted around the couple to bind them in love and tradition. Looking at it made you want to smile and cry at the same time. Who would have imagined the evil warrior who'd tortured Gabe with her gruesome descriptions could create something so exquisite?
Finally, Liam handed Aedus a small velvet pouch. “This is to be opened later, when you're alone.” To Philladre he handed another pouch that contained an amazing necklace, which looked like it was made of stars and pixie dust and rainbows: all things magical. The incredible protective power that flowed around the piece was evident to everyone there. I heard a fae behind me whisper something so I turned to Garrett in curiosity.
“It's an amulet of protective magic that has been lost to the fae for many centuries. They wonder how he came to find it.”
Liam asked if he could place it on her neck and she nodded. When he finished, he moved to take her hand. “Welcome, sister, to our family. We are honored to share our present and our future with you.” It sounded like part of the ritual, but Liam was sincere. Ashlyn stepped up, took Aedus' hand and repeated the same words, only substituting the word brother rather than sister.
The ceremony ended and everyone present spent time greeting the couple and the other guests.
I felt a tiny weight on my right shoulder and wasn't surprised at all to see Sinlae perched there when I turned my head to look. She sighed deeply. “So lovely is it not, Jah-kee? Lord Aedus and Lady Philladre are perfect and Lord Liam is so handsome in his royal tunic. I would kill six trolls to have him give me a gift. Of course he never even looks Sinlae's way. Lord Liam's dreamy looks are all for that ugly witch Kellaine.”
I had to cover my mouth to stop the laugh from erupting. Sinlae's wings were beating so fast they reminded me of a hummingbird's and her tiny hands were fisted in frustration. “Aren't there any pixiekin males that interest you, Sinlae?”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “I have several males of my kind who serve me, but I should also like to have a royal.” I watched her peek around my neck to catch a glimpse of Garrett, who'd wandered over to talk to Farrell. “Your Garrett Vampirelord is dreamy too. Will you share with sweet Sinlae?”
I must have looked a little shocked, but I tried to cover it by explaining, “Our magic has bonded us for life.” I showed her the mark I carried on my wrist. Francois, Garrett's grandsire, had carved a cheetah's eye and tear stripe as the third part of our own binding and our unique magic had turned mine emerald green and Garrett's sapphire blue like our eyes.
“Oh, well I suppose Sinlae understands, but I would not take much. I am a demi-fey, not a great beast like Kellaine.”
“Take much?” I was getting more confused by the minute, wondering if I really wanted to know what it was she was talking about.
She looked at me curiously then laughed. “Not that, Jah-kee. Sinlae has many lovers, more than enough. I want to share his blood.” She said the word as if it were a sacred thing. “Blood shared with the pixiekin provides protection.”
“Protection from what? And who is protected?”
“If Garrett Vampirelord shared blood with me, he would be protected from all magical attacks for one cycle of the moon.”
“And you would get what in return?”
“To taste the nectar of his life, would give me rank over others of my kin. I would be protected from physical hurt.”
“Is she trying to get you to give her blood? Don't do it.” Brina appeared next to me, peering at Sinlae with disapproval.
“Actually, she wants Garrett's blood.”
“You are a mudsnake and a wormturd, Brina slugkin!”
Brina laughed and batted at the pixie as if she were an annoying insect. Sinlae had no trouble avoiding the half-hearted strike, and was back on my shoulder a moment later. “A powerful male's blood will protect her from being beaten. Her kin are not fans of her inflated ego. They have practically disowned her. But if she shows up glowing with power, they will keep their distance.”
“Liar. They love me and treat me with great respect.” Sinlae lifted her chin and put her hands on her hips.
“Do you see how her eyes shimmer with pink when she speaks? That's how you can tell she is not telling the truth. Watch out for this one. She'll dig her fangs into you and won't let go.” Brina nodded at me, then left to speak to a handsome fae male I didn't recognize.
Sinlae slumped against my neck. “It is true they do not love me.”
“Do they hurt you?”
She shrugged. “As long as our magic is strong we heal as quickly as all other Seelie fae.” She brushed a hand through her thick red hair, looking dejected.
I glanced up and smiled, pleased to see that Liam himself was headed toward me with Kellaine on his arm. Sinlae jumped up but didn't fly off. Instead she stood completely transfixed by her idol's closeness. I thought maybe I could give her a little gift of my own.
After we greeted each other with the usual nods, I said, “The ceremony was lovely, Liam.”
“We're very happy for them.”
“And how do you feel, Jacqueline? You look to be in very good health.” Kellaine spoke clearly without any accent, her dark red hair tumbling around her shoulders and accenting her bright purple eyes.
“Life has been crazy, but I'm feeling well.” My hand slid to my belly.
“In honor of Charles’ impending birth, Ashlyn and I are making a sculpture for you to place in your garden, if you'd honor us in that way. Liam seems to feel you would like it.”
“We'd treasure it, thank you.” I glanced again at Sinlae, whose mouth was open in astonishment. “Liam, Kellaine, have you met Sinlae pixiekin?” I sent to them privately, “She has a huge crush on Liam. Maybe you could give her a little thrill.” They both smiled and nodded.
Liam looked directly at her and she started to tremble just a bit. “I have met Sinlae. She is perhaps the most beautiful of the pixiekin.” He extended his index finger toward her. “Would you honor me, Sinlae, on the day of my brother's binding?”
She squealed, bowed deeply at the waist, then bit viciously into Liam's finger, gulping down four or five drops of his blood before she pulled away, sated and wired. Blood was smeared on her face and had even dripped onto her lovely Grecian-style dress, giving her a creepy, horror-movie look, but she didn't seem to mind at all. She quickly unsheathed a tiny dagger, slashed her own palm and pressed her bleeding wound to his. “You honor me greatly, Liam, Faelord of Cascade, and Sinlae will never forget Lord Liam's gift. Nor yours Lady Jah-kee, Shifterkin Healer and Demonspawn.” She bowed again and sporting a huge grin, flew away, managing to ignore Kellaine completely. As she disappeared into the distance she began to glow.
“Oops. I didn't know she could hear our private conversation so I didn't block her out.”
He looked amused. “She will continue to call you lady from now on. They carry racial memories of centuries of fae history and once something is implanted in their brain, it is there for all time. They seem slightly scatterbrained, but don't be fooled.”
“Is it true their blood offers protection from magic?”
Kellaine answered. “Yes. At court the queen has placed the demi-fey she can catch in cages, so the royals can take their blood whenever they wish. The tiny fae fade quickly there. They only truly thrive when they're free to roam and socialize. They need to eat often because of their very fast metabolism, and they eat all manner of things, not just blood.” She looked distressed. “In the cages they lose their appetite and waste away. It was one of the things that angered our elders enough to approach the queen about moving away from court and founding our own sidhe.”
Liam looked in the direction Sinlae had flown. “They deserve our respect and our protection. Here thousands live freely.” He turned to me with an arched brow. “That one, however, has a troublesome attitude and is not well-liked. The pixies work hard tending Faerie's gardens, different family groups responsible for their own section. Sinlae does not enjoy the work. I fear her siblings beat her into submission because she won't cooperate any other way.”
“They won't be beating her for a while now. Not with Lord Liam's blood.” I felt a certain amount of satisfaction.
Garrett was back, snaking his arm around my waist. “Who's not getting beaten? Have you sworn to stop kicking Aedus' ass, Liam?”
“I've taken him down on many occasions, but we don't spar against each other anymore. It's for the best.”
I pulled on Garrett's sleeve. “We were speaking about little Sinlae. Her family beats her. It's upsetting.”
Garrett grinned and pulled me a little closer. “She'll be the next one you add to your collection, I suppose.”
“I don't recommend it, Jacqueline. She's a vicious little devil.” Kellaine was shaking her head.
I started to protest, but Garrett nudged me toward the central clearing so we could greet the couple who'd finally finished thanking most of the other attendees. Philladre and Aedus surprised me with affectionate hugs. The fae tended to be reserved, but I suppose they thought I'd appreciate the gesture—and I did. Maybe growing up without experiencing a lot of hugs, made me more touchy-feely.
“Congratulations to both of you.” I took Philladre's hands and looked at her glowing expression. “You look so beautiful, like every little girl's dream of a magical fairy princess. How's the baby? Is she flutter kicking like Charlie is?”
“Yes, but it's wonderful.”
“I think so too.” I looked up, and up, at Aedus. He had to be taller than even Heinrich. “You are a most fortunate male,” I teased him. He laughed good-naturedly and took possession of Philladre's hand. “Take time off together before little Jackie shows up. Doctor's orders.”
“I will always take orders of that nature to heart, especially coming from you, Doctor.” He was grinning widely as he nodded to me with his hand on his heart. It was an honor not lost on the other fae at the gathering.
Garrett draped his arm over my shoulders before he spoke. “Would you two please visit us in our home sometime soon? You could relax there, away from all the pressure.” We stole a glance toward the elders, who were huddled together, probably already making plans for the new couple. Now they were an official Lord and Lady, a permanently bound pair, which meant their lives were not completely their own any longer.
“We would be honored, Garrett, Jackie. Thank you.” Philladre leaned against her newly official mate and he smiled widely. When I'd first met Aedus, he'd rarely smiled. He was reserved like the majority of the fae, and although he was always polite, I would never have thought of him as friendly. However, after recovering from his injuries battling Lord Kennet, the most serious one being psychological, the difference in his personality was astounding. The newer Aedus actually cracked jokes, was openly affectionate with Philladre and smiled as much as any shifter.
“Liam can cook for you.” I pointed out with a laugh. Of course, Liam showed up at that exact moment and pretended to scowl.
“I don't believe my brother will appreciate my fine culinary faire.”
“Well we can't serve the royal couple boxed mac and cheese.” Liam laughed and Aedus looked confused.
“That does sound rather horrendous. What is it?” he asked.
“Fast food.” I giggled.
“Perhaps I could order a pizza. I have always wanted to do that.” Philladre looked excited.
“Sure. You can also bring your tablet and mp3 player and we'll give you lessons. Maybe it's time for you to join the rest of us in the twenty-first century.”
Aedus looked lovingly at Philladre's excited face and laughed. “I think you'll be seeing us soon.” Aedus glanced up and his expression grew serious, so I turned to see who was behind me.
Lord Caelen stood there. He was as handsome and as tall as his eldest son, with the same serious nature. His amazing deep purple eyes glittered with warmth for his son and new daughter but his manner with me seemed cautious. The last time I'd seen him, he’d been in my kitchen asking me to give my baby to a fae couple to raise. I wondered how he felt about our decision to raise Charlie ourselves.
After the usual nods, I decided to break the ice. “Congratulations. You must be a very happy father today.”
“Thank you, Jacqueline. Lady Silvus and I are well pleased with our son's excellent choice. And how are you feeling?”
“I'm well. Has Liam told you?”
“Yes. You've decided to raise the fae child yourselves.”
My eyebrows shot up. “He's fae and shifter and sorcerer and somewhere in there is some demon blood too, in case you've forgotten.”
“I have not forgotten. He is a powerful mixture of magical races and, although I have no doubt the two of you will be excellent parents and Charles will not lack in love, you may still need guidance. I would be happy to act as the child's sponsor in Faerie.”
I was relieved when Liam answered for me. “That's not necessary, Father, because Jackie and Garrett have honored me with that position. I'll teach him everything he'll need to know regarding his fae heritage, including the language. It's best for him to be prepared for every eventuality.”
Aedus, Philladre, Garrett and I remained quiet as a mind-to-mind conversation took place between father and son. Neither of them betrayed what was being said, other than an occasional twitch of an eyebrow or turning down of the mouth. The whole thing took about thirty seconds, but it seemed much longer to me as an observer. The tension between them was palpable.
Suddenly it was over and Lord Caelen turned back toward Garrett and me with a wan smile and a chill in his voice that hadn't been there before. “Forgive me, but I must return to Lady Silvus. Perhaps we could meet again soon to discuss your plans, such as they are.” He nodded, then began to turn away.
Before I had time to think it through, I instinctively reached out and touched his arm. The conversations around us quieted instantly as Lord Caelen, the three-thousand-year-old High Seelie Fae Elder, the twin brother of the Queen of Faerie, turned toward me, his dark purple eyes intently curious and his power drawn around him like the core of a nuclear plant approaching a meltdown. He was angry with our decision and could have brought Garrett and me to our knees if he chose to disregard the alliance he'd initiated between us. But his sense of honor held him in check. This man had been more than a political ally to us and I wanted him to know how I felt.
“Lord Caelen.” I nodded deeply, showing him the respect he'd earned, then took Garrett's hand. “Thank you for all the help and guidance you've given Garrett and myself in the past. I'd like to think if we needed your assistance we could still call on you, despite our differences. Liam and Aedus believe you still consider us allies and I hope with all my heart that's true. I will always look to you for advice. Liam is your son, and partly for that reason, will be a perfect sponsor for Charles. You and your entire fae community have our team's support as always, and I am at your disposal as a healer whenever you need me, as I have been in the past.”
As our gazes held, his incredible power brushed across my aura, possibly as a warning that confronting him as I had, here in the middle of Faerie, was a dangerous and possibly foolish move. But as he looked into my heart, I knew what he would find there was only the truth of my words. The surrounding groups of fae were standing as quietly as the forest after a heavy snow, their faces all turned toward our silent drama. Lord Caelen sighed and glanced in Aedus' direction, and that's when I allowed myself to relax and breathe normally again.
I was surprised and relieved to feel his hand gently resting over the one I'd placed on his arm. He knew I'd played my trump card, reminding him on the day of his son's greatest joy, that using my healing abilities, I'd saved Aedus' life. But I also hoped he'd understood the depth of my gratitude and respect for the trust and friendship he'd shown to Garrett and myself in the past.
The corners of his mouth twitched but he held the smile in check. “You are both valued allies and friends. I'm sorry if you felt there was any doubt. You are right to remind me, Jacqueline.” The warmth had returned to his eyes as they looked from me to Garrett to both of his sons and his new daughter with her hand on her belly. “Today is a day to celebrate and to put aside other worries. Good journey to you both.” He smiled, nodded once more and left.
Liam and Aedus were grinning like chimps. Aedus shook his head saying, “I know you weren't using healing energy, but you touched Father's heart. You have a magic of your own not connected to the lines.”
“It's a cheetah thing.” Garrett gave me a hug.
Liam said, looking contrite, “Brother, I'm sorry to say I'm back on the black sheep list, so you can wear the tee shirt again.”
“Tee shirt?”
“You know—the one in my closet that says 'Favorite Son'.”
Aedus pretended to scowl. “That shirt has never left my closet except for the times when you sneaked in to steal it.” They both broke out in laughter as if all the tension of a moment ago had been only a dream. “You're the black sheep because you choose to be. Father already misses you and you've only been gone a few days.”
“I'll be back and forth. I can't stay away for long. My mother is here.”
I spoke up with an idea. “Why don't you two come and help us move Liam into his new house next week? Kellaine is coming too.”
“I would love that!” Philladre was beaming, her eyes glittering excitedly. Aedus pulled her closer with an indulgent smile, but she pushed herself away. “As future Cascade Fae Elders we should not isolate ourselves from other supernatural groups.”
Aedus tilted his head and kissed her cheek. “The entire spectrum of supernaturals reside at Garrett's house. You'll get quite an education.”
Garrett laughed and I giggled saying, “Philladre, let me tell you about our team.”